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Posts posted by ghost

  1. Yikes sounds painful.

    I had a food dream.

    My family went into a really nice restaurant. It was built on a deck on a pond. My dad complained about the prices being way too high. Everyone in my family ordered food except me (because I hadn't decided yet) but the waitress put in the order anyways. The waitress was this Asian cashier from real life (one time at gap, my mom and this lady cashier got into a bit of a fight). Anyways, the food came out and I then asked the very handsome European and bald waiter if I could order my food. I ordered some kind of noodle dish with red peppers (because it was cheaaap).

  2. Oh snap. Sorry to hear that.

    I made an order with PS last week and it turned out okay for me. Mm, I remember, EMS gives you some trouble huh?

    Airmail's a good option too. It just sucks that pretty much all Japanese shops only use EMS.

  3. Totally. At least, I can say that for shipping to the US.

    Closet Child has never failed me. They have really good customer service.

    I just received my first Puresound order a few days ago and it was perfect as well.

    Only thing is with Puresound they don'T accept paypal. You have to go through a separate credit card company that processes the payment. Not bad, but just not good if you want to use paypal.

    If you want, I can PM you in more detail if you decide to buy from them. ; )

  4. My first Puresound package arrived (minus the GazettE DVD. I got that somewhere else)! For anyone curious, everything went well.



    Dir en grey - Jealous (First Press w/ trading card and black sleeve)

    Dir en grey - [KR] Cube (First Press w/ sticker)

    Dir en grey - Taiyou no Ao (First Press w/ shiny cover)

    D'espairsRay - Itanji

    born - Red Hot Cobra

    the GazettE - M.R.D. (First Press W/ trading card) 

  5. Quick question!

    From my knowledge, there are 2 versions of the "Kaede if trans" VHS Crystal Box.

    Does anyone know about the exact differences between the 2?



    As far as I've read, it seems the differences are mostly visual, but the content is practically the same.

    Any help on this would be much appreciated!

  6. Had a gruesome dream last night.

    Please don'the read if you're squeamish.

    The crew from the Matrix were being ripped apart by hellspawn.

    Everyone was in some office room having a meeting. Neo, in his "bald and naked" form from after he gets "freed", gets a hole blown through him, his spine falls out, and the hellspawn fly out from the hole. They start attacking everyone in the room and break all the windows. Then fire started to fill the room. I vividly remember Agent Smith getting his head ripped off.

    Not a good dream : ( But, good horror film material maybe?

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