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Posts posted by ghost

  1. So I gave "Shadows" a listen and overall I like it. It needs to sink in more but the first impression I got was that, as an album, it's a better listen than "The Avoided Sun".

    But, I feel like the latter has more standout tracks in line with my tastes.

    I've only listened through "Shadows" once though + I haven't listened to everything else so...

  2. That's sounds really interesting. 

    French movie right?


    Yeah, I myself am more a fan of paranormal and ghost type movies.

    They're really creepy and, depending on the imagery, can really haunt you afterwards. (lookin' at Exorcist and Grudge).

    What are some good one's you've seen?

    I would recommend some but I have a feeling like you've probably seen all the ones I have +more.

  3. Good job facing your fears beni!

    Eraser Head's a weird one! It definitely stands out from other films I've seen but it's not one of those movies I've wanted to watch again.

    Speaking of chainsaw, i just watched the 'series' up to the 2003 remake and....I dunno, it feels like the series took a turn.

    As I mentioned, 2 was great. It expanded upon the events set in the first film and added in some black comedy.

    3 was just ok, but there were actually some great parts. Viggo Mortensen's in this! Aragorn, son of Arathorn, king of men and a brother to Elves!

    Anywho, I actually watched this in 2 sittings. The first 20 minutes or so kind of bored me. But, the movie gets alot more interesting. There's a cat and mouse-like chase scene in a forest with Leatherface and our protagonists and, surprisingly, the movie gets really suspenseful and had me hooked. There is some crazy family stuff later in the film, but it's not long enough and I wish they added more scenes. I don't want to see a re-hash of the first 2 films, but something extra, I think, would have made the movie even better.

    4 is when you start to wonder what's going on with the series. Group of students at prom get entangled with the Leatherface family and craziness ensues. But everything is louder and people are more dramatic. The characters aren't as memorable, the acting from the kids are horribly directed, and Leatherface is changed to be a whiney drag queen.

    By the way, Matthew friggen McConaughey and Renee Zellweger are in this. They're the only reason to see this IMO. Everything else just sort of falls flat and nothing is explained.

    The 2003 remake bored me. Back then I think I would've had nightmares but it's full of stupid people making bad decisions. The bad guys are always somehow bending the rules like not making any noise when walking (to generate jumps scares) and, in running parts, somehow being right behind the main character despite being blocked by something or stuck or hurt.

    For me it's not a matter of "is it 100% faithful to the original" because no it's not. And that's fine with me because this one was made to be different using the original as a springboard for inspiration. All the original elements are there, it's just told differently. So, in a way it's actually a good remake. This movie is a lot darker and delves deeper into the goriness of the situation rather than the mad house family insanity. That being said, it's not too bad (although there's one cringe worthy scene). There are memorable characters like the sheriff and the acting is good.

    Maybe a bit outdated but good enough for 1 or 2 spins. I think I'm just conditioned to Michael Bay's directing.

  4. Thanks for the answers!

    It's nice to know they're consistent but not necessarily in a boring way.

    I guess it's sort of like the GazettE as of late? Not amazing and may not be as good as you remember, but still enjoyable.

  5. Hey ya'lls Lynch fans,

    I'm just getting into the band and was wondering if people could recommend their favorite song/releases by them.

    So far I've listened to "The Avoided Sun" and "a grateful shit" and soon will give "Shadows" and "Greedy dead souls" a listen.


    I like what I heard in the first half of "The Avoided Sun" and loved "a grateful shit".

    I have even higher expectations after hearing that "Shadows" and "Greedy dead souls" are their best releases. (more so "Shadows" than Gds tho)


    How are their newer albums and how do they compare to their older work?

    Looking around the forum it sounds like their newer work is just about average, but do people somewhat enjoy them? 

  6. I agree!

    That bridge scene was so awesome! It was ridiculous but come on...you can't deny that stuff like that made the movie unforgetable

    On a side note, I thought A Serbian Film was terrible too. I couldn't watch through most of it, just skipped. (Also, I found it on YouTube whta the heck..)

    I've always been too scared to watch Martyrs. I've seen all Saws so how would you compare the disturbance level with those films?

    Have you Seen The Collector? I had high hopes for it based on a review from a couple guys I enjoy and usually agree with. But I thought the film came up really short.

  7. I just watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 last night and maaan was it gooood.

    It was a lot more goofy than the first one ,making it sort of a black comedy, but it still had the crazy psycho atmosphere of the first one.

    I mostly laughed through most of it.

    Artist: APOGEE
    Album: OUT OF BLUE
    Score: :_8/10_:
    If you like to dance then OUT OF BLUE may be for you.

    Serendipitous moments in life are my favorite. You’ll be going about your usual way and then run into a band like APOGEE. They’re a four-man powered synth-pop group with heavy influences from New Wave and 80’s music. And, their music is very danceable.

    We’re introduced to the album with "Runaway Summer", a fairly slow track but exciting enough to make you tap your feet. The chorus is simple but catchy and you’ll find yourself singing along every time it plays. And, those syncopated synth chords will undoubtedly bring you back to the 80’s. Things really get down with "Tonight". It opens with a double bass and snare blast and launches you into a groove so infectious you’ll wish there was a dance floor nearby. The use of electric guitar adds a nice edgy sound to the song too. It’s a really fun track and I find myself coming back to it a lot. The only drawback for me is the rather abrupt ending.


    "Losing You" keeps the album’s energy going but brings a more sobering mood to the album. It features a catchy little electronic cadence and some really great vocal work in the second melody. "Out of Blue" slows the pace down but retains the groove from prior songs. It’s relaxing and the swelling synths add an otherworldly atmosphere. As a side-note, the filter used on the vocals reminds me of vocals from the band Electric Light Orchestra.

    The New Wave influences are a lot more apparent in "Twilight Arrow" from the wonky bass line to the various clinks and clanks of metallic electronic noises. There’s a steady rhythm set by the kick drum and in the chorus everything flows together nicely. Near the end, the song picks up into something funkier and breaks out into an exciting sequence. The synths here can be a little obnoxious though. "Fall into the Sky" is a wonderful ballad that combines a traditional Japanese sound with their electronic synth sound. It’s split into two parts, a milder soft section that focuses on the vocals and a more powerful section that emphasizes the synth and other instruments. I love the sampled voice they use in the beginning (and later throughout the song); it adds a very cute and Japonesque quality to the song without breaking the mood.


    After all that build up I’m ready for something upbeat. But instead, "A Boy in the river" is next. By no means is it a bad song though. It’s a laid-back track that continues off the more traditional Japanese sound. Simple and short, A Boy in the river is a nice casual listen. The album does pick up again with "Fictionalizer". It begins strong with the synth and drums and maintains a steady pace. About halfway through though, I had hoped that the song would come to some sort of climax, but the same melody and rhythm kept playing. It repeats three times and the song goes nowhere. It’s a bit of a downer to be honest.

    We finally come to the close of the album with "Transit". It’s another ballad but plays entirely off their electronic sound. In fact, it reminds me of the disbanded electro-rock/new wave band school food punishment. It starts with one note, held forever. It grows louder and louder, intensifying. Another note joins in. It keeps growing louder and louder until the songs starts and the note slowly fades away. When the song starts, it’s a slow and steady rhythm with a repeating keyboard cadence. For much of the song, the same melancholy beat and melody is played. But, when it gets to the chorus, the vocals become a beautiful A Capella. It’s the perfect calm ending to the album.


    APOGEE is a fun band. They make fun music that a lot of people can enjoy, and they do a fantastic job of mixing in different influences while staying unique. OUT OF BLUE is an album that stands well as an entire package and by its individual songs. I came upon the album by chance but it’ll definitely stay with me for years to come. Now let’s go hit dat dance floor.

  9. Wow that's a toughy.

    I'd say sex though because I absolutely CANNOT live without music.

    But then again, I want children. But, I live for music so....

    wow -k∆- way to ask an impossible question!

    I think at this time I would say No sex Yes music. I've never been "physical" so it's hard to say for me.



    Would you stop doing something you like (i.e. eating sweets, listening music, etc.) for one month if a family member or friend asked you to?

  10. Vampires because they're into that mmm kinky stuff. But I'm talking like original Dracula, Castlevania, etc. None of that Twilight poop with sparkle skin and teenage drama.

    Also Dracula can shapeshift into a bat, wolf, and fog.


    I also love werewolves. That transformation sequence in "An American Werewolf in London" gave me nightmares as a kid.

  11. Nope totally normal. 
    I feel the same way. Guess you could say you're/I'm just empathetic.


    There was a time when I would always forget to rinse the soap from my left armpit while taking a shower. It was pretty consistent too.

    Is that weird?

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