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Posts posted by ghost

  1. Hi all,

    I just got a batch of CDS and one of them, GULLET's "hidden baby",  seems to have audio 'damage'. You can hear crackling at some points throughout the song (and I know from comparing to other rips it is not supposed to have this crackle). I put damage in quotes because the disc is perfectly clean, no scratches or smudges.

    Also, I can't rip music from the CD.

    The only thing I can think of that might be the cause of the noise is that the disc is see-through. Maybe the disc-reader has trouble scanning the data? Only thing is, I have other discs like that and they play perfectly fine and I can rip music from them.

    So, my only conclusion is that it's a manufacturing issue.

    Any knowledge about this issue would much appreciated and helpful :'(

    Thanks in advance.



  2. Hi all,

    I just got a batch of CDS and one of them, GULLET's "hidden baby",  seems to have audio 'damage'. You can hear crackling at some points throughout the song (and I know from comparing to other rips it is not supposed to have this crackle). I put damage in quotes because the disc is perfectly clean, no scratches or smudges.


    Also, I can't rip music from the CD.


    The only thing I can think of that might be the cause of the noise is that the disc is see-through. Maybe the disc-reader has trouble scanning the data? Only thing is, I have other discs like that and they play perfectly fine and I can rip music from them.

    So, my only conclusion is that when the disc was originally burned there was some kind of issue.


    Any knowledge about this issue would much appreciated and helpful :'(

    Thanks in advance.



  3. Thanks  -k∆-!

    Yeah, I think you're right. 

    If I had more time/footage I think I would've treated each segment as its own video instead, but since I had so little footage I decided to make this more of an "events within the past 24 hours" type video. Appreciate the feedback : )

  4. My best medium is video and music so I thought I'd post some of my work here.
    Here's my most recent work. Finished just this morning!
    Falling into Winter


    Fall has passed and Winter is now here to stay.
    I wanted to capture the essence of these seasons using my home as the setting. 
    Because, after all, isn't home the place we all gather to enjoy this time of year?


    All video was shot and edited by me.
    All music was written and recorded by me.
    The food, however, was not made by me.

  5. Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic flames and the couch started transforming into something sexy

  6. Nevermind, after a quick google search,
    "Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy"


    "An asexual person is a person who doesn't feel any kind of sexual attraction" 



    I will boot myself from this thread accordingly ^^
    @Beni: Sorry to hear that Beni : ( Not gonna lie that's really low. That 'boy' was rude and insensitive.
    Your signature gif is hilarious btw X)

    @satetsu: lololol

  7. Also, to answer your second question, yes I think ace people can see Vkei differently than non-ace.

    Assuming that I'm ace, I think it's gross when bands do fan service by kissing each other *BlEcH!*

    But on youtube you see other fans say things like "OMGGgGgggG that's so HaWttT!"

    Or "I would so do the vocalist!♡"

    My thoughts are "You don't even know him!"

  8. I'm curious, does this make me asexual??

    I totally have a sex drive, and am even quite perverted, but have never had sex or been in a relationship.

    I'm totally open to sex but only in a marriage where I know it'll be just me and her. Once I'm married, no holding back ; )(So, hoping my other will be a virgin, cuz don't wanna share...you know..)

    But, I don't really like hugging girls, it makes me feel uncomfortable. Kinda bad (and good) thing is everyone in my church hugs each other as a greeting. I try to go for side hugs unless it's a friend I'm pretty comfortable with.

    So, I like the idea of sex and am sexually attracted to women, but that's not the first thing I think of and I care more about the social aspect of a relationship than the physical.

  9. I don't mind being single. It's just, most of the time, I really need someone to hug but everyone I know either hates hugs or has some kind of excuse when I ask to be hugged. D':

    Oh my god, nobody wants a hug from me *cries*



    Single life is great. More money for rarez!

    Jk. If you have some great same gender friends it ain't so bad.

    But it starts to get less great when they start dating :/

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