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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. I miss VanessA they were way better than mejibray in my opinion.

    1. blackdoll


      psd is tsu & koi's best

  2. lichtlune

    Did Yohio get some kind of plastic surgery by the way? He's just too pretty and looks very Japanese to me.
  3. lichtlune

    God that is really bad though. What ever happened to them? Please never do that again.
  4. lichtlune

    Sounds better than anything new I've heard from them. I still miss their heavier darker image and sound though.
  5. If you want to start out with something soft I recommend soul cry, guilt trip, rain falls, abase, 17歳の孤独, reminiscence, etc.
  6. Is this a different part of the song or was it re-recorded?
  7. lichtlune

    I gave up on them for a few years and didn't pay attention to them. What are some notable and good releases from the band?
  8. lichtlune

    I like this one a little more than the last ones. I don't really like the contacts I bought so I went more natural. I might buy some white ones again soon. Also dyed my hair black again because the brown was looking gross. Still no shirt but I cropped it a bit more. You're going to have to get used to the idea that I don't like shirts and I don't have nice clothes.. :/ lol
  9. lichtlune

    I love your nails and leggings.
  10. C'est~La~vie Is sooo underrated. If you like old vk please give them a try.

    1. Senedjem


      They had a pretty unique atmosphere production-wise, as did oxbxjx or however you spell it

    2. Naaaaani


      C'est~La~vie = obxjxe = awesome

  11. lichtlune

    What's up with European kei and mustaches? Quit it.
  12. I don't think I can laugh at this one...
  13. Honestly I don't think they pull off the older style that well.. And I don't really like their vocalist still. His voice bothers me for some reason.
  14. Is this april fools or something? What will happen with eriza? And about his voice sounding bad... It seemed better in those eriza live recordings I heard.
  15. "The file selected is too large. Max 1024kB" But it's 255 kb's...

    1. yakihiko


      This happen with me too. Useless, I try on phone or pc same thing.

  16. lichtlune

    I'm glad to see prince on there. Definitely one of his best imo. There won't be any re-recordings on this but it would be interesting.
  17. I want first period of el-Ethnic Legist back :/

  18. lichtlune

    You can say that you don't like him but I think to say he's talentless is very ignorant. He composed many great songs throughout his career. At least from a technical point of view. Anyway you should stop being such a negative nancy.
  19. http://visualscandal3.blogspot.com/ Why don't sites like these at least post links to buy the music if you're just going to post all of the music there... To help the artists...
    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      They should...

    2. ricchubunny


      i dont even know why you guys keep caring on this. It wont ever change. Forget it and support your favorite artists by yourself.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      the difference is that here people actually spend money on releases to support the artist and rip and upload for the people here, VS3 does not and I'm willing to bet they've never uploaded/posted anything that any of them have ever spent a dime of their own money on. Now I'm not saying that everyone who posts in the DL section here buys there stuff but there is a good amount who do.

    4. Show next comments  123 more
  20. This sounds good... I'll give it a try when It comes out.
  21. lichtlune

    This sounds AMAZING! I'm definitely buying this. Why don't you tell that to kamijo who's more or less had the same thing going on since the 90s. This look is still a little different than his last one. And he probably is poor as fuck. Like many indie bands are.
  22. Easily one of the best visual kei releases of the year in my opinion and I think it deserves some kind of review. 1: 失い(Ushinai) - A very solid opening song! Honestly very solid all the way throughout. - 8.5/10 2: I'M SHIT NOODLE ,BUT... I'M SHIT NOODLE , BUT... I'm not a bad song! I kind of expected a heavier filler track and that's pretty much what we got here. A pretty damn good filler track at that. Main riff kind of reminds me of VanessA's " -散歌-retrospection". - 8/10 3: ETERNAL SLEEP Probably one of the best ballad type songs I've heard jin sing since nega's "reminiscence". - 9/10
  23. Eternal sleep is definitely the best song on the new black swan single for me. TOO GOOD.

  24. lichtlune

    I like it... I like the deep voice. Of course it isn't polished but it's genuine. There's potential here.
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