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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. lichtlune

    Very good.
  2. lichtlune

    You have it? Well there's a video section on the download forum I'm sure a lot of people would like to see it.
  3. I'm really glad to see bands going to the crowd funding route. I'm excited to hear the new mini album. I'm wondering though. Do they have a large enough following in japan and overseas to reach that crowd funding goal?
  4. lichtlune

    So... I'm kind of wondering when we'll see a new music video with the new members. Didn't they have a preview of one at one point?
  5. It sounds really good really wish jabell worked out.
  6. I really love all of the past bands of black gene members but their music... it doesn't really interest me. I hope they go a different direction with san joining.
  7. What the fuck? I hope this is a sign of something new with their music. I'm looking forward to this.
  8. lichtlune

    I have to get to the sex part first and then we'll talk.
  9. I picked 4 but I can only see Shadow and ジプシー Being in my library permanently.
  10. How am I just now figuring this out? (About the new member). I'm looking forward to this!
  11. I'll give it a quick listening when it comes out but I'm not expecting anything really.
  12. lichtlune

    And the "trolls" and spammers are mostly youtube's fault for fucking up the commenting system anyway. I think it's wrong to mute your fans though.
  13. I've known about them for a long time but never really gave them a solid try. What are their best releases?
  14. lichtlune

    That's a pretty good cover actually.
  15. lichtlune

    I think the only way the videos look better is with effects, better font, things like that but other than that old videos seemed way better to me. They also seemed to have an actual concept and weren't all filmed indoors. Just look at that Gazette pv or example. The setting is so unique. I haven't seen anything like that too much to be honest. Usually they're filmed in a simple white room or a very small rented out space with cheap props. I feel that videos are very underrated in the effect they can create. Visual Kei is supposed to be "visual" after all so you'd think videos would be more important. I agree that a lot of visual kei bands simply don't know what they're doing in regards to heavier music. I think because a lot of the time they are just following a trend. I don't guess they really care to accurately represent these musical styles so much. (I'm enjoying Crimson Shiva btw)
  16. I can tell you about some interesting projects that should be happening this year. There's "More" which is fronted by ex sugar vocalist Loki, Ex UnsraW vocal Yuki new band "Eriza", Kyouka is having a new band called "insanity injection". There's also dead children which is Ray's new band (Another ex Nega member). Oh and Lin reformed as a second unit with megaromania members and sui as vocalist. Most of these are veteran regroups though. I honestly don't think there's many promising young groups coming out. Mejibray hasn't been mentioned yet. They aren't super great in my opinion but seem relatively popular around here. I think they have a few good songs in their discography but you'll have to dig deep.
  17. lichtlune

    We've all talked about early 90s/00s but I'm really starting to miss the era of about 2004-2010. I feel like this was another golden age of a lot of great bands which will hold the test of time. I'm sure you guys could give some other examples but I figured I'd share some of my favorites from that time. The gazette of old days were very good and a definite high point of that era. And Nightmare I think got a lot of fans into Japanese music back when Deathnote was big. Definitely were a big part for me. UnsraW were another favorite of mine and I was sad to see them go. I think they deserved more videos and attention. Early ScreW Honorable mentions, Skull, VanessA, Early Versailles, Phantasmagoria, DIO, Kagrra, and many others. Whether or not the music is "better" is subjective but I will say one thing. I think a major flaw of newer vk and a lot of jrock music in general is production. I don't know if their equipment is worse, the mixing is worse, or a combination of both but a lot of music from that era just sounds better. The bass and drums are punching, the music is felt, and they aren't so dull. There's a lot of power and emotion in it and it shows. There has been a lot of greater recent bands but their sound just doesn't match up with their talent I think. I can't be the only one who feels this way can I? Generally I just feel the music and videos were recorded and distributed better. I understand that the scene has to change but I feel like the future has become too overproduced and too synthesized. The bands don't really sound like bands to me anymore.
  18. lichtlune

    Copy and paste nega riff, chugcore, average vocals. I was hoping for more. :/ How is this awesome? Man either I've lost my ears or people are just easily impressed. I'm not enjoying the deathcore influences of modern vk.
  19. lichtlune

    Toshi's voice doesn't really match well with kyo's on that sample ;p Well maybe it'll be good I don't know I guess we'll see.
  20. Glad the site is back up! :D

  21. lichtlune

    It does look like a Moi dix Mois track list I though so too haha
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