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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. Versailles didn't disband though. As far as I'm concerned they're on hiatus. That's the information I got. Lin was also on hiatus.
  2. If they still feel that they have the same spark as before I say they should revive. Kamijo seems to still have some spark even though his voice is deteriorating. Hizaki just looks bored out there most of the time. I'm not so sure about the others. Maybe this is why they wanted to break up though. So they could do the power metal stuff? Perhaps they'll go back to their roots if they come back.
  3. How are their sells in comparison to Versailles? Also I'm curious how much kamijo sells in comparison to jupiter.. I'm sure a revival would form a lot of hype and sales for a late 2015/2016 Versailles album. I think it would be cool if the band revived under jupiters current label. They seem to have a bigger budget than warner japan Versailles.
  4. Jupiter has released a few albums, Kamijo has released quite a lot of music as well. It's 2015 and the members aren't getting any younger. Do you guys think the band will be coming back anytime soon? Maybe someone can update us on some hints, rumors, something about them at this point? Or maybe someone can translate something? I don't know. I just figured its about time to talk about it. It's been over 2 years since their hiatus hasn't it? Is this going to be a malice mizer type of deal or are they actually coming back soon? Wondering if there's any new information out.
  5. Around 2009 I guess. Don't know if I'm a veteran within the monochrome heaven community yet maybe in a few years.
  6. lichtlune

    Yeah... maybe san will do something better now.
  7. It seems not many bands go all out in costume and crazy hair anymore... It's kind of sad in a way. I miss the intricate makeup styles, the spikey hair, the chains and collars, all of that. Also the music doesn't appear to be very hard either but that's another matter. I feel there are less and less newer bands with this edgier style and music. What do you all think? (I put up an UnsraW pic for reference as well but it keeps appearing and disappearing.)
  8. lichtlune

    So he's still ruining his voice with the autotune bullshit. Not interested.
  9. lichtlune

    A new vk band that actually looks kind of cool. Wonder if their music will be good.
  10. lichtlune

    Basically nobody ever shared them so we have no idea what they sound like. Except for that ONE song on youtube that's been there since ever.
  11. I think there's nothing to be ashamed about. I've had some bad projects and I'm also in an old school vk influenced project that I formed online through this site. Every band has been shit when they first started out. It takes a lot balls to put yourself out there and to try. It's a lot easier to just sit back behind your computer and say "Lol look at these sucky weeaboo poserz" Than to try it yourself. I do appreciate this thread though and I think it's cool to share music in this way bad or not. All forms of criticism can help a band. I listen to criticism and try to become better with it. Although some people just like to be assholes too. My band is still working on an album and I look forward to hearing all of your criticism or impressions when it's finished. I'll even post it in the "Truly crappy western vk" thread here. I'd also like to say that no matter how shit I feel about my past or new works I do it all because of my love for music and expression. A lot of people are afraid to put themselves out there but the good artists continue to do so and continue to grow. Most of the people in these bands are teenagers or very young and inexperienced. Take a look at some of your beloved Jrock bands at the same age, level of equipment, etc and you probably won't see much better.
  12. Mizaly is such a cutie. Also I wish kamijo would go all out with white hair. Or go back to brown again.
  13. lichtlune

    This album is not slaying anything. Most of the songs seem obviously rushed and uninspired. I really like moon a lot though also Perverted Martyr is okay. Going to have to listen to it further to write up a full review.
  14. lichtlune

    I wish Japanese people weren't so uptight about recordings at their lives and things. There's so many of these live only projects and things going on in japan that we can't hear. Would love if there were more live recordings of one off lives like this one.
  15. Hizaki really stands out in the group. I guess he was going for that look?
  16. lichtlune

    Wow that phantom of the opera cover is amazing... I wish it were good quality.
  17. I'm liking some of the softer songs. Overall it's sounding underwhelming so far.
  18. I don't like the feeling of someone being obligated to me. I would love someone who wouldn't marry me but would love me as a person and choose to be with me for their life not because some contract says so. Although I might actually do it if I find the right person and they insisted on it. Still I don't want to live the life of everyone else. If it happens I would like it to be unique to us.
  19. The drums definitely are sounding better. Overall the music is much better I'm looking forward to the album.
  20. lichtlune

    The audio doesn't really match up with the video much. Also yeah Yomi's voice has gotten weird...
  21. lichtlune

    Just now saw this, why are they on hiatus? I was starting to really like them.
  22. All the bands go to LA... I need to get over there :c There's nothing in texas...
  23. This sounds really good! I'm excited.
  24. lichtlune

    But no we're super duper mega cereal this time guiz
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