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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. No it hasn't been re-recorded but we plan to re-record it for the album we're working on now same with merry-go-round as well more than likely. I don't know how to answer your other question as i don't compose the songs myself. Anyway i appreciate your feedback on it.
  2. lichtlune

    1: Yami no Lion - Solid track i don't have much to say about it. (7.5/10) 2: Bastille - What is this mess? And thought this was supposed to be the heaviest song of his career? The songs on noble and gekkakou from jubilee beat this. (5.5/10) 3: Unmei - Rehash of old material but it's passable. I can literally hear kamijo spit in the mic at the "watashi wa" part though. Maybe you should have done a retake there kamibro? (7/10)
  3. Liking the full version
  4. Still waiting for him to reach jubilee status again. (And no Unmei doesn't count) It always sounds like he's forcing it like there's too much throat in his voice.
  5. There were already many red flags from the beginning with the whole "slow pace" and members still having health issues they obviously weren't ready for a comeback. It's a shame because i was really looking forward to this. Bands just can't hold it together anymore... Why is it that a band with so many connections to the scene has this much trouble anyway? Is it really that difficult in japan?
  6. What ever happened to Drosera Oblaat's music anyway? I'd like to hear that single they were supposed to release or did release idk?
  7. Thanks this helps a lot.
  8. A few examples of what i mean I guess it's some kind of distortion i don't know how it's done but I've always wanted to try this effect for some of my bands songs but could never figure out how it's done. Are there any programs or vst's for similar effects?
  9. But no he decided to do a Destiny -The lamers- self cover for the next single instead Did he forget he used to be in lareine?
  10. Yeah kamijo needs a budget upgrade in the PV department. Tired of seeing him in shitty pv's. He deserves another serenade or ascendead master type of pv.
  11. Dystopia full single http://www.mediafire.com/download/2dqywodywo131yn/Dystopia.zip Tracklist: 1: Dystopia 2: Merry-Go-Round I want to thank Pandabear for mixing help on "Merry-Go-Round" I'd like to hear your opinions We're still improving and learning.
  12. I've fallen in love with kamijo all over again...
  13. I thought they were an official band?
  14. lichtlune

    I like the sound
  15. lichtlune

    I'm not the only person on this thread to post a reply of three or less words but ok. Basically i thought the preview and look was kinda meh. There more than three words.
  16. lichtlune

    Nothing new but it sounds alright this time.
  17. lichtlune

    Lol what? that was referring to this project.
  18. lichtlune

    bored... *yawn*
  19. lichtlune

    Yeah LA has all of the cool events gotta move there :c
  20. We have found a new member/composer for the band and are working on an album but may be looking for a bass player if anyone is interested. We just ask that you have your own recording equipment and can show us a demo of some sort of your playing. Here's a demo of our first song. It's just the beginning and this song will be recorded again for the album. Still this is an idea of the sound we're going for. But there will be a lot of variety in the album. https://soundcloud.com/user9042561/dystopia
  21. Did he record other side of the moon again? i remember it sounding better than it is.
  22. lichtlune

    Being in an actual relationship outside of long distance on the internet seems impossible for me. Firstly I'm picky as hell. And finding someone with even a few of the qualities i like is very hard for me. I'm usually only attracted to asian women most of the time and there has to be some sort of connection when it comes to music or some other interest that we can share together. Otherwise i just don't see the point. Eventually whatever short term feelings i have will most likely fade away with time if we have nothing special to share together that we are both passionate about. And then there's Health, hygiene, good character, attractiveness, intelligence, wisdom, open-mindedness, etc which are all important qualities too that someone HAS to have for anything to work long term. Another thing is I've literally lived out in the middle of nowhere and haven't made much contact with anyone let alone any girls around here for more than a couple years by now. Luckily I'm in college now but it's still not enough. I don't think I'll find someone special in some hick town community college. It's sad because i feel that i have a lot to give emotionally and I'm not unattractive or anything. (not being vain) Top all of that off with a little bit of social anxiety and social awkwardness and I'm pretty much hopeless for the time being lol. I've tried to tough it out and pretend that i don't need any real friends, love, and things but really i get so lonely and wish i could experience love. My only way out of this is to just keep working hard towards my dreams and goals and hopefully that person will show up somewhere. Really looking forward to being able to drive and also moving away from this small little town soon.
  23. lichtlune

    Texas here too... sucks. Hoping to meet some friends or some other interesting people at some cons and things when i start driving more.
  24. I really hope this doesn't end up being a let down. Yanagi has had these health issues for a very long time i hope they go away soon.
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