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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. I like these kind of band pictures more actually. They look more natural and less photoshoped to hell.
  2. Well I've met some few people that have said just that. A lot of people DO listen to music on youtube primarily. In fact I've had some people ask me to upload some of my own work onto youtube lol.
  3. I say if you have the money to spare then you should be buying some albums or singles or whatever from your favorite artists or the artists you feel need it most. Obviously buying everything would get expensive. But not all of us have the money to spare. I live with my parents still, college student, i am pretty poor and I've been wearing the same clothes for a couple of years now. I need the money. I'll support in whatever way i can without paying and I'll buy an album every now and then if i have money to spare but i don't feel like i or others should be demonized for not buying music. Even if you buy no music at all. Another thing to mention is most visual kei fans are college students or kids living with their parents right? You just can't expect the people within those demographics to pay up. Aren't those the least likely to have money to spare? That's probably why vk is doing so poorly and why xodiack failed in their efforts. Times are changing however and the more accessible the music is made for free the more likely people are to download it instead. I think digital releases and crowd funding websites are the best way to the future.
  4. lichtlune

    Ba dum tsss
  5. Sounds great so far what was everyone worried about?
  6. lichtlune

    I like him ^^ If i can find some instrumental songs maybe I'll think about it.
  7. lichtlune

    Yeah someone else said the same thing about it sounding like i was singing quietly. And thank you ^^ I'll continue working on it.
  8. https://soundcloud.com/user9042561/malice-mizer-gardenia-vocal-cover-by-neo Let me know what you think
  9. lichtlune

    When i say shock i don't necessarily mean "Oh such spookz i can't handle dis ahhh" You know what i mean. avant-garde, crazy, unusual, experimental, in your face, SHOCKING, whatever. oh and that's because horror movies are awful these days and don't understand how atmosphere or ambiance works. Cheapo jump scares isn't horror. It's shocking initially but only because your eardrums are physically assaulted usually. I don't know how to exactly explain it but I'm just talking about the essence of what visual kei used to be maybe shocking isn't the right word i don't know. I didn't expect this to grow into a separate thread or to be put on the spot like this. Truth is i don't know how to explain it i guess, there's my answer. Ikna does a better job.
  10. Yeah but the twitter followers are very low.
  11. https://www.facebook.com/insanityinjection?ref=profile I don't remember where i found this page but all of the updates are in english and there was a post that read "Once we get at least 100 likes and 100 twitter followers we may announce something new..." So i guess if this is legit then why haven't we all liked this already?
  12. lichtlune

  13. lichtlune

    Wow who are the last band? i didn't know glam was like this but i don't know much about glam. Never claimed to know much about glam. I guess i was wrong but i don't understand why blackdoll has to be a prick about it. whatever i have nothing else to discuss.
  14. lichtlune

    I've never seen any western bands that look like that you should show me some. I am not too familiar with the glam scene back then but KISS do not look kote kei lol they're not embracing their Japanese characteristics? please. Japan took glam and made it as their own. completely transformed it into visual kei music. The only bands that were truly influenced by glam metal and things we're x japan, loudness and those other 80s bands. After that i don't see the comparison to glam as much. I mean you can see it a little bit but its not too similar in my opinion. And even if those 80s bands like x japan were "imitating" the west they still had their own distinctive sound and style. I still don't see the similarities... they both have puffy hair and dark makeup that's it. Still different looks. newer visual kei bands aren't any more less "shitty" than those older bands they just have cleaner produced music. You give newer bands the same amount of equipment aliene probably had to work with and you'd get a much different result.
  15. lichtlune

    Some examples of what i mean by "shocking" with visual kei. I don't know how to add the spoiler tag to hide some of those so i apologize if its a big post. what would a band have to do to shock me? I don't know spit out some blood and just go nuts or something. whatever fits the concept. Maybe the "shocking" value wares off with time but it's still cool to see a musician go crazy sometimes. I don't know why but its fun to watch. I'd also like to see more intricate and creepy costumes and horror elements in the music. I never see that with visual kei or any artists for that matter. I think one of the better bands at doing this was "Aliene ma'riage" they have this 18 minute track full of all kinds of horror movie sounding stuff and ambiance throughout and it made my skin crawl a little hearing it for the first time. Of course there are those cheap halloween-like bands though. I don't understand why it wouldn't be possible to be shocking in 2014 it would just take a lot of effort and know how.
  16. lichtlune

    Yes to an extent but i still think the labels hold the music back just a little at least. I'm not asking for the same music of that time to appear again but rather I'd like to hear the artists as they are without all of the studio tampering and things. I don't mind change as long as its for the best. I still have my old school gems and no one can take those away from me. I'm okay with the past as it is. That doesn't mean i will accept visual kei like it is today and think there isn't anything wrong with it. I definitely think visual kei has seen better days but that's just me. maybe others think this is the best era of visual kei music i don't know.
  17. lichtlune

    Why wouldn't it matter? Isn't shock the very definition of what visual kei was intended to be? does "Psychedelic violence crime of visual shock" ring any bells? And it doesn't even have to be only about looks, It can be with controversial or taboo lyrics, contrasting themes or ideas, blending of musical genre's, etc.
  18. lichtlune

    I think its become less accepted and more difficult to get away with in the Japanese music business. If it were mainstream and accepted i would think we'd see it more often and not only underground bands like La'veil Mizeria doing it. Like i said i think the indie labels are behaving more and more like the major ones and the artists seem to have less control. Maybe the vk industry going down is part of that too. Visual kei doesn't seem to be as popular anymore. I think the artists have the talent and artistic vision to be great though but the labels hold too many restrictions on the artists. If bands like the gazette, versailles or an cafe were still rocking like never before and undercode was in good shape like it was visual kei music would be doing well. I think visual kei is missing those "Super groups" that bring in fans. I'm sick of seeing good bands slowly falter into nothingness or disbanding out of no where. I put the labels at fault.
  19. lichtlune

    I wouldn't really use "Neo Visual kei" as an actual tag of some kind but i do sometimes use this term to describe well new visual kei. Usually the stuff after say 2010 or so come to mind. With the heavy emphasis on metalcore or electronic influences. The music is heavily altered in the studios and the bands don't seem to have as much control with the type of music they want to make. It feels more like pop music in a sense. Visual kei has also lost some of the shock factor that i once loved. The musicians look more like those host boys of japan today. This is what visual kei is supposed to be.
  20. It's new for kamijo, i never said no one ever did it before. Maybe he wanted a break from the formulaic stuff he's been doing since forever? I bet his next single will be the old kamijo yet again. I highly doubt he'll keep this style for a long while. I still have my doubts about this after hearing it some more but we'll see what happens.
  21. lichtlune

    I remember writing him on one of his pages recently sad news ><
  22. HAHA SO FUNNEH RITE? At least I'm not so intolerant and i can appreciate something new anyway I'll hold off further judgment until the full version or a longer preview.
  23. Stop what exactly? this is shaping up to be one of the best vk releases of the year.
  24. lichtlune

    wow this project has gotten good
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