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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. I think it sounds great and exciting I'm sure he'll get back to the noble vampire stuff soon. This is definitely a nice change of pace for the time being though I'm liking it.
  2. Someone clear things up is this an actual band project or not? live only session project? what?
  3. Wowwwww i am very curious how the music will sound now.
  4. lichtlune

    All i can say is i don't know what you people were expecting when they announced this. It sounds good and i think they've captured the atmosphere of old vk really well. I don't understand why people are so critical of anything new and act as if their old songs are perfect little gems and nothing can be done to improve them. I've heard bands pull off the whole "Lo-fi" thing better too, Madeth gray'll and Misery come to mind.
  5. lichtlune

    Recording is better, Iria's voice is better, song is better. Only thing i prefer on the original is maybe the guitar solo. I'm glad both songs exist but this new one seems better to me. Their old songs aren't untouchable you know. A lot of them were very poor quality even for 90s vk. So i think its great that they're re-recording some of their older songs.
  6. lichtlune

    Re:stray is already one of the best songs of the year for me 貴女の罪 is definitely better than the original too.
  7. lichtlune

    The cheap old vk that i love Was iria doing the robot in that video? haha
  8. woah wat? what is he wearing? is that a fur coat? interesting. Maybe this single will be something different like lareine's "Fuyu Tokyo" for example.
  9. lichtlune

    This, I've talked to many girls and even dated some online but when it comes to actually pursuing girls that are in the same state as me its like everyone has a boyfriend.
  10. I wanna hearrrrr it
  11. lichtlune

  12. lichtlune

    So that's the "new" album we've waited years for? Hope not.
  13. lichtlune

    Haha such bullshit, i thought it would be kind of a big deal when i first heard about it a long time ago.
  14. lichtlune

    I don't even care if SCREW does different kinds of music but i hate this commercial overly produced shit and i haven't really been into them in so many years... I really hate the business side of the music industry and i hate so much how it ruins great bands like this. However as much as we'd like to see old SCREW old Versailles, Old gazette or whatever it just isn't going to happen I'm afraid... I hate how in japan bands don't seem to have an identity its basically whatever is the "in" thing at the time and that's what the bands do. Or it seems that the record companies have too much say in the artistic direction. The great thing about painters is that you don't have some big biz folks all up your ass "change this do that!" But with music its a normal thing. Anyway this is the music business and there's no changing it i guess.
  15. lichtlune

    ??? Maybe it has something to do with how a wolf cries at the moon?
  16. Every time i try to give this band a try i hear the same thing again and again. I liked some songs on their debut album like Kikei and tokage but after that... ehhh
  17. lichtlune

    The ballads sound amazing. Really looking forward to this album.
  18. lichtlune

    Pretty much this, still waiting for some new releases and femme fatale seems interesting to me too so far.
  19. I'm sadly unimpressed by all of this. Reminds me more of perestroika/nega's later stuff. I'm glad i didn't get my hopes up for this. Only early undercode nega is good in my opinion.
  20. lichtlune

    Symphony of the vampire wasn't that bad. Definitely way better than the last stuff from versailles or jupiter in my opinion. But i know he can do even better.
  21. Yeah those drums sound bad and most of the instrumentals are pretty messy. I really liked the ending part though.
  22. lichtlune

    I'm curious too because that song that was playing in that video he did sounded way better than this. I still don't understand if G.L.A.M.S was only an art project or musical project... He did some kind of exhibition in europe apparently.
  23. lichtlune

    I wish mikaru would use his deeper tone and growls he had in Dio... He could be one of the best visual kei vocalists.
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