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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gIjK7WllBU Here's the video, Wow they actually used that narrator for the whole thing? totally kills the mood lol
  2. I remember hearing something like this a few years ago but haven't heard anything about it since. Do you guys know what happened to that? what movies was it? Its very vague to me.
  3. lichtlune

    Hmm... I'll try, I'm always staying up all night because of my addiction to the internet and love for the night. argg >< Am i doing it right?
  4. lichtlune

    I like the chorus parts but i really can't get into jupiter for the most part...
  5. Hmmm i hope we'll hear something soon...
  6. The kaya one sounds interesting.
  7. lichtlune

    Wasn't sure if there was a thread on this but i thought it would be another interesting topic. For me I'd have to say a combination of anime growing up and youtube really started it all for me. I liked the intro and outro tracks of deathnote so i decided to look it up on youtube and found Nightmare. I then saw the gazette, dir en grey and some others recommended to me. One thing led to another and here i am. How about you guys?
  8. I thought we'd talk about vocalists There's only so many ways a guitar or set of drums could sound but with vocals its limitless. We all have unique voices for the most part. Its really interesting to hear many different kinds of voices in music. I thought I'd name like a personal top 5 list and kind of see where this goes from here. 1: Kamijo - Lareine/Versailles I complain about him a lot and i haven't been satisfied with everything he's put out the past few years but overall when you take every single track he's ever done and put them together there's a lot of gems to be enjoyed. Its hard to put him any lower. 2: Juka - Moi Dix Mois/VII-Sense/ etc Again when you add up everything he's ever done there's just so many great songs that you can't just forget about. A good portion of his songs have a permanent spot on my ipod and i just don't see myself being able to delete much of his songs anytime soon. 3: KLAHA - Malice Mizer Wish he'd come out of his shell some day. Anyway his vocal work is really nice. Gardenia is a masterpiece. 4: TUSK - ZI:KILL Got into ZI:KILL this year and I'd say they've kind of grown into one of my favorite bands already mostly thanks to TUSK's brilliant voice. 5: Mikaru - DIO - Distraught Ovelord and BLACK LINE DIO wouldn't be much to me if it weren't for mikaru. A great deep tone and one of the best death vocals VK has ever heard in my opinion. He'd be much higher on my list had DIO stayed around a few more years and released a good quality album. Honorable Mentions: Seth/Z/Seiji (Moi Dix Mois Art Cube etc), Kaya (Schwarz Stein), Kyo (Dir en Grey), KoHey (Sleep my Dear) , Asagi (D/JE*REVIENS), Yuuki (UnsraW), And yours?
  9. The preview sounds really nice but i hate that its repeated over and over again i hope it won't be like that during the song some how i doubt it. Anyway I'm excited for this big time (Oh and i never loved schwarz stein either i just found them to be okay)
  10. I always wanted to hear what Kaya's voice was like in a full band setting! I'd like to hear him in an actual rock band sound. Even if its just a Schwarz Stein revival that's really cool!
  11. 1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? A: I don't really buy many or any cd's at all for the time being. At least until i start making some more money. I'm a poor college student but i guess that isn't an excuse to not buy any cd's. 2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands? A: No but i wouldn't mind to have some of those things in the future. 3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter? A: Yes, I follow most of my favorite artists on twitter who have an account there. I also try to translate ameba if i am looking for information about some band members. 4: Would you follow them on the street? A: Hmm... if i just saw them out of the blue walking down the street? part of me would want to go up and say hi but i wouldn't say i would follow them around though lol 5: Dig through their trash? A: Yeah and collect their hair strands.. just kidding 6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life? A: Yes for sure, I'd say visual kei is a part of my heart and way of being. Both aesthetically and the music too is very important to me. 7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music? A: When i finally force myself to learn the language i would love to visit/live there potentially. 8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...? A: Depends... i guess.. 9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? A: Honestly? yeah, it would be cool to get to know some of my favorite artists. 10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)? A: Yep and i have a project influenced by 90s visual kei music so of course.
  12. lichtlune

    I wonder which announcement he will announce at his next announcement.
  13. lichtlune

    Well their OHP is still up with "Please wait." on it. Ice is like a completely different person from eros i don't understand it, if they aren't going to come back ever then they should say it. I wonder if its a "Malice Mizer" hiatus.
  14. lichtlune

    Is it okay to ask band specific questions here? I know eros (his name is ice now?) is in black gene for the next scene now or whatever. I think they're listed as being on hiatus as of now right? I was listening to them lately and i was just curious, does eros have any intentions of returning to xodiack? I think the scene is really missing bands like xodiack and Dio - Distrauhgt Overlord, they weren't your typical chug visual metal kei bands at least not to me. I guess I'm asking what was the latest official status of xodiack? Its been a long time since i heard anything from them. I know they were supposed to release a pv and had a preview and everything for their last album but then it was pulled of the web and never seen again.
  15. lichtlune

    Nothing is impossible!
  16. lichtlune

    Anything but an x japan album would be my guess.
  17. I tried to get an ex acquaintance who was into deathcore stuff back in high school into dir en grey and unsraw and he just said its weird or something. I think some people simply can't accept or get past the language barrier.. Unless its like Rammstein or something but then again they will only know "Du Hast" and that's it. My family usually asks me to turn off my music if i try to play it around them or in the car or something. Surprised some of you have been able to convert your family members so easily maybe my family is just closed minded. Its not like i only listen to one genre of music. I do recall my dad liking a song by "Dio - Distraught Overlord" though.
  18. Hmmm.. i wonder what he's up to now.
  19. lichtlune

    You'd have to ask a moderator about that one.
  20. lichtlune

    Dude your username is "Kikyo_official" ???
  21. I thought this would be a cool topic, have you ever made a fan out of a friend or family member into liking Japanese music/visual kei?
  22. lichtlune

    ^ Who are you and why are you pretending to be vk musicians?
  23. lichtlune

    Questions: 1: Don`t worry about others, is Visual Kei a genre, or a scene, or something else, to you? A: I'd say visual kei has some of the characteristics of a genre but it's more of a scene or musical movement of some kind though. 2: Most of the time can you tell the genre, or if you will like a band based on their look? A: Not entirely but I'd say when it comes to visual kei yes, for the most part. But something like xodiack would be a big surprise if you were hearing them for the first time though. 3: Do the looks matter to you? If the same band dressed in Jeans and T-shirts with short hair, would you be as interested? A: Of course they matter, When you're looking for a potential spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend or something looks and first impressions mean a lot, and I'd say that's kind of true for music as well. The bands who dress up are the most rebellious or expressive and that shows in the music a little bit too. If a band sounds good in T-shirts and jeans then I'll listen to them all the same but if they look completely boring and uninteresting then chances are i won't give them a try. Someone would have to recommend them to me first usually. 4: Do you search for music by sub-genre, such as Nu-Metal, Alt. Rock, etc? A: yes 5: Do you get annoyed when others label your favorite music as genres which you don`t agree with? A:Not really unless its ridiculous, genre's are so ambiguous anyway. Bonus: If a band starts as Visual Kei, even if they change, are they Visual Kei 4 Lyfe? A: Not exactly but they will be known within the VK fandom and visual kei fans will definitely listen to them still.
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