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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. Why does kiwamu always have the grumpy cat face?
  2. Dude you literally explained my entire life...
  3. lichtlune

    Which mucc albums should I start out with? I only listened to a few songs. I listened to their "Ware, arubeki Basho" single and loved both songs so if they have anything else like that I'd like to hear more. Edit: thanks for moving my post I didn't realize there was a thread here already my fault.
  4. lichtlune

    Honestly I see myself being single for many years in the future. I have literally nothing going for me and I'm not doing well in college now. I also live with my parents and have no car or plan for the future really. I don't see how any girl would have much faith in me or love me. My confidence is also at an all time low lately. Until I'm satisfied with my life and the direction I'm going I just can't see myself in any kind of relationship.
  5. lichtlune

    This topic exists somewhere else...
  6. lichtlune

    I'm still waiting for the best of 2013. I thought there was a thread with votes and things? I never saw the official votes. THIS http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/25438-monochrome-heaven-j-rock-awards-2013-voting/#entry311828 What happened to this?
  7. Wow they really had a lot of trouble... such a shame they couldn't pull through.
  8. That's a really awesome album cover though i have to admit.
  9. I agree completely... this band has so much potential to be great. I would hate for a great promising band being a letdown simply because of recording quality. Get that stuff in check guys.
  10. lichtlune

    I like the parts of them that doesn't remind me about my teenage deathcore days.
  11. lichtlune

    Definitely sounds a lot better than the other shit they were releasing before it. It's good but not great. 7.5/10
  12. I swear i wasn't even at 10,000 plays yet on Last.fm but now it says 130,679.. I'm so confused.

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      how is that even possible :P i have 75,000 scrobbles in 4 years and it feels like i listen to music all the time lol

    2. lichtlune


      Now it's back to normal :P

  13. lichtlune

    Wow they are really active I wish they had more fans and a label would pick them up.
  14. lichtlune

    They should just form like three separate bands Ruellia 1 Ruellia 2 Ruellia 3
  15. lichtlune

    I say yes even though i don't know how active that part of the forum would be. It would be nice if people could translate interviews or add in already translated ones there.
  16. lichtlune

    I'd love to review it if i had a good rip... or any rip, i don't ever remember finding any.
  17. I hope in the future there's a way to seamlessly travel from one point of the planet to the other in a short amount of time. Instant transmission or something. I get along way better with people online and it's easier to meet people that have similar interests to you.
  18. lichtlune

    For fucks sake what's wrong with you all lol. Anyway I'm really curious about the release too mostly for the riff at the end.
  19. Yeah Kaya said he wasn't pretty enough to be in the band.
  20. lichtlune

    I won't answer every question there. I'll just say that if something is live limited or SUPER rare and you use the excuse of "Ohh i won't share because i support the band.." or whatever then you are stupid. If there is no way to purchase the release and it doesn't hurt the band in anyway then i don't see the issue with sharing. Yes it's still your decision whether or not you will share but if you're going to hoard then don't rub it in people's face. I do feel that if you respect the community here and know of a great release that isn't easily accessible then it's encouraged to share it. You are not OBLIGATED but it's encouraged. I think i speak for everyone when i say that. Part of keeping the vk fandom alive outside of japan is sharing music and uploading their videos on youtube and things like this. I think it's very important to salvage the history of the music of japan. Too often music isn't shared enough and it's lost forever. There's so many great bands that are unavailable or taken down and it's kind of sad. Although I think part of this is the fault of youtube and other sharing sites. If you want to SUPPORT a band especially one that is disbanded the best way to do that is to share their work.
  21. Interesting how many of you are interested in the language. For me i was always too lazy and unmotivated to learn even though i know i should have taken this seriously YEARS ago. I would be much farther along at a young age but alas.. it's the past. I'm also worried about living conditions in japan and if i could survive there or not. I would like it to be an option though. There's just so many reasons to learn it. I'm not just learning it because i listen to some Japanese music or watch anime sometimes. This stuff is seriously a huge part of my life. And so i have no other choice. I'll have to force myself to learn it.
  22. I'm curious to know how far you all have gone. Some of you may be living in japan right now, some may be actively studying, while others don't care much about the language at all and just listen to the music. I used to be this way however I've been taking it more seriously lately. I've thought about all the reasons I'm depressed with my life and all of the reasons learning the language might benefit me in the long run. No i haven't decided if i will move to japan some day but there's no question that i have a love for the language and art of japan. I want to be able to actually SING and recall words from songs without having to look up lyrics or romanji. That's my goal. I also would love to be able to talk to Japanese girls and have some Japanese friends as well. How many of you are learning the language, how far have you gone, and why are you are you doing it?
  23. lichtlune

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