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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. I remember seeing a picture of him with his wife... he looked sooooo old.
  2. Yeah I looked and everything is in Japanese and difficult to understand. I'm not even sure if I can buy with an American debit card...
  3. lichtlune

    I understand some live limited stuff. I'm perfectly fine with it as long as the music doesn't become too obscure and disappears forever. The main issue I have is when bands release ALL of their material as live limited. Isn't that a bit excessive? But I guess It's the best way to get people to come to their shows though. I hope to hear eriza's stuff among a few others soon.
  4. lichtlune

    Would re-releasing live limited stuff on a cd pack later honestly stop people from going to lives? Would people wait 2 or 3 + more years instead of just getting it at a show? I understand the reasoning for live limited stuff but when it's live limited forever then It becomes completely obscure and essentially doesn't exist anymore. I just want to be able to hear it SOME DAY even if I have to wait 10 years. It's better than the music vanishing forever if you don't get it at the right time.
  5. I guess kaz ex-VII-Sense is doing some solo stuff

    1. lichtlune


      This guy is so unappreciated. He's easily one of the most talented vk musicians I've seen.

    2. Tetora


      Pretty sweet.

    3. DeithX252


      solid music, I like him since VII-Sense, he has unique style guitar play

  6. lichtlune

    I never said that overseas fans are more important or that live performance isn't the most important source of income. I just wish there were a way for overseas fans to buy the music too without hurting the band. Would people actually not go to the lives if you didn't sell cd's there? So I don't even understand why live-limited releases get announced here anyway. If none of us will hear it it's pointless news. I have a better understanding for them now though. It was a good discussion. I'll just hope that I can hear the music some day.
  7. lichtlune

    Anyway I don't care if you all think it's ridiculous or whatever the fuck. I was simply opening up the discussion because I was curious. lol And Just so you all know yes I would actually buy the music if there was a way. It beats never having the opportunity to listen to it ever again. But I guess if it was more available people would just upload it anyway.. So really the overseas fans are probably responsible for it in a way. I guess I'll have to live with never having the opportunity to listen to some bands. I just thought there might be another way.
  8. lichtlune

    Yeah I already know japan is not open to outsiders. The internet just seems like such a useful tool that bands waste.
  9. lichtlune

    I posted that before I read that comment. Anyway It still doesn't make sense. I don't understand how they make more money by completely eliminating a potential market. You would think there would be a way to make use of it in some way. Like how DarkWater mentioned packing the live releases eventually and selling it digitally or in CD format. Great that you don't care. I was simply opening up a discussion about it out of curiosity. Love the condescending tone.
  10. lichtlune

    Why not offer merchandise or a discount instead then? If it's supposed to be a "thanks". I also don't see how that works because not everyone is able to go to their lives for many reasons. Like living in a different country. It still doesn't make sense economically. Why limit the release to live only? Why not eventually release the music so that others can hear it? Wouldn't they make more money if they open up their music to everyone to buy it? I don't think it's normal because to me it always seemed more normal to allow all of your fans a chance to listen to your music regardless of where they are from.
  11. lichtlune

    I'm not sure if live limited releases have always been as common as they are now but it seems most new and underground bands take this kind of approach. Even some of the bigger bands release several live limited stuff. My problem with it is that the music is never available in any other way unless the bands post their songs on youtube or something else. This is obviously bad for overseas fans because they are only limited to a few amount of people that attend their lives. What I want to know is, why not release their music digitally at least so that all of their fans can buy and listen to their music? If manufacturing of cd's is the issue this seems like the obvious thing to do. Do bands just not think about it or could they just not care any less about fans outside of japan? What is your opinion on them?
  12. lichtlune

    As cool as the trailer looked I'm not interested in the industrial electronic sound at all. But I'll wait to see what it sounds like.
  13. lichtlune

    Hmm this isn't that bad. Maybe I'll give them another try when this comes out.
  14. I just want to hear that sick solo san is doing at the end.
  15. lichtlune

    Studio ghibli binge for me.
  16. yayyy~ new live limited single that no one can hear yet again~
  17. Am I the only one that misses Eros's voice back in first period XodiacK era? It just sounds better to me.
  18. At least they choose the best song from their album for the pv.
  19. Now THIS I can get behind! I had a feeling they'd change up their sound with san's joining. So excited.
  20. It sucks that maria can't be apart of this but it sounds really good!
  21. Another release we can't have. I'm tired of this trend.. Live limited releases that no one can hear. :/
  22. lichtlune

    I want the full songs from those previews I heard.. Please I hope to hear it. ^^
  23. It's actually made from the bandmen's shit. The perfect gift for the craziest fangirl of them all.
  24. lichtlune

    I kind of wish you could have your own story mode is completely different from the main one. Sure fixing the timeline is different but it's still rooted in the same old tired format. I want real power levels, destructible environments, and better free roaming options. I'm also hoping the next xenoverse type game supports some kind of virtual reality mode.
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