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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. lichtlune

    A really good sign for me is how great everything is sounding despite the bad quality previews and terrible radio rips. Now I just need to hold out a few days.
  2. I wonder if they will poke fun at modern vkei or what?
  3. lichtlune

    Furniture kei, it's real.
  4. lichtlune

    I've never really been a huge fan of theirs. Sure there are some songs that I really loved from them but I never heard an album that just blew me away all the way through. This has that potential for me though. Never thought I'd actually be this excited for a gazette album.
  5. I'm too excited for this.
  6. lichtlune

    I'm digging this!
  7. I wonder if kaz ex-VII-Sense is still in this band?
  8. lichtlune

    Why set the site to go live today if it's basically unusable? https://getsatisfaction.com/lastfm/topics/new-site-launch-temporary-service-disruption-information Can't even edit my profile? The fuck.
  9. lichtlune

    Come back Skull!
  10. Well aren't they just cute.
  11. I don't like the synth but this isn't bad.
  12. Lament. Really is underrated. Been listening to their "The Unvarnished Truth" release, too good.

    1. Elazmus


      I'm gonna listen to them today too :]

    2. pinkmakona


      They are sooooo good.

    3. Show next comments  111 more
  13. lichtlune

    At least it sounds like there won't be as much dubstep or synth shit. Okay maybe that intro song but that's it.
  14. lichtlune

    Yeah I think I've seen these exact memes on the last gazette album.
  15. Their first release was kind of decent so I'm curious how they'll evolve.
  16. lichtlune

    I need a preview!
  17. lichtlune

    This is pretty much me after every Mejibray release. I'll sometimes find a song here and there that I like from them and I really loved VanessA but Mejibray just can't hold my interest for some reason. Still I go back hoping my opinion of them will change but it just never does. I don't understand their popularity at all. I always find myself getting bored of their songs.
  18. lichtlune

    They don't really feel like ruellia the visual kei band anymore.
  19. You're overreacting. Are we really going to compare a short preview to their entire catalog now? And why does something become crappy just because it's colorful? Is it bad to be colorful now?
  20. lichtlune

    Their last single was flawless so I'm curious about this.
  21. Can someone explain why it's supposedly so bad? Because it's cheesy or what? I can't even begin to count how many cheesy D songs/pv's I've come across over the years. ???
  22. lichtlune

    Not bad but I'm still worried about the track lengths. I wonder what the other songs will sound like.
  23. I actually love this. Sounds kind of fresh. Musically there is definitely something to be desired here if you get past the cheesiness imo.
  24. lichtlune

    Is the person singing the gackt song Japanese or something? Sounds so smooth and the quality is also really good.
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