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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. Yeah I was trying to search for "-OZ-" Which is kind of what promoted me to make this thread. MH doesn't even allow me to search them for some reason. Anyway I'm glad to finally get an answer about this issue. It has bugged me for a long time.
  2. I know it's not just me because others have commented on it before. Who runs this site? I'd like an answer to why this happens. This has been a problem for I don't know how long now.
  3. lichtlune

    Asagi looks wonderful but the others... It's like they ordered adult sizes of those costumes the kids were wearing on the last pv. But anyway I'm excited for it still.
  4. Dopeee going to keep an eye out for them.
  5. lichtlune

    Hmm no texas this time.
  6. Sounds better yeah but could still be a bit better.
  7. lichtlune

    After hearing the full happy unbirthday single I honestly don't understand what's so bad about it? Best D single in a long time.
  8. lichtlune

    Definitely keeping my eye on them.
  9. lichtlune

    4th page and still no preview okay.
  10. lichtlune

    Psycho le Cému recommendations? I heard their latest single and never gave them a fair shot.
  11. I really liked their single. Honestly I haven't heard a lot of their albums before though. Guess I'll post in the recommendations thread.
  12. lichtlune

    They should have went with "Deadmen Walking" would have been a cooler name imo.
  13. Me too!!! I think it's one of the best visual kei songs of all time. Most people don't seem appreciate it like I do though. Basically all of ScreW's older heavier songs like Vanquish, Death's Door, Raging Blood, etc were awesome to me though. I don't understand what happened to them... That sound really suited them and then they started doing ballads and pop rock.
  14. Meto has really hot legs.
  15. lichtlune

    Where do you guys hear Dio? Dio were more nu-metal when nu-metal was what vk bands wanted to do.
  16. lichtlune

    It's just standard deathcore stuff. Only done by a vk band. The harsh vocals aren't really that strong either.
  17. Who is this? I haven't seen them posted here before...
    1. Elazmus


      It's Sibilebashir!! they have been posted on here :)

    2. lichtlune


      Thanks ^^ I couldn't find them in the search by their Japanese name.

    3. Elazmus


      Yeah unfortunately it doesn't work in the MH search. hope you get into them though :]

  18. lichtlune

    I thought it sounded alright. Especially if it's not supposed to be a serious release really.
  19. lichtlune

    Fuck I just noticed setsuna is in la'veil now? I never knew this.
  20. Get the fuck on with it kyouka.
  21. I don't care what anyone says but Happy Unbirthday is a awesome release.

    1. eiheartx


      I was skeptical first with the snippets but I totally love all the songs!

  22. Honestly... It's really boring musically. Luckily Z is a good enough vocalist to make it sound okay though.
  23. Hmmm... kind of a cheap cover. The logo makes me feel like my eyesight is getting worse.
  24. I agree with Elazmus about the harsh vocals. Still this is a lot better than anything on Venoms.
  25. lichtlune

    UnsraW comes to mind for me. I loved all of their early dark looks.
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