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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. lichtlune

    Surprised this one hasn't been uploaded yet. People aren't getting it in the mail yet I assume? +1 for me. They are quickly vaulting over the vkei ranks as of late.
  2. They have a really good vocalist but the music is a little boring.
  3. I do like the instrumental...
  4. lichtlune

    God they got so boring over the years.
  5. lichtlune

    I liked the vocals too :c
  6. All of Royal Blood best is awesome. :D

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Didn't really care for Audrey or Kono Yo de Ichiban Utsukushii Bara yo, but it was great to hear the remakes.

    2. lichtlune


      Why not? I thought KonoYo de Ichiban Utsukushii Bara was the best song on the album.

  7. lichtlune

    This is some next level stuff for sure. Nice to see a great new band coming out. I'll have to keep my eye on them.
  8. I wish they would just release their "promotional" videos. No wonder they're having issues financially. They put so much work and money into these videos and where do they go?
  9. Dark!! I like it. So will they just play older kuroyume songs?
  10. lichtlune

    Zi:kill covers nice!
  11. A very typical breakdown nothing sexy about it. I've heard it a thousand times. Anyway I think it's sounding okay. Curious how the other tracks will sound.
  12. They've proven to me that they can make any style sound good so I'm down for anything at this point. Looking forward to it.
  13. lichtlune

    People on MH are so cut throat I thought licker and eris were alright and worth being on my hard drive. for me. I know they can do much better and there are some okay moments on this single if you can get past the bad parts.
  14. lichtlune

    You can definitely tell that his voice has changed a lot with age. Anyway it's shaping up to be a decent release.
  15. They sure do look awesome.
  16. lichtlune

    I've already lost interest in this album a long time ago. And if it's just 10 songs with mostly re-recorded or previously released tracks I'm not interested.
  17. Lucifer's Underground is so under appreciated. Their mini is easily the best thing I've heard all year.

  18. Oh really? Well fuck I'm glad you told me this. I was sure they could.
  19. I'm not really interested in the core shit. It's ruined vk for me.
  20. lichtlune

    Sounds like the best new vk band to come out in a long time. You people are impressed by some of the most tame shit and when an actual decent vk band comes along it's just "not really special".
  21. lichtlune

    I already have enough for you people to laugh at me about. lol
  22. The rainbow is taking over here too? We're all going to die!

  23. Do we have any confirmation that this will be on a future dvd or something? That would be awesome.
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