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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. What is mikaru doing these days?

  2. I really like the voice of メディーナ (Mediena). Good new band ^^

  3. I wonder what they sound like.
  4. It just sounds like a badly recorded live. I'm interested though.
  5. lichtlune

    No metamorphose re-recording? :/ aww
  6. lichtlune

    I don't like loki's hair but the previews sound nice.
  7. lichtlune

    Very awesome
  8. lichtlune

    They have a bunch of other demo's apparently.
  9. I like their sound! ^^ I think their chorus's are soft but there seems to be some heavier parts as well.
  10. Amazing look! I'm curious how they'll sound.
  11. Eros/ice never had solid highs but his growls have always been among the best in visual kei.
  12. I'm not asking for a list of bands. I'm asking for you to post ONE band that sounds like them. You claim that a bunch of visual kei bands are doing it. I don't see it but I'll drop it.
  13. That woman's voice is driving me crazy.
  14. That doesn't really explain how they're "Cookie cutter". Recycled from what? Every band has influences that you could call "recycled". It sounds fairly original to me. I don't know any visual kei band right now that sounds like them. By the way the quoting function doesn't work anymore for me.
  15. Saying it's "cookie cutter" implies that it's the same as all the other visual bands. You can dislike it if you want but if you're going to say it's "standard and unoriginal" then you should explain why that is.
  16. I know what cookie cutter means I'm asking why you think "it's standard and unoriginal"? Show me a band that sounds like them. And who doesn't like cookies?
  17. I think it sounds great. Fuck all your opinions. kidding ;p don't kill me. I hope they stick to this sound. Can someone explain why it's "cookie cutter" though? Because it's a heavier visual kei song? Here we have a visual kei band that finally understands how to write a heavy and dark song. I can even hear some old school influences in some of the instruments. It's full of a lot of energy and eros has always been more suited for this type of music.
  18. I looked and didn't find shit. What previews?
  19. lichtlune

    So promising!
  20. lichtlune

    They have a very refreshing sound. Promising band.
  21. We have a girl helping us out on bass now but If it doesn't work out I'll contact you first thing! ^^
  22. lichtlune

    Are all or most of the songs re-recorded or are just some?
  23. lichtlune

    Thanks dude, Going to go kill myself now.
  24. lichtlune

    He's lost so much power that he used to have. He always sounds out of breath. That deviated septum really messed him up I guess. I feel like his voice has steadily deteriorated since late Versailles and throughout his solo career.
  25. lichtlune

    Still, I would like to steal his face. I look like shit with makeup on.
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