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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. lichtlune

    Seriously what's the point of even showing the photo at all if you're going to do that? Is japan so uptight about copyright that even promo photos are too much now? hahaha
  2. lichtlune

    I think the Tokami one is good why is it weird? lol
  3. Wait what? This link says the project was successfully funded. I guess they had one for their English fans and one for their Japanese fans? Either way it's great news to hear about the new album! I always thought crowd funding was a wonderful way towards the future of music
  4. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/lacroix-despheres-symphonic-rock-opera-cd-with-vgo They were doing a crowd funding thing... I never knew about this :c It seems they didn't reach their goal. Why didn't anyone post about this? Also doesn't this band deserve a new thread for their album rather than bumping a super old one? It's a shame that a band as great as this one doesn't get the respect they deserve.
  5. I think people just like to think all ex vk bandmen end up being salarymen. When in fact a lot of them end up working at a cafe, shop, or somewhere else in the music scene. Judging by the long hair I don't think he's your typical salaryman
  6. lichtlune

    I'm excited to hear toshi with kyo!
  7. lichtlune

    I like his voice, I hope this is good.
  8. I know a girl when I see one that's no vk dude.
  9. And no one was ever able to get a hold of the full release despite many people asking for it. I hope they'll release an album or something soon with all of these songs.
  10. lichtlune

    So the video is backwards... You can download the video's mp3 using dirpy and then reverse it in audacity. That's what I did. So you can hear the actual previews!
  11. lichtlune

    But no album of course. And soon? How long is that in Yoshiki years?
  12. Poor foreign fans :c I wonder how many years until we will hear them.
  13. I have more problems with those bangs but whatever as long as the music is good.
  14. Great assumption. I love myself too much huh? Where did you pull that one out from eh? I actually have a lot of self image problems and had all kinds of shit thrown out at me for things I did in the past involving music. It made me feel like complete shit but I continued on. I'd love to know where exactly you got this idea about me from. I would also like to know why you're using my real name on here. Obviously I wish to be known as "Neolicht" on this forum. I even deleted my real name from most places on the internet. You must be stalking me or something I guess.
  15. lichtlune

    Gaz's way of being "polite" is pretty shitty tbh. I appreciate the feedback but you don't have to be a prick about it. This guy literally goes around tagging my bands on last.fm as "bad vocalist" "poseur king" etc. This guy doesn't know the meaning of "constructive criticism" he just knows insults. Like shit dude I know you don't like me but give it a break already. My makeup style is heavily influenced on old school visual kei. Our band is influenced on old school visual kei and so this is the style I was going for. Also in regards to the other question. I'm half naked because I don't really have a lot of cool clothes and I just so happened to be half naked there. Why is it a big deal? Not like you can see much except for my shoulders.
  16. I'm actually really excited about this. I really like hina's voice.
  17. I can't take that pink haired one seriously. What is he even wearing?
  18. Wait what I thought they had an official roster?
  19. lichtlune

    Not every artist but majority of the artists from the past I still enjoy. I know about ru:natic but don't really like them that much. Some songs are nice.
  20. lichtlune

    If you read my post you would have seen that I did mention finding music elsewhere. Although I highly doubt I'll find something that gives me the same feeling that Japanese music does. I mean I have found some stuff it's not like I don't listen to other music at all but I still prefer Japanese music. Why is it a big deal for me to complain about it? I can't complain about it? I don't think there's anything wrong about being "stuck in the past" so to speak. I feel in love with visual kei music of that time during that time. Since visual kei isn't genre specific the old music isn't as present in the scene anymore. And so I have distanced myself from it. You people should understand that I didn't intend this thread to be about "old vk vs new" that wasn't my intention. I was simply asking if others missed the costumes and makeup like I did. But whatever the harm has been done. Basically the scene I feel in love with is completely gone. The highly visual bands are gone, under code production is gone, red list entertainment is gone. The big names in the scene have gone to shit, the bigger bands I loved are on hiatus or disbanded. The old spirit of vk is vanished. I think I have plenty of reason to complain about it and I don't feel ashamed of it. I understand this topic is slightly taboo here though. About "non vk" bands. It would depend on what you consider "non vk". I've heard bands of japan that have no makeup or fashion style but their music didn't really jump out at me. Basically I have listened and enjoyed what I was exposed to. I don't care if its labeled as vk or not however the vk bands do draw me in more. I have stated before that I would love all the artists that I do now if they weren't visual. In the end the music is the most important thing. However I haven't heard a lot of bands that sound like how visual kei bands do out of costume.
  21. lichtlune

    In no way did I specify this conversation as being only about 90s visual kei. Dio-distraught overlord and UnsraW are still a fairly recent bands. I'm perfectly fine with the current style of vk existing I'm just sad to see the more drastic aesthetics and atmosphere go away completely. I was mostly talking about the visuals but the music also obviously. I'm not going to lie and say I don't give a shit about the visuals at all. I think there's a lot of artistic value in the crazy makeup and outfits. A lot of bands seem way toned down in both style and music. People seem to think visual kei as being stupid or something you "Grow out of". I disagree. There's many on this forum who can attest to that. And by "drastic" I mean the costumes, the crazy contacts and makeup, the colored hair/spiked hair, the chains and collars. Even the really cutesy oshare kei stuff like Aicle I miss and would consider drastic. I would consider Versailles to be drastic as well. It's great that you grow up and don't "give a fuck" but I do still give a fuck. I give a lot of fucks. I miss the music I feel in love with. And about the music. I think there's something about the over production and electronic styles I dislike. The music doesn't sound full and natural to me anymore. I think visual kei is less about musicianship, expression, and style like it used to be. I think we are hearing less of the band and more of the studio with most contemporary music and it's infecting visual kei as well. This is what the age of computers has done. It's killed music in my opinion. I guess in the end it all comes down to overall expression and music of japan. This is what I'm most disappointed with. The things I used to love about Japanese music aren't there anymore sadly. I guess I'll just continue to listen to my classics and maybe search for some new genre's and hopefully find the same joy I had when I first got into Japanese music somewhere else.
  22. Opps... well I meant hiatus. Changing that now.
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