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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. lichtlune

    Really surprised to see a thread like this here. I guess that's a sign that VR is really starting to spread around. I've been following VR since the Oculus Kickstarter days and will be getting PSVR day one I'm sure. I've waited so long for this! Actually I think it would be a dream to have our very own VR Jrock video room when the technology takes off in a few years. As far as things I want to see in the future? I've had many ideas. Jrpg's, Virtual novels, Virtual Card games like yugioh, DBZ in VR, Pokemon in VR, etc. I'm also kind of interested in sporting events or concerts too.
  2. lichtlune

    15 second preview of I guess a new song? Hell they're almost sounding like The Piass now. I hope this is a sign of what's to come.
  3. lichtlune

    I don't know what to add but to say I'm 22 also and in the same situation. I don't really get out much or meet anyone so it's pretty much impossible that I would get that close to someone. I can't even make a friend let alone any of that. It would be nice to meet someone but I feel as if most girls my age already have long term partners by now. I think it's mostly true that the good ones are taken. Also I'm still kind of a child in the way that I live so I don't think any girl would date someone like me. I don't have a job, car, and I live with my parents still. I don't see this changing anytime soon.
  4. Who needs facebook when you have MH <3

    1. Seimeisen


      I don't like Facebook either, the chat interface is god awful.

    2. plastic_rainbow


      facebook sucks in general

    3. nick
    4. Show next comments  93 more
  5. lichtlune

    The female vocals are so shitty.
  6. lichtlune

    Welp I'll be going then!
  7. lichtlune

    Is this because of seating or something? The DIR EN GREY live I went to had no seating and I just walked up and paid at the door no problems. It was very small.
  8. lichtlune

    People are saying that the tickets could get sold out in 20 minutes or something. I'm probably just really dumb but how? And what happens then? I can't get inside at all? When DIR EN GREY came here back in 2011 I paid at the door and the venue was much smaller. I didn't have to fight anyone over tickets. Are they really that popular in the united states? I didn't think so... I never really go to concerts and have no idea how any of this works. Am I fucked if I don't buy tickets day one or something? Why can't I pay at the door like I did with DIR EN GREY?
  9. lichtlune

    Dallas??? Fuck I'm going to be there then. Who else? Oh who am I kidding... I'm probably the only Jrock fan living in texas right now. Also "This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.. It is not available in your country." For a world tour announcement video...
  10. lichtlune

    Ayabie could have been an all vocal band at one point?
  11. lichtlune

    That's a pretty bullshit conclusion you have there.
  12. lichtlune

    Why don't Japanese bands tour in america anyway? Is there just a much smaller fandom here than there is in Europe I guess? I know the fandom is pretty huge in south america. Or is it just easier to tour in Europe for whatever reason?
  13. I think it would have been better to just reform a new band. They are advertising their new single as their first anyway.
  14. I really love the beginning riff used throughout KRAD's "Plantman" song but the majority of the rest of the song doesn't do it any justice imo.

  15. Hey this is pretty cool though. Nice lineup. Riku has been away from the scene for a while it seemed.
  16. lichtlune

    Kamijo just announced a japan tour so I don't think he's done with his solo stuff. I imagine they'll slowly become less active with their solo projects but maybe continue them on the side.
  17. Didn't you hear? He's been feeding on human blood all this time before Versailles revival. Their trailer said so.
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