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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. I've been attracted to Mixed race, European, Asian, Spanish, etc. I don't know if I really have a preference because It kind of changes at times... I think I'm more interested in a girls fashion style over her race. Although I usually prefer lighter skin tones though.
  2. lichtlune

    People with low confidence in their appearance are less likely to post in a thread like this.
  3. lichtlune

    I have a lot of difficulties saying many words and had speech therapy growing up. I'm pretty sure I have some kind of learning difficulties but I never got officially diagnosed with anything. I think I'm better than I was as a child. I'm still a bit slow though.
  4. Makoto composed all of the new songs on ADVENT OF SLAUGHTER I noticed.
  5. lichtlune

    He finally tried black hair! Well there was that halloween wig one time... I still think he looks best with brown hair probably.
  6. I like it enough to keep in my library. Anything Insanity Injection related has to be good!
  7. SCREW would be mine. To me many of their older songs are among the best visual kei songs of all time. It's a shame how mediocre they have been over the past near decade or so. I wish they would continue with heavier and darker music because they were a much better band for it. I guess they sold out completely a long time ago though. Or maybe they're content with what they've been doing musically over the years.
  8. lichtlune

    Takashi bringing the 16 year old vkei fanboy out of me. God he's pretty
  9. Finally starting to explore kuroyume's entire discography. I should have done this a long time ago! Love their early albums.

    1. Naaaaani


      Nakigara o is their best



      +1 to nakigara wo!

    3. lichtlune


      Nakigara wo is actually my favorite too. :D

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  10. I do honestly question if Trombe is a real person sometimes. Anyway nothing wrong with being a robot! Robots deserve their rights too.
  11. I must hand it to them, they're obviously really great at selling their image. They've always been kind of all over the place musically though. I think the main problem is their rapid release schedule. That's probably why most of their songs sound like a complete mess. It's because their songs lack that aforementioned coherence. I guess that's sort of their appeal but it's just not for me. I like their ballads and that's it.
  12. lichtlune

    I don't really listen to his solo stuff much but if there are more songs like ナザリー then I'm all over this
  13. I love BEGINNING OF DARKNESS by Krad! I hope they make more songs like that...

    1. Shir0


      I'm hella excited for their upcoming mini & sinlge :D

  14. lichtlune

    I heard a deeper voice on 9rue1 au5ocracy. Was that chaos or what? I didn't think he sounded like that.
  15. lichtlune

    I've always thought Aliene Ma'riage was kind of overrated. They have a couple of really good songs sure but most of their discography is hit or miss imo. I've heard people on this forum calling them the best visual kei band ever and I just don't see it.
  16. Go! Go! Insanity Injection!

    1. -NOVA-


      \ ( > o < ) /

  17. Dear bitch, I've always tried getting into them but couldn't for whatever reason. I love their look though.
  18. lichtlune

    please come back forever.
  19. lichtlune

    Mikaru needs to chill out with this pimp kei stuff.
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