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Everything posted by lichtlune

  1. lichtlune

    So I was listening to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and realized I need more Jpop/Jrock stuff to listen to with nice female vocals. If someone could steer me in the right direction that would be much appreciated. Feel free to spam me with as many artists as possible and I'll check them all out.
  2. The vocal is a little better on this tekken song.
  3. lichtlune

    Where is the source of this photo? ^
  4. lichtlune

    I look forward to listening to it when I'm 60 years old.
  5. Hmm they were kinda good too. I'll check out the best album.
  6. lichtlune

    Interesting look I'll check it out. ^^
  7. lichtlune

    When even the girl in the MV can't stand your music.
  8. Best news of the year for me.
  9. Yass the vkei gods have answered. New insanity injection to look forward to for the next few months and a new mini album at the end of the year! 

    1. Shir0


      YAAAS now Im officially ready for summer + a mini albummm :)))

  10. lichtlune

  11. lichtlune

    God they started out so heavy what happened?
  12. lichtlune

    What's worse is seeing all the hot cosplay babes on Facebook and knowing they might as well be an anime character because they are just as distant and completely unattainable. But this goes with most mildly interesting or attractive women too. Also I live In Texas and have little interest in mostly anyone here. But that feeling is mutual so I'll just have to accept that love is all fantasy and will never happen to me. I'm unworthy of it.
  13. So when are we going to get new info on Moi dix mois or Versailles new albums? I need something exciting to look forward to this year. Answer my prayers vkei gods. 

    1. lichtlune


      I guess there will be new info on Versailles after their revival live next month hopefully.

  14. lichtlune

    Whatever that background music is sounds funky good. I want to hear more.
  15. Glamscure is just too good. :rawk:

  16. lichtlune

    Oh hey molly!
  17. Keep calm and sink more deeply wat x___x
  18. They really seem to be considered as such. I guess when you were once the front man of AICLE it's kind of hard to escape that label. lol
  19. If we're speaking about the standard 5 member band I'd say rhythm guitar is the least important when you consider all the 4 member bands. If I had to continue I think vocals are next. Plenty of bands have had shows without their vocalists before. Where as other instruments you need a backing track or something. As for which I think is the most important instrument? That's a much harder question to answer. I guess percussion/bass is what gives most songs their punch so I'll say that. I couldn't choose one or the other.
  20. He's also shown to be both an amazing composer and singer now. It would be a shame for the scene to lose him.
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