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Everything posted by seikun

  1. Kind of promising althouth that preview doesn't really tell you much about their style. But still I'm afraid they will sound just all other VK these days. And please, no more of those ugly cloned hairstyles. The only cool one is the guitarrist with long hair.
  2. seikun

    I don't see how Kazuki ex-Due le quartz was a bad drummer. And as for Sakito, I remember a friend of mine once suggested some singers like him possibly sing like that due to their hearing. It is not that their voices are unable to hit certain notes; it is the way they hear that conditions their singing... I never had problems with Sakito's singing style and, even though it would have been nice if he could have always hit the right key still I like his voice.
  3. seikun

    I actually had this conflict in my mind because especially en Argentina and Chile there were bands that wanted to replicate the old style and all that conveys, but they were so small and amateur compared to their European counterparts that had more resources and exposure. In Latin America they were more bands inspired in the whole Visual Kei concept as opposed to what I could see from most European Visual Kei bands that were more about the looks and not really much (if any) about performance and musical patterns that one can associate with Visual Kei. I don't want to limit eventual western Visual Kei bands to a specific era of Visual Kei, but if they want to be a Visual Kei band I expect not only the aesthetics, but also theater and music so when I see them and listen to them I can say "yeah, I feel the Visual Kei vibe in them".
  4. seikun

    But what exactly people want to resurrect? If we are talking about western VK bands, most of them never embodied VK really. Most took the aesthetics of 2000's VK (with relative success) but 99% of them never ever acquired the essence of a Visual Kei band. They never felt like one. The only serious and successful replications outside Japan that I can think of were Angel Heart from South Korea and Silver Ash from China. There was another one from South Korea, I think they were called Deva... These bands really captured the essence of a Visual Kei band aesthetically, its theatrical performance and musically. Any western Visual Kei band somehow reminiscent of or that took inspiration from bands like Aliene Ma'riage, Baiser (both eras), La;sadie's, Syndrome, Due'le quartz, SHAZNA or La'Mule, for example?
  5. Wondering if someone knows if there are any clips with Asagi perfoming Shikabane no ouja live. Youtube has offered me nothing so far.

    1. Komorebi


      No, there isn't. There was no live recording of Asagi's solo project.

    2. seikun


      That's sad because the song is awesome.

  6. seikun

    I got stuck in time with them in 2006 when they released Guren. That song is awesome, very emotional and penetrating. After that I lost interest in the band because their music changed, but nice they have managed to last as aband for over 10 years now.
  7. seikun

    Their music has been going down in my opinion. Even though they were taking a lot from Dir en grey at least they stood out musically. Now the band has become monotonous and their songs sound ununspired. The weakest side in their music is the chorus, they always lose strength there. The last song I liked by them is Fake.
  8. seikun

    Well, during last decade it received a lot of attention and popularity in the west, in subcutural terms of course. It cannot be compared to KPOP, for example, because Visual Kei even in its most maintrean form it is not the majority's taste, but it was kind of popular and that popularity allowed bands to start playing outside Japan. In my country TV stations tried to squeeze money out of followers of Visual Kei in talk shows. "My mother doesn't accept oshare" was one of the recurrent titles for different cases where teens followed Oshare Kei but parents hated their children dressing like that. XD I think Visual Kei's popularity in the west was especially evident in Europe and Latin America.
  9. I would love to know what members of Eliphas Levi are doing today. If someone knows I'd appreciate if they could tell me.



      https://twitter.com/kjigowatt9 look how cute Kei is :> he's now in 黒鏡の教会 with guys from mercuro

    2. seikun


      Wow, thank you.

  10. 夏の日の1993 feels like listening to one of DB's soundtrack as you finish your homework.
  11. That last preview was not bad. I don't have a problem with his singing voice, but he may be singing a bit emotionless...
  12. seikun

    If they had incorporated some subliminal singing lines in DoomsDay like old VK bands used to do (I'm thinking La:sadie's here) it would have added a more sinister and darker effect to the song. It would have been a nice complement to strengthen the song. By the way, all those minisets are getting tired, even Maccho29 are using them. If only they used some filters to disguise a little bit and create atmosphere they would be more tolerable.
  13. This song reminds me so much of a VK song, but I can't recall. If someone can please tell me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOV6I4fYnvQ

    1. chemicalpictures


      That intro sounds like something straight from early Kra

    2. seikun


      I'm going to check their songs out then. Thanks.

  14. Do you know why religion demands faith? Because given that there is no evidence for their god all believers are left with is CONVINCING themselves that their religion is th truth.


    When doubts come and they come every now and then believers fight the doubts with set phrases like "I know god is real because in my heart I know ". If the emotionality attached to that set phrase brings peace of mind the anxiety of doubting is dispelled.


    This is also why believers prefer to socialise with other believers almost exclusively as if living in a bubble, because sharing and confirming beliefs along with the emotionality attached to those beliefs makes them feel safer and more convinced that their god is real.


    It is all about how good the belief in a god makes them feel and how much they don't want to lose that feeling and security.



    1. Elazmus


      I see non-religious people stick to their own bubble about as much as their counterparts. Everyone has anxiety to dispel when their worldview is challenged in some way...


      What I want to believe based on knowing the general clientele in my area (I can speak only for chicagoland) is that these anxieties are further softening on both sides over the course of this generation, and In fact very few people - even those of my parents' age group, are bothered enough to 'demand' any standard of sensibilities one way or the other in their friends/neighbors/community. This is the ideal because faith by definition shouldn't carry the need to confirm your bias with others, but a congregation is a community after all, and people support each other in times of doubt the best way they know how.


      Either way, the last line is fairly put - man's faith could be described as a vast delusion or as a point of great merit to the strength of his character depending on the effect it has on his/her actions. 



    2. Shir0


      "Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen"

      you just kind of reminded me of this Bible phrase lol

    3. Show next comments  45 more
  15. seikun

    Chilean here too I remember I once watched a video with fans welcoming the band at the airport in Chile and, Kyo and the other members look very serious and like not in the mood to be receptive of the fans' enthusiam with them. From all the concerts I have watched (mpg, avi, vob files) people always sing along and react to the songs. It is new to me hearing at least Kyo has his episodes with his audience at lives. But still I find it unikely that he would mistreat his US fanbase because one of Dir en grey's biggest interest was to make it in the US and they certainly don't want to put all that in jeopardy.
  16. seikun

    Really? Kyo scolding the audience?
  17. Wondering is someone knows anything about ex Phobia, Kisui, the vocal.

  18. seikun

    I love the preview. MASK sounds so MATINA. I love the sound of the second guitar which is very uncommon to hear today. It looks like the new members turned out to be a positive change the band needed.
  19. seikun

    Those meaningless intros. u.u
  20. I've been wondering about Kagerou's members. I haven't heard of them since the band splitted up plus Daisuke u.u New bands, producing music frombehind or retired from music. I wonder what's new with them...

    1. nick


      Two of them are active in STEREO.C.K.

    2. Lereku


      After the disband of Kagerou Yuana had joined the band boogieman when boogieman he join the band STEREO.C.K, the line up of STEREO.C.K is on vocal Sena (ex-Sel'm), on guitar Yuina, on bass Kazu (ex-Kagerou) and on drum Amon (ex KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND).

      Kazu was the bassist for DIMMDIVISION then he join the band the god and death stars created by Aie (ex Deadman, ex the Studs.....) he also formed STEREO.C.K and he is session bassist for some band like The THIRTEEN.

      And for Shizumi at the end of Kagerou he became drum teacher then he rejoined the band Lion16 but I don't know if this band is still active or not 

    3. seikun


      I had forgotten about Boogieman!


      I checked out STEREO.C.K and liked the songs I listened to. They sound very much like old VK, but with a tuch of Kagerou's style.


      Thanks for the info!

  21. Kanashii uta, the very first song I listened to by Awoi and my favourite. It was in december 2006 that I listened to it for the first time.
  22. I read Yuki and I thought Raphael and Rice. He's millenial too.
  23. Has anybody ever watched this?



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