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Everything posted by seikun

  1. Recording new material? Is there room for old school VK sound these days? That's my concern.
  2. The Eroguro makeup, especially the mouth was awesome. I remember how popular it was everybody getting their lips eroguroized :P

    1. Elazmus


      Define "lips eroguroized" haha, I love eg kei makeup so I'm interested to hear if there is a specific lipstick associated with it?

    2. seikun
  3. seikun

    The song is appealing and thankfully it doesn't sound all synthesized like it happens today. The band's name could have been better though.
  4. seikun

    Very recently listening to Syndrome again after a long time. I love this song. Cirque ~Art a part entier~
  5. seikun

    I didn't know Gackt was resented by some people for selling out... Where is Klaha? Come on, an island nation. It can't be so difficult to find his whereabaouts.
  6. I don't listen to KPOP and don't like Kdramas, but Wow! That korean guy, Kim Jong Kook is really hot.  8)

    1. nekkichi


      mte, sis!!



  7. Could I ask for some help from those who speak Japanese? How do you translate this sentence into English? 一人きり泣いてた私へのシンフォニア

    I know what it says, but I feel the first part is a relative clause and I fail to connect it in a natural way with シンフォニア. Thanks.

    1. cvltic


      It's very hard to deal with relative clauses like this in a natural way in something like lyrics because as I'm sure you know English has a much lower tolerance for them and "which" "that" "who" type words. 
      Let's first assume the missing predicate here is です and thus the meaning is 一人きり泣いてた私へのシンフォニアです。 and not anything more complex.

      There's a couple of strategies you can consider in this case:
      1) Changing the form. Adjectives would work much better in English.
      "A symphonia for my lonesome weeping self" or some such

      2) Flouting conventional sentence structure. For something like lyrics you can get away with dodging these kinds of dilemmas with punctuation...
      "A symphonia for me, weeping all alone" or some such
      This adds ambiguity but that's not necessarily a bad thing in lyric translations imo

      But, since the predicate is missing, you could assume there's a more complex predicate based on your interpretation of the song. Here's one I  just pulled out of my ass without reading the rest of the lyrics.
      "I was weeping by my lonesome when a symphonia for me started to play (alt: symphonia started to play for me)" or some such
      Yes, the translation "breaks" the original sentence structure which tends to scare some translators, but if it doesn't destroy the elements with meaning I don't really think it's a problem; 1:1 translation is near impossible with poetic Japanese. Leaning towards liberal translation in lyrics/poems can often produce a better final product in the target language.

      Hopefully this at least helps you consider your options.

    2. Kyo_Toriko


      "Sinfornia for me who was crying all alone !"
      Somehow you think as " a music for a crying person " , and the person is " me ".

    3. seikun


      Thanks for the replies.

  8. The looks of the guy with black hair are sort of not in line the that of the other members... not really old schoolish VK... The song in the preview sounds nice. If the vocal could improve a bit more it would be even better.
  9. I don't really listen to those other bands, but I used to listen to Kiryu so the band is fresher in my mind, but I don't like it that the guitars and bass are literally simply decoration than actual music that has an audible and relevant place in their music.
  10. While I think they are talented I also think their music is saturated with synthetic sounds to the point you can barely hear the guitars and bass. Do those instruments even matter for the entire band?
  11. Vidoll - Ningyo bass cover. If you would like to give him some views



    1. Himeaimichu


      Best channel name ever lol

  12. seikun

    Thanks for the replies. I'm still having some doubts, but 乱される seems to be the word in question. When I listen to that line I hear something close to _____somaru but also something ending in the passive voice.
  13. Hi. Could someone help me out with this? I'm trying to figure out what word(verb) Kamijo utters in a specific line of the song which for some reason was wrongly written as 包まれる. It doesn't sound like 包まれる to my ears. I will leave the lyrics below. If someone can correct that line that would be awesome. Thanks. Darkness (快楽だけに身を委ねて, 恍惚の時を奏でる すべての感情を奪う 苦しみ, 哀しみも... そして今宵も私はにも館で...) 透きとおる肌をなぞる指 逸らす瞳の奥に壊れるガラスの理性 make dance to forever くちうつしで熔けてゆく音 媚薬に似た覚醒 速まる鼓動が伝う 月明かりに揺れている影 熟した甘い果実 絡まり光ロザリオ make dance to forever 仮面が素顔を隠す術 見透かすこの駆け引き このままで dance in darkness 淫らに染まった身体汗 狂った思考回路 後戻りはできない罠 rave dance to forever 欲望を支配するだけ 解き放たれたエロス 薔薇の香りで包まれる dead dance to forever 触れ合う肌に溺れて 闇のなかで踊る 狂おしい吐息が漏れる 女神のリズム 指先だけで交わした 淫らな言葉咲く 舞散る花びら染まる
  14. seikun

    The song in the first video sounded familiar to me. Is that Mayu, by the way? The second video I liked it better. The song sounds more energetic and inspired; also, it has that LAREINE essence.
  15. I kind of like the band's name and the music may be interesting... but those hairstyles... Are those wigs?
  16. Does anybody know what Eze:quL's vocal Mayuka did after Eze:quL? Is he still making music?

    1. Axius


      I found a last fm thread on this band idk if your able to make sense because most of it is in spanish i pulled something from there that seemed interesting 

      Vocal and composer: 繭 霞 - Mayuka (→ SAKI → Eze: quL → 引退 / 人生 ロ シ ア ン ル レ ー レ ッ ト)

      This might be what happened idk if it is linked to anything.


      You can try to see for yourself.

    2. seikun


      I speak Spanish.


  17. Hi. I have this question; a band that I like already has its thread in the Artists section, but it was started a decade ago discussing its disbandment so it lacks the biography thing and all that staff. I think the band deserves a new new with some of its bigraphy and etc, but I was wondering if it is OK to open a second thread for the same band...
  18. Koibito by SHAZNA is full of Mono no aware. That gentle sadness that is hard to describe but you can feel it in the song.

  19. Wondering, is Chariots' drummer (Mikage) the same guy who was HIZAKI grace project's drummer?

    1. seikun


      I see. He looks so different, hard to recognise.

    2. reminiscing2004


      Yes! Also played in BABYLON, and a billion other bands !

    3. seikun


      Wow, BABYLON. That's even older. I wonder how old he is...


      Thanks for that piece of information.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  20. Hope they do great.
  21. seikun

    Wow, almost 4500 views for one day and a half. I bet that's a good number for a Japanese band on YT. By the way, Karyu looks so much like Aiji in Resistant Bacteria. I don't listen to Aneglo, but perhaps he is adding the melodic factor to the band...?
  22. seikun

    Resistant Bacteria sounds nice. It feels mildly Pierrot-esque too.
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