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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    Wow, 2007. I first listened to Vidoll when I was invited along to a VK party on a very rainy and cold night in 2005. Ningyo was the PV being played and I loved both the song and the aesthetics. That party night, by the way, led me to be sick and in bed for two weeks straight, but it was worth anyway.
  2. seikun

    I hope Jack does well with the sales.
  3. seikun

    In my perception of things I feel like starting from 2015 their music sounded evidently uninspired and formulaic. And obviously releasing so many songs in such a short period of time doens't help in any way. I also get the feeling that perhaps they wanted to leave the old school thing behind judging by how less old school their music was sounding lately...
  4. Does anybody happen to know what Riku says in Kamiuta during those intervals at the beginning of the song? I hear something like flyum...

  5. seikun

    That's sad. I loved them when they came out and, I didn't really care much if they were copying Dir en grey. I was desperate for old school Visual Kei that it still felt refreshing. Then they began to lose the old school appeal, sort of assimilating the trend in today's Visual Kei and I stopped following their music. I think there is a lot of room to explore old school Visual Kei sounds and give them a more contemporaneous touch, but well... Could someone translate their message?
  6. I like Pierrot's setlist more.
  7. I have always thought that Maddona's overall look in Jump was inspired by Jui's (Vidoll) look in Ningyo PV.

  8. seikun

    Could you at least type the names of the songs in question given that the links are unavailable?
  9. When I read how much Chester Bennington was affceted by Chris Cornell's death and his close relationship with him sounds like Chester's feelings were beyond friendship, it sound very romantic. Was Chester perhaps bisexual?

  10. I wonder if Kisaki has money to re-open Under-Code... Of course, in case he wanted to.

    1. seikun


      I had no idea about some things you mentioned. But just letting imagination fly a little bit I would like an Under-Code these days. Especially one bringing bands in the line of Phantasmagoria or early Vidoll...

    2. Himeaimichu


      I don't personally think he'll do it. I think he'll try to open a new label with a new band. Kisaki has a.. less than savoury past, we all know that, but I don't think that really ever would stop him. I mean, he was arrested of all things and yet still came back.

      The only problem is, all the former undercode bands have moved on. Vidoll became Gotcharocka, Riku has his solo project, etc. And personally, I don't think the fanbase would be open to Kisaki opening a new label, and open to a bunch of new bands. 

      The Vkei scene has changed a ton since 2011. Some for the better, some for the worse. The way it's changed wouldn't allow Kisaki to open a new label. VisualKei is in it's lower years, and has been stagnant. We haven't had a Vkei boom like the one in 1986-1993, or the 1996-2003, there isn't as much hype for new bands,  and the whole scene has moved on from the "big exciting indie super-label". There was that kind of hype for Rockstar Records, but we all know how that turned out... I personally do think a modern equivalent to Undercode or something would really benefit the scene, but it doesn't feel like it's going to happen. 

      Basically, the odds are stacked against there being another Extasy, Free Will, Soleil, Matina, or Undercode. They just don't really make them like they used to..

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
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  11. I like Himeyuri despite Mashiro's poor singing skills at the time and the music being poorly produced. I don't know what to think about this new band of theirs. The typical fear is that they will end up sounding just like the rest of bands nowadays.
  12. I can't believe up until now I never knew there was a PV for Urei by Kagrra. Just watched it. It felt awesome to discover an old Visual Kei video with that old VK essence^^

    1. Komorebi


      That is an awesome feel

  13. I love this song and I was wondering if someone could take some time to translate into English. Very appreciate it. 鬼戦 躙り寄る足音に辺りの物は震え身構えて 爛と輝く月も雲の衣に隠れ目を臥せる 闇は拡がり続け雷はおどろしく美しく 蒼白な輪郭を浮き彫りにして恐れをまた奮わせる 振り翳す刃から飛び散る火の粉は空中を舞い怒号は 大地を揺らし地響きを幾重にも募らせる 二つの紅いそれは閉じる事無く揺らぐ事も無く 幽かに開く紅は嘲り嗤う様にその口許を歪めて 鈴の鳴る様な聲で抑揚も掴ませず騙りだす この躯刻み滅ぼしたくば 人の世を棄てて鬼と成り狂え 美麗に纏う十二単から覘く片鱗は鉛色 この躯刻み滅ぼしたくば 人の世を棄てて鬼と成り狂え 造られた鼓動知らぬ妾に 血の廻る其方歯車を止めて
  14. Does anybody know what happened with members of Larme D'ange after their disbandment all these years?


    1. Alkaloid


      According to vkdb, their drummer Takurou was in Vallquar and is now in Magistina Saga.

      Guitarist Hiiragi is in Loup d'azur.

      Drummer Aki was in Rugia(g)gram and Vallquar as well.

    2. seikun


      I trid to find any info about Loup d'azur, but I couldn't.

      Thanks for the reply.

  15. seikun

    The song has potential but I find the musicalisation tiringly monotonous >.<
  16. Watching a late 90's anime being aired on TV as of this week I confirm that real paint is better than digital painting. There's something about real paint that makes it nicer and more gentle whereas digitial painting, even though it has improved since the late 2000's it still looks gloomy, cold, dull and sort of impersonal (if that word makes sense in this context).

    1. Ikna


      Depends. As an "artist" who paints both traditional and digital you can make both look great. Both media have heir pros and cons and digital really isn't that much easier, nor objectively shittier. Sometimes it takes even more time than painting traditionally (also 3D animation isn't easy peasy either, you have to really learn it).

      I think the problem is more that modern animes are produced fast and cheap and there isn't much time invested to make it good from the get go (see the enhanced BluRay releases, while the initial premier on TV is the crappy alpha version).


      The industry has become pretty unforgiving (you either loose a lot of money or you win a lot) and studios try to cash in as best as possible, hence they produce way too much in shorter timeframes. Hell, most animators nowadays work themselves to death with 12+ hour workdays, yet earn almost nothing. They need to puke out these new episodes like a machine. I think there was recently an animator who died because of overworking.

    2. platy


      I second this ^

      As a digital and traditional artist, I can say digital can mimick the charm of traditional just as well. You just need to find that artist or studio who has the time, budget and love for their work to get something magical. You can find some fantastic looking anime every season, but you have to sort through hundreds of soulless  cash grabs first

    3. seikun


      I have seen Dragon Ball Super has changed the palette of colours they use for characters and they lately resemble real paint more because before the colours made the characters look dort of plastic, but still, I dont think it has to do with skills or even time but with the techonoly itself.

  17. Is this guy in the middle L'yse:nore's vocal? Apparently, during the days of the picture he went by the name ミサ. Could someone confirm this is him?
    1. seikun


      Thanks for the replies.

      I found the picture on Twitter when searching for any information about L'yse:nore's members these days and that picture was posted by a Japanese person. The guy in the middle pretty much looks like L'yse:nore's vocal. Someone typed ミサ but my Japanese is poor so I thought that person was referring to the guy in the middle.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      Link the tweet please :o

    3. seikun


      If you type リゼノアon Twitter it will show up.

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  18. Someone posted a song by an old VK band called Retina and I loved it. The song is stuck in my head. I have no memoriesof ever listened to them before. If someone can upload their discography please, upload!!

  19. That band, 少年シンデレラ, I didn't know about them, but hey, they have potential.
  20. Does anybody remember that live, EGOIZ III? There Secilia LUNA played their song Nanji no inori. I love that song, but I have always wondered if they ever released it as a single or in an album...

  21. seikun

    I would have to say Shin'ya from Saga, a band that was active during 2007 and 2008 if I well recall. I actually like the band, but the vocal certainly lacked singing skills at the time. A friend of mine love one of their songs because of his funny singing style due to lack of singing skills. I wonder what he is doing today.
  22. seikun

    In my opinion, bands like Shazna and Missalina Rei most likely inspired the birth of Oshare in an unintended way. As far as I know, Shazna was very famous during the time they were around and Missalina Rei being a smaller band still managed to gained some notoriety, especially thanks to TO-KI-ME-KI. Both vocals exploited a sort of childish appearance during their last period and their music also became more childish and playful, especially Missalina Rei in this respect. They didn't create Oshare-Kei, but they inspired it to become a thing by providing key elements.
  23. seikun

    Shazna and Missalina Rei, definitely the forefathers of Oshare and unintended visionaries.
  24. As far as I know, anybody born starting from 1980 is a millenial...
  25. I think I know why I used to like NoGoD but then lost interest in the band. I think it's because the band's music had mono no aware. When they became major that mono no aware factor was lost to a consistent extent.

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