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Everything posted by seikun

  1. Does anybody happen to know how to pronounce this "飢われ"? It's the title of one of Misa's releases (血ニ血ニ飢ワレ) but the romanizaton is wrong. Thanks.

    1. seikun


      Thnaks for replying.

      I took the file from the legendary Evil-en-lucifer.blogspot a few years ago and it was titled Chi ni chi ni ki ware, but I noticed other files and songs were also wrongly romanized.




      http://jisho.org/search/%23kanji 飢 according this source, 'uware' sounds like a truth...

    3. seikun


      I think that site is reliable.


      Thanks for the help^^

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  2. I was listening to Misaruka's version of LunaSea's Rosier the other day, I didn't actually know they covered the song, but it was a bad cover. I don't think it's completely the band's responsibility but Starwave's poor production quality. I don't know the technical words to describe this but I think Starwave needs to hire new people who can improve the quality of the studio's music overall.
  3. How do you translate "キミだけのボクでいるから"? "でいる" Japanese overwhelms me u.u
  4. I must be the only one who is not convinced with the sound quality of Starwave Records...
  5. Does anybody know what 翼 ex PANIC☆ch is doing today? Is he still making music?

    1. cvltic


      he retired after 176BIZ afaik

    2. seikun


      Oh, that's unfortunate. Kind of nostalgic for the "old" days.

  6. I used to like Lamina. I remember I would visit Under-Code's website to listen to the sample they had uploaded at the time before the official release. Also waiting for E'm~grief~ during that year. Time flies.
  7. I'm not familiar with this kind of business. I thought his was a label and he was going to sign in bands, but it looks more like his is a studio where anybody can musicalise their material for a little price...
  8. seikun

    Miseria is misery in Spanish, but after many years of reading Mizer and Mizeria because of Visual Kei bands "miseria" looks odd to me now. I don't really think their sound embodies the meaning of the band's name...
  9. Nice preview, although I think the musicalization could have been a bit better.
  10. I must be the only one who when reading the word choice thought Dir en grey's Gauze album. Awesome song, by the way. Addictive. The Fine Bros should include it for a future React to Visual Kei video.
  11. I like them. Any sample? I also liked their version of Misaruka's Rosary that I listened to in a short preview, it sounds good and would love to listen to the whole version.
  12. I wonder if anybody has ever watched the full PV for Seishun Roll Over by DOREMIdan...

  13. seikun

    Hmm... Grieva and their compulsive habit of releasing so many songs every year. I don't like that because they end up releasing poor material. Some songs have nice intros and they develop interestingly until they get to the chorus and it all tumbles down with crappy choruses. Sometimes I get that feeling of how unispired they were when they wrote a given song, especially with those cheesy poppy songs of theirs. I think they are very talented and with great potential, but songs need time to be polished and make the fullest of them.
  14. seikun

    I'm listening to Haimamireno ERA and so far a good son. Is the singer a real person? It sounded to me like vocaloid.
  15. The PV is kind of reminiscent of older VK bands that used to play in places like that. It brings Etcetera and Vidoll with Ningyo to mind, for example. Interesting voice, I liked it, but the music is more of the same boring monotonous sound.
  16. I wonder if fans will succeed in proposing Akatsuki no Ito by Wagakki Band as the hymn for the Olympic Games 2020...

  17. seikun

    Visual Kei is an acquired taste; it simply isn't for the majority, even in its very mainstream versions. But that is not a bad thing. I don't want VK bands to please the mainstream or westernise their sound to the point it loses all its Japanese flair even though these days VK bands have lost a lot of it. I don't know about the USA, but here in my country Visual Kei has been around since the mid 90's as far as I know, it has had a firm fandom since then so the music is pretty much assimilated in the correspondent circle. It already experienced a lot of exposure from 2005 to 2009 approximately on TV so many people know what Visual Kei more or less is or they have heard the term at least.
  18. seikun

    I watched the two videos. Well, most people tend to express the same thing when they are exposed to Visual Kei for the first time: too scary. Imagine their faces if they had watched Dir en grey's PVs. In 2005 my mother thought I was a satanist when she caught me watching Malice Mizer's Garnet PV on my new (at the time) bought DVD player, haha. I had to explain to her what Visual Kei was and then she understood. I agree they should have shown them Visual Kei bands of the 90's first. The selection of youtubers perhaps was not varied enough. I liked the guy with the colorful T-shirt who was more receptive of what he was lestening to.
  19. seikun

    Not bad music. He has always given me this Miyavi-ish aura. I bet the CD cover being sexually suggestive is so to attract possible buyers motivated by the suggestiveness of the image itself.
  20. Wondering if one could request an album from the Spice Girls here... :P


    1. nekkichi


      lol I guess so? you will just get it DM'ed, instead of shared on the downloads forum.

    2. seikun


      I used to like them in the past, but there's this album I have never listened to  :sad:

  21. seikun

    Not convinced with their song Liar.
  22. I hope he brings some interesting music. By the way, Emiru is so private. You rarely see pics of him.
  23. Found one. Really good. If I could I would buy it.
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