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Everything posted by seikun

  1. Do you people remember ex Panic Channel, Tsubasa? Does anybody what he is doing currently? He's legendary in the Visual Kei world.

  2. Does anybody if HOSHI no HOUSE's vocal was the vocal in みるふぃね (Milphinne)? He sounds and looks very much like him

    1. fitear1590


      Yes, that is the same guy! Also vocalist of キャンゼル (Canzel).

    2. seikun


      I see. Thanks!

  3. Listening to Nami tamaki's Believe is making me really nostalgic. I can't believe it's 12 years since I watched her vid on TV, recorded it on tape and showed it to my mom. I feel like it was yesterday. Time is a cruel thing.

    1. Hakari


      That was the first album I ever bought in terms of Japanese music. So many memories. I showed the album to my parents when I bought it as well.

    2. seikun


      I still remember, it was in july 2004 when I first watched Believe PV. I made my mom watch it like 8 times in a row while I was telling her about Japanese music. It very late at night but my passion for Japanese music could not be refrained within me XD



  4. I like the vocal's voice, but the music doesn't stand out at all; the typical flat monotonous musicalization. That's a flaw.
  5. Bands like this are not that accessible due to them performing a style that not many are interested so it is hard to find information about them.
  6. Religion is destroying the world.

    1. Elazmus


      You guys misspelled 'Pokemon GO'

    2. seikun


      No, I firmly mean religion is destroying the world. Religion is not good because it promotes unfounded ideas as universal truths and then they cannot be questioned and people do whatever it takes to defend and impose those unfounded ideas.  Mnay o these ideas and premises affect people unjustly like LGBT people and women.





    3. Elazmus


      By "the world" I'm sure you mean "human civilization" considering this rock we live on doesn't care what we teach our kids on it.. while THAT is an arguable possibility, it's really misdirected because "religion" as a concept is what formed our civilization in the first place. In the end it doesn't matter if we still call it "God" or not, it's a colorful explanation of the human condition through the ages. I am not religious but I recognize that the community around me wouldn't have been born without it. I'm sorry I definitely feel you, there is so much in current affairs to be in outrage over, it's just not conducive to swing the bat at "religion" when in fact there are droves of devout religious human beings who's ideals DO stand alongside yours in the better treatment of others.

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  7. Crucifixion's discography is so small but I love what they have released. I hope both bands do well.
  8. Not every original name for a band, but let's see what he will bring musically.
  9. seikun

    Just when Kpop seems to be declining XD Seriously, I wonder what kind of project this is.
  10. seikun

    I think their quality and charm have been going down a little bit from the moment they began to release music like a newspaper printing machine. You can't expect to make the fullest and best of your work if you don't take some time to refine the product. I'm in a difficult position here because even though they have based most of their music on Dir en grey's music I was happy that at least one band was bringing old school Visual Kei back in a more explicit way, but I don't like it that they release too much music every year sacrificing quality.
  11. Does anybody know who were the guys that played with ASAGI in CORVINUS, the PV?

  12. Nice song for someone who's always searching for some old school Visual Kei sound in new bands. The screams though I find them totally unneccesary in that tired and overly abused hardcore-ish style, but the song is good.
  13. seikun

    Nice to listen to Sharaku after so long.
  14. seikun

    Thanks for sharing!
  15. Hi. Could someone share the lyrics of this song? Thanks.
  16. I need to insist on "please, someone share Daraku by Baiser".

  17. seikun

    Wow, this needs to be in the form of a DVD release. Thanks.
  18. Out of curiosity. Since when did Visual Kei musicians begin to use electric hair straighteners to get their hairs incredibly straightened?

    1. nekkichi


      I don't think straightener matters that much tbh. a round brush + strong hair dryer combo does the same thing, and has been around for decades ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    2. seikun


      But during the early and mid 90's their hairstyles were a mess XD


    3. nekkichi


      lol I think it's the trends of that time to blame, not bands or their (lack of) straighteners

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  19. seikun

    I see. I didn't know about those collaborations. I would love to see that.
  20. Please, someone share MaRiLL's music. Please.

    1. Roberto_Inz


      You're welcome ♥


      It's here:


    2. seikun


      Thanks for uploading^^

    3. Roberto_Inz
    4. Show next comments  60 more
  21. seikun

    Yu-ki. Is he still involved in music?
  22. Is it true that the Yakuza also have their hands on Visual Kei? If so, why?

    1. Tokage




      also money or drugs, most likely

      (although i doubt VK really nets them a lot of money, half the guys have to fuckin survive with part-time jobs lel)

    2. seikun


      A bit dangerous.

  23. seikun

    So many homophones in Japanese. They must hinder communication sometimes, I guess...
  24. I think SW needs to upgrade their sound quality and get rid of all those synthetic violin sounds which are awful.
  25. The Abrahamic religions are the worst.

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