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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    I think that with the exception of the obvious labels such as Kotekote, Oshare, Angura, Eroguro, Nagoya and perhaps one more all others are irrelevant and you can classify them as simply Visual Kei. Today's bands seem really hard to put in a specific subgenre. I don't think bands today need to be thought in those terms anymore...
  2. seikun

    Visual Kei was always a relatively small niche. The thing is that between 2005 and 2010 approximately Visual kei faced a lot of exposure and popularity that attracted many people, sometimes not so much because of its music but because the looks were cool. Then many of those people left because it wasn't really or them, but the people who really love the scene and the music remain. I saw a lot of people getting into the scene during the mid 2000's, but after 2010 the old ones the new ones who truly developed an interest in the music stayed.
  3. seikun

    I think releasing so many songs in a year is not good. It takes its toll on the quality of their creation beacuse they are releasing material like a machine in a programmed time frame. No time for true inspiration and polishing.
  4. seikun

    Their releases after Fake haven't been much of my interest. Their music is sounding a bit formulaic and uninspired. Some of their songs begin so awesome and then it all falls into a pit of poppish choruses >.< Good talent is found in Grieva, but they are managing their work poorly or someone eles above them is causing this...
  5. So many. Missalina Rei. Noir fleurir. Even though I came across these bands a couple of years after their definite disbandment I loved their music from the very first day I listened to them. I always loved the way their music made me feel as if entering a different world. The possibility that they could revive for one day seems so unlikely and all the years that have gone by I can't help seeing these bands like some distant myth.
  6. I'm very uninformed about this. Is this a session band? Are the songs new and what kind of style is it? I'm not really fond of KISAKI's romantic stuff unless they're conceived in darker sinister crazy Visual-Kei-ish sound. Watching that last pic and thinking about KISAKI making music again makes me want to listen to Phantasmagoria so much right now!
  7. Childish comments. ó.ò
  8. seikun

    Hmm, like I want to like them, but I'm not totally convinced. They seem to have potential, but the music is a kind of cheesy in sound... I think the guitar player needs to do more than playing monotonous notes all the time.
  9. seikun

    Missalina Rei is being ingored even though the band clearly was a precursor and inspiration.
  10. Will you like it? www.youtube.com/watch?v=G84rrMGnCH4

  11. seikun

    I don't know. Things change over time. 10 years ago people outside the fandom were more prejudiced towards Visual Kei, for example, but many of those people who would look down on Visual Kei in the past now may like some bands because the variety in bands and musical styles have broaden some people's musical appreciation. Some (many) metal heads were very prejuidced, but once exposed to bands like X Japan or Versailles some of them have changed their opinion on Jrock/Visual Kei. I have a friend who loves proggressive rock and jazz and he used to criticise Visual Kei, but because most of my friends love Jmusic he was a exposed to a lot of Visual Kei bands and not he actually likes some bands.
  12. Amafurase Tanmaina by Kagrra is one of my all time fave songs since 2005. I'm living an renewed obsession with the song that is amplified by the mysticism in the lyrics about a god, powerful and terrible that makes people be in awe.

  13. seikun

    How about Missalina Rei? I bet the band also inspired some aspects of Oshare-kei, visually, musically and attitude. There is this singer in that band, Decola Hopping (or something like that) and the vocalist reminds me a lot of Arisu.
  14. If someone could tach me how to post YT videos on the site I would appreciate it. I'm having problems with it now. It isn't as simple as it used to be anymore >.<

    1. seikun


      I do that just like before but it doesn't shows the screen; it shows the url >.<

    2. doombox


      That's strange, can I ask you to post about this in the help section so I can have one of our sysops look at it for you?

    3. seikun


      I'll see to that. Thanks for the suggestion.

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  15. seikun

    I had kind of a love-hate relationshipwith Oshare-Kei at the time. I loved bands and I didn't like others. The ones I didn't like were those that had more of a mainstream sound and those that started with the indies sound and then went mainstream/major. An Cafe, for example. I love their music until 2005. I think their initial sunds was awesome but they went major with what the market was demaning from bands in terms of sound/music and it ruined it for me. Their music became uninteresting to me. A friend of mine loved them and we would argue about change in music many times >.< Similar thing with Ayabie. First song and PV I watched was Gothic Party Speed Session and it was love at first sight, obsessed with the song, but I soon realised the band was not going to stick to that sound and showed signs of something more mainstream so I stopped listening to them. Similar thing with Lolita23q. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeaS0A5JavQ
  16. seikun

    At times the bassist looks clueless and uninterested in that PV. I think they have potential, but they would need to be under a different label...
  17. I jjst realised there's no download section anymore. Just read the thread baout too. Not everybody has the money and means to buy stuff. It was illegal downloading that gave VK bands to world tours and find their music bought by people around the world. Illegal downloading doesn't necessarily harms bands.

    1. -NOVA-


      I would also have to disagree with you, I buy a lot of cds and I do understand some people do not have the $ and thats okay but when you use that as an excuse to justify only downloading thats not okay. I use to avidly share on here but when i see posts like this i feel used because people only care about the downloads. Bands work hard for their music. They want to do what they do for a living and if everyone downloads most likely we can expect a disband. Especially vk... vk doesnt have a big audience(compared to other styles) so these bands need all the help they can get. My stance on this is... do what you can for the band, ull b surprised to know that colecting cds is pretty fun. More sales = more promotion = more tours = world tours. You think gazette got a world tour because everyone illegally downloaded? Bands need sales otherwise theres no funds to support any kind of tour or even feed themselves.

    2. seikun


      Availability of Japanese music on the net is what gave VK bands the possibility to expand the horizons of their music in the world. Not everybody has the money to buy  music from Japan or the means to do it but illegal downloading never stopped people from buying original stuff once they had the money as it is the aspiration of most people once they get a job that allows them to do so.

    3. Show next comments  54 more
  18. I don't know if they still do it here, there's a street in the capital of my city where all Visual Kei fans used to gather up until 2010 or 2011 in masses. I remember one of my friends sending pics of VK fans gathered for a Hide's memorial at night and I think that a clip with Hide was exhibited on the big screen that adorns the street. If I well recall, that was in 2008. Then I began to lose contact with my friends and acquaintances there.
  19. I don't really think this matters, but for the sake of discussion... Both bands are very different musically and generationally and the kind of music they make affect the level of popularity they may encounter internationally. I am suprised though that many people outside the Visual Kei sphere in the west know about X Japan today. I dare say X Japan may be a bit more popular than Dir en grey internationally. Many of us got introduced to the band during the very early 2000's through Clamp's movie X with the legendary ending Forever Love and the movie's clip with them playing X (X Japan's hymn). VHS is how we watched the movie with friends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBL04EVCzSw
  20. It sounds good to me. I would only suggest more melody with the guitars because I think they tend to sound a bit monotous, but other than that, it seems like they are improving as a band^^ SENSE OF ASH is reminiscent of old Dir en grey with Berry.
  21. I see. They sound pretty well for a band that must spend its own money on production.
  22. I like the song, but I still feel it could have been even better. The sudden explosive final part of the song was very interesting and unexpected. It sounds a bit kiryu-ish too.
  23. I bet a good studio not only can offer awesome sound but also inspire a band on its path to musical maturity. Is La'veil MizeriA a self-produced band, by the way?
  24. Needing help with kanji reading again. Does anybody know how this is read 謎掛? It's a song by Tinker Bell (キョゾウの謎掛). Google Translate says "nazokake", but I would like to confirm. Thanks.

    1. Duwang


      Yup. It's なぞかけ.
      For future reference I recommend looking up kanji in  jisho.org. If by chance you don't get any results you can google the kanji with 読み方 (ie 謎掛 読み方)

    2. seikun


      Thanks for the help! :lovely:

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