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Everything posted by seikun

  1. Why are we all suddenly kawaii?

    1. PsychoΔelica


      That's a lie, that's why

  2. I love this band and this song captures me the most. The music style, the lilt, they have an hypnotic effect. The dramatic interpretation, the theater on stage. Love how the drummer is completley absorbed by the song. It makes me want to play the drums too. I wish today's VK learnt from bands like Veill.


  3. I didn't know they ahd open their own YT channel^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJvKZNXsRY8

  4. He reacted to Malice Mizer. Enter and watch


    1. Biopanda


      If he's not reacting to Maria Cross' porn video, then I don't care.

    2. orange~


      oh yea, I've been following Ryan too for a while now! one ok rock blew him away :D

  5. Does anybody know what the proper romanization is for this release by Jakura? 空ヲ喰らフ吐陰. Help appreciated.


    1. Himeaimichu


      @inartisticAre you sure about the ふ kana used to be representing the "U" sound? (う)? Because, from what I've read on the Japanese sound shifts, the は row Kana used to be pronounced with an F sound, and the pronunciation of ふ was the only one that stayed the same, wherewas the other Kana in the は row were

       almost completely changed throughout history, and now kind of represents H sounds unless used as a particle. (Basically, the transition for, say the Kana へ would have been Pe > Fe > He/We/E (The We part obviously being obsolete) I'm not trying to correct you, or anything. I'm just wondering where you got your information from, because I'm curious to learn more, actually, since I read a lot about archaic forms of the Japanese language, since a lot of the Vkei vocalists I listen to pronounce things in older ways and use obsolete phonemes. 

    2. inartistic


      @AimiGen7Tbh my knowledge about the subject is only cursory--basically from trying to figure out song titles like seikun was. (I didn't even know about the “shifts” you mentioned! Pretty cool.) Here are a few links that mention it, and hopefully you can find something a bit more concrete.




    3. Himeaimichu


      @inartistic From what I see, the only source above that has any romaji (Romaji is pretty much the only way to represent the sound shifts xD) is the first source, and it assumes that ふ was once pronounced as Hu, which is quite incorrect. For some possibly complicated linguistic reason, all the "h" Kana were once pronounced with an F (as I mentioned earlier) and it just happened that while all the other Kana went through pronunciation shifts, now being stuck inbetween starting with an H sound, a W sound (in the case of は), or just being a plain vowel.

      Though I will give credit where credit is due on the thing about the name Kaori once being spelled as and pronounced as Kawori. They're quite right on that.

      But yeah, in essence, Japanese has never really had a "hu" sound. 

      I guess the best way to describe the Japanese sound shifts is with the Iroha poem. I'll put down the pronunciations and what time period they would be used in:

      Old Japanese:

      Iro Pa Ni Popeto, 
      Chirinuru Wo.

      Wa ka yo tare so

      Tsune Naramu

      Uwi no okuyama

      Kepu koyete

      Early Middle Japanese:

      Iro Fa Ni Fofeto

      Chirinuru Wo

      Wa ka yo tare so

      Tsune Naramu

      Uwi no okuyama

      Kefu koyete

      Late Middle Japanese: 

      Iro ha ni hoheto

      Chirinuru Wo

      Wa ka yo tare so

      Tsune Naramu

      Uwi No Okuyama

      Kefu Koyete

      Early modern Japanese: 

      Iro wa ni woweto (In theory, it'd be like this, but in practice, the line at one point could probably have been Iro wa ni hoheto. The changes are gradual, so this is theoretically how it would have been, but not practically)

      Chirinuru wo

      Wa ka yo tare so

      Tsune Naran

      Uwi No Okuyama

      Kyo Koyete (Some time during the middle Japanese period, some words with the ふ kana were being pronounced with a yo sound, sort of. IDK really how to explain it though)

      Alternatively, Early Modern Japanese could have been also pronounced as:

      Iro wa ni oeto

      Chirinuri wo 

      Wa ka yo tare so

      Tsune Naran

      Ui No Okuyama

      Kyo Koyete

      And here is the modern pronunciation:

      Iro Wa Ni Oedo

      Chirinuru O

      Wa Ga Yo Dare Zo

      Tsune Naran

      Ui No Okuyama

      Kyo Koete

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  6. seikun

    Artistic PV, but I'm not convinced with the song... At least they did not abuse the synth with so many digitally generated sounds as it is common with them.
  7. seikun

    If Malice Mizer revived I think that would be such an awaited announcement that the band could not ignore a world tour. They are like our Spice Girls.
  8. seikun

    I think I agree, those PVs are boring. Today VK bands don't seem to use exteriors anymore... That blindfolded girl on the cover reminds me so much of Mon Laferte, a Chilean singer very famous these days.
  9. seikun

    Musically, most bands today don't catch my attention. I admit most bands today play much better than older bands, but they don't play the kind of music that I like in Visual Kei. I also see the theatrical aspect of Visual Kei lost, there is no dramatization of any kind anymore except for a few bands here and there. I also feel like for many Visual Kei bands today their looks are meaningless, there's not real or at least minimal purpose in dressing and looking like that in an artistic sense. Visual Kei cannot be always at the top just like no other music style/scene is at the top forever. Sooner or later they dwindle and lose their initial appeal among the crowd. Goth was the thing in the past; it isn't anymore. Metal was the thing in the past; it isn't anymore and etc. All styles lose their appeal to some degree someday. I'm not over Visual Kei, I still love it; it's just that there is less offered for my taste.
  10. I think I'm liking Yusai so far. I like it that they don't seem to abuse the synth like other bands such as Kiryu do to the point it drowns out the guitars and the bass. Yusai seems to rely more on the sound of guitars and the bass and I like that. There is a nice bass moment in アイラク偽心; I just hope I get to hear more leading melodies from the guitars though.
  11. seikun

    I don't know what to think. A girly face and an almost manly body >.< I think this could be a (relatively) sexualised project. Muscles are sexual and they are definitely giving a role to their bodies... And what happened with LADYBABY, did they split up?
  12. I know that this might be an impossible request by now, a lot of time has gone by, but if someone somewhere can provide the lyrics of this song by L'yse:nore that would be awesome. I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  13. seikun

    Nice. At least one Key Party band is reviving. I would love Noir fleurir and Missalina Rei to do the same thing but I think that will never happen.
  14. seikun

    It is interesting how the Japanese have been able to perfectly blend traditional Japanese music with pop and rock and how not even having it in mind it has attracted the attention of westerners for years now. Chinese and Koreans, at least to my knowledge don't seem to take the Japanese example... As for Wagakki Band, I prefer songs when traditional instruments, the guitar and bass dominate over pop sounds. Akatsuki no Ito is pure art, for example.
  15. I don't think Plastic Tree has the relevance Dir en grey and PIERROT had in the 90's. I'm not sufficiently knowlegeable about it but apparently Dir en en grey and PIERROT were really big and sort of emblematic (to some extent) bands in the Visual Kei scene in the late 90's, right? So they occupy different seats in the hall of Visual Kei that Plastic Tree doesn't despite being also very popular band. I remember some people implying certain rivalries more related to popularity between the two bands when I joined one of PIERROT fanbase over here.
  16. Is Lm.c still active? Haven't read or seen anything about them in a very long time.

    1. violetchain


      Yep, just released a new album in December.


    2. seikun


      I see. Thanks.

  17. seikun

    It is too short of a sample but the new members sound really nice. They give a sort of more mature sound to the band. If we can make the vocalist improve his singing that would be awesome too.
  18. seikun

    Hmm, I'll be considered the bitter one here, but I don't like it that they conformed to the same over used synth-generated sound that VK bands use today. I mean, they have been in the music world for years and years, they could have used different sounds. Also, Sharaku has a great voice, he doesn't need to alter it artificially >.<
  19. seikun

    Hmmm, probably Malice Mizer. Back in 2003 when I listened to Illuminaty for the first time that song got stuck in my head for weeks.
  20. Can Malice Mizer's music in its last era really be classified as goth? All the goth bands I haver ever listened to they don't sound like that. I think there's a stereotype about goth music only because in part the goth aesthetic is inspired by the baroque period, but that's not necessarily the type of sound that chacarerises goth music. The same about Moi dix Mois's music.

  21. seikun

    I know that at least in the mid 90's there were already people in my country who knew about Japanese bands, among those bands Visual Kei bands. In those days obviously Japanese music was less accessible and mainly people with enough money and contacts had the means to acquire it. It was more like an exclusive thing. My first serious contact with Japanese music was 1998 when a guy lent one of my friends a cassette with Japanese music that we listened to. I remember during the late 90's in my country the otaku culture was growing really fast to the point there was a TV show dedicated to anime and manga which means the trend was already established among the youth of the time. Visual Kei was included in the trend just a smaller niche. Visual Kei is not new anymore but neither is gothic or punk. It all relies on a band's ability to capture people's attention. I'm seeing an old organization here is still organzing Visual Kei events just like in the past and they still include music form the old bands like XJapan, Malice Mizer, Psycho le Cemu, etc. The subculture is still alive.
  22. I'm wondering if they will play together or individually... It would be nice to see them share the stage together. Loved it when a scene from Nounai Morphine appeared on the screen and people reacted to it^^
  23. I need to see this, I need to listen to this!! By the way, I think one of the images they showed in the video is of country when students were protesting to demand that the government improved the educational system like 11 years ago...
  24. I wonder if in part Bou left because he didn't like the new direction in music the band took...
  25. seikun

    I was wondering about him lately again. Sad news. My condolences.
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