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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    This band is not my taste but DNA is stuck in my head.
  2. seikun

    Wow, the second song was awesome. Both the look and the music are so old aschool Visual Kei
  3. seikun

    There is always the claim about the decline of the scene, but new bands keep coming up. So who do we believe?
  4. Pierrot - Hello It was one of Pierrot's last songs released after they disbanded. The band was in bad terms, apparently, Kirito and Aiji could barely look at each other in the eye and their music at that time showed the lack of inspiration. Even in the PV they all seem disconnected as a band. Not necessarily a horrible song, but dull and I have never liked certain inclination in Kirito's work for monotonous rap-like melodies to be honest.
  5. seikun

    I have been wondering about him too. He gained sudden popularity in 2008 and even performed outside Japan. I also remember I once watched him perform on an online event in japan in 2008 along with many other Visual Kei bands. Up until now I had no idea he suffered from a throat infection. All information about his career stops with that health problem he went through. I wonder if his vocal cords recovered after that and what he is doing now.
  6. seikun

    What happened to Kamijo?
  7. seikun

    The tracks sound kind of dull, poppish and similar to one another. I don't sense that magnificence their older songs give off. Mariontte was like the only song that I find has more potential. Also, the synth is doing a horrible favour to their sound >.<
  8. Does anybody know anything about that singer called Aoi? He once released a song called EDEN and made himself a bit notorious in 2008. He laso cultivated looks very reminiscent of HYDE. Wondering where he is today.

  9. seikun

  10. seikun

    Bubblegum purple is being overused by today's Visual Kei bands way too much.
  11. seikun

    I find the vocalist annoying forcing that baby thing onto the viewer >.< And the music is poorly produced considering the times. Oh, that song, Akkanbe was bothering me a little bit. It sounded familiar and finally remembered. It reminds me of Gekkouka by Janne Da Arc.
  12. seikun

    My favourite bands there: Vice+Risk, Eze:quL, Madeth gray'll, Syndrome. I want it! Is Kyojei in good terms with Kisaki and does he consent to this release? I snooped around his twitter and he even made fun of the Z in COLLECTIONZ.
  13. I don't know what to think. I need a longer sample. Metis Gretel had very nice riffs and melodies in general with the exception of the synth they used to create those sort of sudden squeaky (perhaps not the right word) noises that can drive someone mad >.< He should have found a different look as it is too reminiscent of Kamijo. Or perhaps he didn't have much choice in the looks...
  14. Interesting to know there was a seemingly Visual Kei band called Gigaslave in the 90's and, Giga Slave was a technique used by Rina Inverse in Slayers, the anime :P

    1. chemicalpictures


      Dota 2 also has a character that was based on her. Used to be called Lina Inverse in Dota 1, now its just Lina. her skills are also inspired by, Dragon Slave, Laguna Blade...

    2. seikun


      That's interesting too.

      I always loved how impressive those techniques looked in the anime.

  15. seikun

    I think I kind of liked the song posted by OP, but someone should tell Visual Kei bands to stop having those overused and horrible synthecizers, they ruin songs like this. Give predominance to guitars and bass and only use mild complementary synthetic sounds for deep dark atmosphere effect. And they need a new stylist too.
  16. seikun

    Under-Code Productions was a much better label to produce this type of bands. I used to like Misaruka, but then you see the band didn't progress through time.
  17. I had no idea about this. It's going ot be interesting to see the two bands together.
  18. seikun

    Gazette leading the rankings (Sorry, I won't call them The...) Not fully in English, but "I will walk together..." is a classic by now.
  19. I don't think the sound of their music is good. I find it poorly produced and saturated with synthetic melodies and other sounds, especially that ridiculous violin sound >.< Apart from what the band itself has to solve I think SR also has to improve its production quality.
  20. A friend of mine is so happy because her all time most fave VK musician (Emiru from Lareine) has liked several of her IG pics.

  21. My impression is that bands under Starwave Records don't grow professionally much. With the years that Misaruka has been around they don't really show progress in the quality of their music. Perhaps it is time for SR to bring a change in the way they do things.
  22. seikun

    As far as my knowledge on the topic goes, gender non-conformism in the aesthetics of Visual Kei is not necessarily from a social cause perspective though... I mean, they are not dressing like that for awareness and empathy with gender non-conforming people; the looks of Visual Kei started as disruptive and provoking elements to shock a very conformist and rigid society and, as time went by it became just a form of artistic expression which can be exerted from many angles. Being gender non-conforming isn't a ticket to liking Visual Kei. The interest in it is a matter of personal taste regardless of gender expression.
  23. seikun

    Another one of many: Due le quartz: Re:plica. I love everything about that song. I love paying attention to Kikasa playing the bass and his elegance to play.
  24. seikun

    More of the same. I feel bad for saying it >.<
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