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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    Not really sure, but perhaps Vogus Image classifies...
  2. seikun

    If there is the probability of a revival do you want them to sound like they did in the past or change and adapt to the way VK sounds today? That's the issue.
  3. Does anybody know what L'yse:nore can possibly mean?

    1. seikun


      Awesome. I have always been interested in some VK band names and their meanings. Finally one of them is solved for me.


    2. Himeaimichu


      You're welcome. Just be sure to take this interpretation with a grain of salt because I could be wrong lol. (I literally just typed "Lyse" into google translate and it came out as Danish for Bright, and Nore looks like Noire, so, it seems to make sense lol)

    3. seikun


      That's true, but still the translation makes sense.

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  4. I was struggling with romanization because of unusual kanji. Thank you.
  5. Hi. I was wondering if someone can provide the romanised version of this song. I gave it a try but had to give up because there are some kanji that don't seem to be used at least in modern Japanese... If someone could translate it into English that would be awesome too. 性的ウイ◯ス~StoM1079~ 抑圧性的障害感染者の悲報 氾艦したネット回線の海を泳ぎ 現代性的幻◯障害の一つ 目に見えない異性にしか満たされない 性的ウイ◯スStoM1079 アドレナリン放出に依存した君の鼓動は頚動脈を破る モザイクをかけた理性は断片的に性癖を隠し 虐待されて欲を満たす・・・Masochist 積み上げたモラルに耐え兼ねた君の身体は虐待を求め モザイクを破壊する理性は常に性癖を晒し 虐待することで欲を満たす・・・Sadist 今宵は誰と絡み合う? 深い過去の傷を隠して・・・ 声が枯れるほどの痛みを消せないように・・・ 今宵は誰を弄ぶ? 深く閉じた瞳は赤く・・・ 触れた体に傷を刻み消せないように・・・
  6. seikun

    Although there are songs from this band that I like I always found the band lacked an identity of its own or a style that defined them musically if I can put it that way. I only like their old stuff.
  7. I don't like those sort of sorrowful eyebrows that are very common today. I like the old style for eyebrows.
  8. seikun

    That preview is too short to have an opinion. Satsuki's voice is so melodic and expressive, he should perhaps form a band kind of similar to RETRER EN SOI...
  9. It looks like Seiju stopped singing after Dollis Marry disbanded. Can't find anything about him after Dollis Marry.


  10. Wondering if there are any lives where Kagrra played Kisen...

    1. saishuu


      None that were released as DVDs, I believe, which is unfortunate. ):

    2. seikun


      The song is awesome and with a bit of technology they could have recreated the song visually on a screen as the band plays.

    3. saishuu


      Kisen is such an underrated gem from [gozen]. I would've loved to watch it live as well.

      They have so many stuff they never released in live DVDs, it used to infuriate me back then lol

  11. seikun

    Kyomu no naka de no yuugi - Mana-sama.
  12. I always liked the particular way Kirito pronounces vowel U in words such as "mune". Listen to Dracula (PIERROT).

  13. Wow, Loved the clips with PIERROT! I want so much to have this, but I know I wouldn't be able to afford it.
  14. Curious to listen to them.
  15. seikun

    Such a poppish title XD
  16. Has this song by Metis Gretel been incorrectly romanised? 神罰 It is known as Kamipatsu, but online dicts say it is pronounced as しんばつ.

    1. Alkaloid


      I have the omnibus it's on. The booklet has the hiragana pronunciation as かみばっ (Kamibatsu)

    2. seikun


      Thanks for the replies^^


      Oh, so "Kamibatsu" is the correct name then.

      ば and ぱ; バ and パ can be easily confused sometimes.


      The other song title that troubles me is 久遠の命 which is commonly translated as "kyuuen no inochi" but some online dicts say it's "kuon no inochi".

      Visual Kei bands make song titles such a puzzle >.<



    3. p0pp3r


      It's Shinbatsu, meaning divine punishment :P 

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  17. Is this Gill'e cadith's vocal Karuna? Just found his new band, 君は鋭くhttps://www.instagram.com/karuna_world/

    1. cvltic


      Yep, same Karuna!

    2. seikun


      So much time since Gill'e cadith.

      Thanks for replying.

  18. Guitars sounding monotonous.
  19. What? One of a very few of today's VK band that I liked. So sudden. I wonder what would possibly be the reason for their disbandment throwing all the effort and projection into the rubbish basket...
  20. I wish there were a live video of Nightmare by The Candy Spooky Theater somehwere on the net to download and watch.

  21. I am not paticularly a fan of MIRAGE as I am of other of Kisaki's bands, but I do hope they do well and can refresh the Visual Kei scene today.
  22. That preview on their IG sounds so Malice Mizer. Liked it and looking forward to listening to the whole thing.
  23. Malice Mizer's Au revoir in korean. Are they a Korean band?



    1. lichtlune


      Kinda rough but cool they did it.

    2. Hohchicano96


      I thought that link would be Sechkies' "cover," but it was a pleasant surprise.

  24. Yes and I love those bands, but I wonder how well do old school VK sounding bands do today.
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