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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    INVICTA sounds like Sadie's music or at least it brings Sadie to my mind.
  2. seikun

    Salvation started awesomely old school, but then the music changed and it lost the hypnotic atmosphere it was creating. The vocal needs some singing lessons...
  3. What thought crosses their mind to come up with such uninspired names for a band?
  4. seikun

    When their music sounds more traditional they sound mystically awesome. When they sound more poppish than traditional their music loses appeal...
  5. seikun

    What exactly did Hikaru do in HIZAKI GRACE PROJECT? I haven't followed his career to the letter but I feel like his best work was Izabel Varosa. He should get back to a style similar to that.
  6. I had no idea about this. How did their comeback to the stage go? Listening to their songs on Soundcould brings back that 2000's feeling.
  7. Lots of Lareine gifs : )



    By the way, I have been trying to find on Youtube that live where you find this scene: tumblr_ow6hl21LEu1u0vrrgo7_400.gif


    1. Cantavanda


      That scene is if I remember right from Chanton L'amour live VHS, in bonus content before the actual LILLIE CHARLOTTE movie and live start. I have it but not uploaded yet.  I might be wrong, it's a long time since I've seen it.

    2. seikun


      I have the concert, but it is in the baement and there are too many things there. I've been desiring to watch that scene again for very long. It's so beautifully artistic. If you can uplaod that would be awesome!


      And hope someone can translate into English too.

  8. seikun

    Does anybody know if there is a story for the band name, Metis Gretel?
  9. Has anybody ever listened to the band DOZΣ? Ex-Due le quartz, Sakito was the vocalist and someone from Dollismarry was also a member too. I would love to listen to this band.



    1. Link_vokals


      I have a tape-rip, In my parents house.


      I never listened them until last year, so I know your feel.


      I'll upload it :)

    2. seikun


      If you can upload that would be aswesome. Thanks!

    3. Link_vokals


      Hi, it was a lot of time, but here is 


  10. seikun

    I am so late for this, but I was looking up info about Sakito and found some news from some years ago. Also Kazuki having married. I wonder if he has another social media because the old amblo link has been diactivated.
  11. seikun

    Awesome My favourite song by Metis Gretel and the very first I listened to is Metamorphose. I resent that the band never released any DVD lives and more PVs. A Metamorphose PV would have been so cool. I hope this time people grab their best cameras and record the live HD.
  12. And no one seems to know where members of Noir fleurir may be and what they may be doing today. Will it be a mystery for ever?

    1. doombox


      You mean besides Mast and Tomo?

    2. seikun



      KENGO, Teru, Soushi, Karen.  So many yeas and it seems like we will never get to know anything about them.

  13. Do my ears fail me? When I listen to Salvation by The Cranberries, I hear "Tie your kids unto their beds..." but the lyrics I found on the net say "Tie your kids home to their beds". However, when I read Dolores' lips I don't see her say "home".

    1. nekkichi


      you could look up their live recordings and see if it gets more clear in concert, but enunciation was never her strong point (neither were vocals themselves or lyrics, but that one was particularly awf.)

    2. seikun


      I'm not a native English speaker so the song is a bit of a challenge in some parts, but you can watch the music video on Youtube and read her lips; It sounds and looks like "unto" to me; not "home".

    3. nekkichi


      I think it's just her pronunciation of home as "aum"

  14. Nega was never my thing, but I'm a big fan of Aliene Ma'riage and it is sad that probably they won't play together anymore. I feel Aliene Ma'riage deserves more recognition.
  15. Not bad although the musicalisation could have been bolder. I mean not relying so much on synthetic sounds but relying more heavily on guitar and bass lines. Rely more on Mayu and his musical experience to make the music sound mature. I want to listen to the full version of Darkness.
  16. Nice straight hair. I thought I would never see it in Visual Kei anymore. Even though I am not particularly a fan of MIRAGE it is making me very interested to listen to them after years.
  17. seikun

    How do you translate 君がいて くれるなら into English? If you (do me the favour of) stay here... My Japanese is so basic.
  18. That song, Merry Ghost Land, not bad, but the looks simply don't match the music and the hairstyles have become so ugly >.<
  19. seikun

    Hmm... If I well recall LuLu started activities by late 2000's, in 2008; not early 2000's and I still remember I immediately liked them as soon as I found them that year. It feels like it was yestarday but it will be 10 years this year.
  20. seikun

    I never said he should be forced to perform again; I expressed a natural curiosity to know where he may be because he disappeared from the public eye so suddenly leaving everybody wondering what happened to him.
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