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Everything posted by seikun

  1. I'm curious to know if HISKAREA actually means something...

    1. seikun


      I see. It's hard to find annything related to the word.

    2. Himeaimichu


      It kinda sounds like Hysteria, so maybe it's a misspelling of Hysteria?

    3. seikun


      Maybe. Although it is pronounced ヒスカリア...

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  2. seikun

    I think I like that song; it sounds a bit 2000's and I appreciate the return of decora too If they stick to that style and keep keyboards away it may work for me.
  3. And talking about Lareine and Dir en grey, again, if I well recall, there is a picture where Kyou is sitting on Emiru's lap. I think it was Emiru... I love Lareine's Dir en Gray by the way.
  4. If I well recall, Aliene Ma'riage means Alliance and Marriage.
  5. seikun

    Too many classifications. Just bring the two of them back and get rid of today's uninteresting Visual Kei.
  6. seikun

    Just noticed it. Kilah - Ura no hyou Lamiel - Gi
  7. Could it a problem within the scene, the management, the rythm of things, etc. that somehow suffocates them emotionally/psychologically...?
  8. Does  anybody know what Eremia's vocal did after Eremia's disbandment to this day?

    1. seikun


      Oh, so he's the vocal of Vampire Rose. His singing ha improved a lot. Mising Eremia here.

      Thank you very much for the quick reply^^

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      He also runs a bar. It seems like Vampire Rose is just a for-fun side thing for him

    3. seikun


      I found a video of his bar from a western girl.

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  9. seikun

    Never heard of this band before, but the song definitely reminds me of Pierrot's Magnet Holic. Is there material by them available somewhere, by the way?
  10. What is the impact of Psycho Le Cemu in the scene, by the way?
  11. seikun

    Satsuki needs to go back to first era's RENTRER EN SOI style.
  12. The chorus in this song reminds me of Malice Mizer. Am I the only one?



  13. Do Kiryu ever make sad and/or reflexive-sounding music?
  14. seikun

    The vocal is sort of emulating Kyo's singing style.
  15. Not bad. I just think the overuse of synth makes the music sound a bit cheap.
  16. seikun

    Really or just joking? I would liek to see him in band similar to RENTRER EN SOI again. His voice is capable of conveying those feeling of Mono no aware that I love so much.
  17. seikun

    These comments sound so depressing >.< I don't follow his solo career, but what, has he gone down on the popularity scale in the VK scene in Japan? He has a very beautiful voice and I would like to see him in a band again.
  18. Mezame naki mezame, awesome song. I don't know if they cn be considered Visual Kei, but defintitely they have a distinct and interesting sound fortunately.
  19. seikun

    I see. It's just that when I see kanji like that used standing on their own while sounding monosyllabic (on'yomi?) I always wonder if the Japanese really understand the word in speech or if bands just use them like that for style even if people cannot really figure out the word by ear...
  20. seikun

    I don't relly know; perhaps it was live-distributed... But they were an active band anyway. I used to visit the vocal's twitter and he was always taking pics of himself pre and post lives.
  21. seikun

    I have a question, do Japanese people understand the meaning of 葬 in 薄紅ノ葬 just by hearing it telling it apart from any other sou-sounding word?
  22. seikun

    I think people were noticing the resemblance with Asagi when they uploded the first verion of their preview to Youtube which then they deleted because people were complaining about the singing. I still wait for someone to upload their music...
  23. seikun

    DissIDear. So short I don't think many heard about them before...
  24. For me it was GRIEVA. Since I love old school Visual KeiGrieva more or less sounded like that (Dir en grey-ish) at the beginning, but around mid 2015 the band slowly began to lose that sound, it slowly began to acquire more of a poppish style at the same time that most of their songs sounded uninspired to me, just a lot of songs released in such a short period of time every year.
  25. seikun

    One has to think not everybody has the financial situation to buy CDs, especially from Japan with those high prices and it is not like downloading illegally prevents you from buying the real stuff once you have the money. Most people want to by the original stuff despite illegal downloads. It is because of illegal sharing that Visual Kei can receive extra money from purchases from abroad and bands can play outside Japan so it hs brought some benefits for them. In my particular case, my downloading has dropped drastically given that today's Visual Kei doesn't appeal to me. I mainly try to find old stuff.
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