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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    Shino (Gram∞Maria). He speaks English. I still remember when he was interviewed on TV in 2008 when Miyavi played for the first time in my country and he came as a supporting artist also promoting his single, AQUA, and he spoke English with the reporter. It was a bit hard to understand because his pronounciation wasn't the best, but grammatically speaking, his English was fine.
  2. Lolita23q Same situation as Ayabie. Ishoku Othello, great song but then they went all poppish. >.<
  3. I don't know. From 2010 to 2012 I didn't listen to Visual kei and lost track of most bands. But I still remember the bald guitarrist was kind of one the most popular among fans.
  4. My favourite song was always Orange, but as time passed I forgot about the song although some remnants of it seemed to manifest themselves whenever the band came to mind. I wish someone would upload Homura's discography because my material is somewhere in the basement and I cannot pass through all that stuff.
  5. I like the first song, it reminded me of Due le quartz. Now, I think 15/16 songs is too many >.<
  6. I would like to know what they sound like. I like Kayuki's voice, it reminds me of Satsuki's a bit.
  7. seikun

    Even though Visual Kei began its path during the late 70's it is interesting that a much recent wave is what we call "old school Visual Kei". I attribute it the fact that it was during the 90's when Visual kei finally consilodated a musical style, a pattern easily recongnisable that inspired other bands...
  8. seikun

  9. seikun

    I have forgotten the sound of STELLA MARIA. If someone could find any videos on Youtube...
  10. Hmm, Ayabie. I love Gothic Party Speed Session and it was love at first sight the first time I watched the PV when a friend of mine showed it to me in 2006. I don't consider their others songs/music crap, but I would have loved it if the band had gone in the direction of Gothic Party Speed Session. There was potential in that style.
  11. seikun

    Many bands today that I have listened to go for monotonous riffs that don't stand out and sometimes, the synth almost completely drowns out the bass and guitars in songs.
  12. I want a video of this. This reminds me I once requested the lyrics of Kuro neko. Love that song.
  13. I used to like G-zas too and was addicted to their first song and PV release, EGOIST. In those days I was so up-to-date with VK bands.
  14. seikun

    Most of Visual Kei music today has lost the hypnotic power that many old school VK bands had in their music. I have mentioned it before that certain characterics of what most of us call old school Visual Kei have hypnotic effect (at least for me), the drumming style, guitar melodies, singing style, etc. Today most VK bands don't have that anymore. La'Mule - Sterilization Nao's melody has a wicked hypnotic effect.
  15. La'veil MizeriA deserves better production that makes the fullest of their potential.
  16. seikun

    Nice looks but I know the music will be like that of most VK bands today.
  17. I like Kirito and a lot of what he did with Pierrot, but I don't like his current band Angelo. I don't like his musical style which began to show during the last years of Pierrot. It sounds poppish and sometimes tasteless.
  18. seikun

    Is there any link between all this and the youtube channel Ains DIAURA グリーヴァ ゴシップ 黒百合と影?
  19. I love 「 」 but I don't what to call it if I were to mention the song to someone... Does anybody know what the song would be called in Japanese?
  20. seikun

    Baiser - Angel This is one of the songs through which I learnt to dance to Visual Kei
  21. seikun

    My brain is slow today. You should have exposed the topic as an essay presenting your conclusion at the end.
  22. seikun

    Kyouka was playing covers up to not very long ago. He uploded a few videos singing old school Visual kei songs.
  23. I don't like it that they tend to release too many songs for their albums. The more songs the less time to polish them.
  24. seikun

    Wat kind of thread is this? o.O
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