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Everything posted by seikun

  1. Those looks, like in the days when Visual Kei looked very kabuki-ish. Why those looks, by the way? A tribute?
  2. seikun

    Nice looks, although something that you would expect from younger bands.
  3. I like the song, especially the intro, really addictive. It is just the chorus. It could have been better.
  4. seikun

    Hi Could someone share the lyrics of this song from Jakura? Thanks in advance.
  5. What happened? They changed the site's layout and now back to the "old" one. I like this old one better though

    1. doombox


      Everything is explained in the updates forum. ^^

  6. seikun

    Does Soundcloud happen to have a volume button? >.< I wanted Shinkakukakairo on that list u.u
  7. It sounds very 90's. That was the first impression I got.
  8. Wow, thanks for the translation!
  9. Hmm, I didn't like the chorus in the preview much. It sounds a bit poppish and lacking in emotion (or darkness)... It doesn't match the visual style they are bringing this time... I don't know, this tends to happen to Grieva. I attribute it to them writing so many songs in such a short period of time that then they don't have enough time to polish some of their songs.
  10. seikun

    Are they back together? I want to see Seishun Roll Over being played live.
  11. I would love to see KISAKI doing more kind of aggressive stuff like some he did in Syndrome.
  12. I can't read the article. "Not Found"
  13. Born's song Alterna reminds me a lot of CELLT's song 13。

  14. That poster brings back so many old school Visual Kei bands to mind. I wonder if that means something... It would be great if indeed it meant something.
  15. I receive Madeth gray'll vibes from their new look.
  16. seikun

    Nice visuals. I would love it if their music were more reminiscent of old school VK but that's very unlikely. By the way, promotional videos with no pieces of their music are a waste of time.
  17. How is this comeback planned to go and how long will it last?
  18. Hi. I would like to request the tanslation of this song. If someone has the time to do it I will be deeply thankful^^ Here's the lyrics. 和楽器バンド / 暁ノ糸 花開けば 蝶枝に満つ 我ら歌う 空の彼方で 遥か流る雲の向こうへ 海を越えて 虹を渡って 君に届くように 堰を切って溢れる思い いつか覚める 夢の居場所で 笑い合っていられるように 重ね紡いでいる
  19. Nice looks. I'm taking the pics I would love to listen to all those songs.
  20. Aliene Ma'riage: the music, the atmopshere and the fictional story about the members' characters make the band really interesting to me. Lareine: the music and the playful portrayals of femininity.
  21. seikun

    Thank you!!
  22. seikun

    Yes, that's great. Thanks!
  23. Hi. Could someone share the lyrics of Art Cube's song Kaigenkyo? Thanks in advance!
  24. I don't listen to Black Gene for the Next Scene. I completely lost track of all Vidoll members (except for Jui ) once they disbanded. Actually, I began to lose track on them when their sound (Vidoll) became mainstream.
  25. Are we talking about the same Rame from Vidoll? I haven't heard of him since Vidoll disbanded.
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