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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    One of my favourite bands is Noir fleurir. In July, 2005 I was invited to an event that was held at a university campus organised by students and the event was segmented: Anime series exhibition, trading card games tournments and a Visual Kei party. A friend of mine invited me to the Visual Kei party. We were dancing and the next song was Omocha no Miisha. It caught my attention and I asked the band's name and I fell in love with the band ever since. You had to pay a ticket for access to this event, but my friend knew the organiser and asked him to let me in without paying. I had a great time that whole night.
  2. I would love to listen to Maco sing GRAMMY (Kein). I LOVE that song!
  3. seikun

    I cannot imagine how demanding physically and mentally is to be in two bands at the same time. And loved the preview.
  4. Second video, as soon as the song starts it sounds like old school bands, the lilt, etc etc. I'm not saying they sound completely old school; I'm saying there some of it. Even though I liked some previews, and as I have complained about today's Visual kei, there is this monotone music, there isn't a leading guitar with a distinct melody throughout the song. It's like when I listen to Kiryu, even though they make interesting music and all are very skilled, unfortunately the leading guitarrist tends to go for monotone sounds throughout their songs instead of creating melodies that stand out from the general sound in a song. Excuse me for my lack of knowledge of technical terms when talking about music.
  5. Interesting preview. Loved the second PV preview. Very much like old school Visual Kei. Perhaps it is unintentional but Memento Mori's sound slips through.
  6. seikun

    They've been quite silent lately, haven't they? Any news about their current activities, new drummer?
  7. seikun

    Chizome no Kigeki is awesome, love the drumming, the lilt of the song and its insanity. It reminds me very much of Dye by Baiser. Probably they were inspired by Baiser to make that song.
  8. Hmm... probably in 1998 or 1999 but without knowing about Visual Kei at all. A friend of mine borrowed another guy a cassette with japanese bands. X Japan in it. Then he lent it to me. But I would say 2003 was the year I was indirectly introduced to this type of bands. There was a radio programme in my country in those days and they played japanese music ranging from anime OST to Visual Kei.
  9. Kamijo seesm to be doing quite well lately, world tours and stuff. I don't know about Jupiter but I fuess they are doing well too. I don't see Versailles coming back any time soon...
  10. seikun

    Because old school Visual Kei has its own distinctive sound that caught my attention and interest. There are many music styles that also have a sinister dark sound, but Visual Kei does it in its own way and a way that I love. Also, I like how old school Visual Kei talks about and conveys an element of mental insanity both lyrically and musically. But whether or not a band talks about insanity and those things or not I miss what I listed before with my poor English and lack of knowledge of technical terms: fast drumming, changing speed, etc the way old school used ot do it. But still some bands out there are doing some things: GRIEVA, Vallquar (still active?), La'veil Mizeria.
  11. seikun

    I know Sadiesmarry and there was a time when I was desperately looking for their music, but as far as I can recall, their music kind of lacked the quality you find in Madeth gray'll
  12. seikun

    I need more bands like Madeth gray'll these days. 狂死曲 is stuck in my head now.
  13. I think I disagree here. I love the whole song, I like to pay attention to every instrument, but I would say though that the weakest part of it is when Riku sings "uso mo shinjitsu mo naku soso no kashite ita metamorphose tsuzukete" before the instrumental part before the final part of the song. Different opinions.
  14. seikun

    I want a banner with Noir fleurir and then other old school VK bands. Don't forget the old ones.
  15. Kisaki's real name is Tadashi Matsuura? I never searched for his real name before. Could someone translate what he just posted on this producer's FB, please?
  16. seikun

    When I got involved with the Visual Kei scene in my country it was pretty much like a subculture. I tend to think that Visual Kei has lost a great deal of it lately... I'm older now and not involved in the scene anymore. Some of my friends and aquaintances also grew out of Visual Kei. I haven't grown out if it, I just have no interest in 99% of today's bands because what caught me was the sounds that flourished during the late 90's with all the adorns that accompanied it (visual and performance) among other factors. One of my biggest complaints is that most bands sound totally monotone; the hypnotic and sinister melodies are very much gone.
  17. seikun

    Totally. I miss the sound, the dramatic performances, etc. But I guess there isn't much market for that type of bands these days. Visual Kei went from weird (in the coolest way) experimental to monotone music O.o I miss the crazy sinister hypnotic melodies (both guitars and bass), etc.
  18. seikun

    Disbanding? They lasted nothing... o.O
  19. I like deadman, but I like kein better. I love GURAMI and have asked for a translation of the song, but nothing yet u.u
  20. I haven't listened to the whole discography but I love Kisaki's bass. At least in Metamorphose, after the poppish intro, the bass is all old school, it reminds me of La:Sadie's. A good example that you can make old school inspired music while still adding more contemporaneous (struggling with a better word here) sounds.
  21. seikun

    I don't like their looks in that video. Not appealing. Anyway, from all their songs, nothing beats Yami ni chiru sakura. One of my all times favourite songs and my signature in 2006.
  22. Metamorphose is one of the best songs I have listened to lately in Visual Kei. It sounds like a refined version of old school Visual Kei with a more contemporaneous touch. For an old school Visual Kei lover like me, as soon as I heard Kisaki's bass... "wooooooh, I love this!!". It might become one of those classics (Riku's version).
  23. seikun

    Does anybody know their discography? I am trying to find all their releases but I can't find any information and their official site seems to be facing problems or something... Anyway, I would love an album by the band.
  24. seikun

    No idea who Yuna is but glad to know the band will continue their activities.
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