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Everything posted by seikun

  1. With my more than poor Japanese I find this song too cheesy. I like their darker side better. I like the violin throughout the song though, but chessy song anyway.
  2. I am not an expert but I have always thought the band uses synth drums and I don't like them, they tend to affect the final product negatively making songs too artificial and low quality...
  3. Is this band the same band STELLA that was active around 2007 whose sound was very traditionally Japanese? I was under the impression they had disbanded... I loved this song back in those days
  4. seikun

    Leaving the band or leaving music?
  5. seikun

    I used to like a few songs by this band. It was like listening to Ranma's OST ^__^
  6. seikun

    They look in their very very super ultra early 20's. The one with pink hair reminds me so much of Shou (Alice Nine) in 2005 in that clothing. Anything out there to listen to?
  7. What is the purpose of this specific type of event? Perhaps to make their bands more visible?
  8. seikun

    By the way, is it known what Kazuki is doing these days? I wonder if he is still involved in music...
  9. seikun

    Oh, how come I never saw it before and I am a fan of KEY PARTY bands apart from Due'le quartz!
  10. seikun

    I love Due'le quartz. It was excatly 10 years ago that I listened to the band for the first time. I cannot believe it's 10 years now! Now, there is a piece of information that I am ignoring about the band. I was reading about KEY PARTY bands on a website dedicated to KEY PARTY bands and in the section "RELATED" there appears Due'le quartz. Was the band related to the label or something?
  11. seikun

    I thought they had disbanded... O.o
  12. seikun

    I can deliciously smell the old school aroma coming from their sound. I hope they stick to the sound they are presenting us with and don't succumb to monotone melodies as it happens with many VK bands today. Nice discovery.
  13. seikun

    I thought LIN was kind of doing well in the scene... They played nice and considering the lack of diversity in sound in Visual Kei these days I thought LIN was more than a good option to go for. I thought the band had to stop activities because of all the problems with UCP and ever since they have to eat and pay the bills some members just decided to go different paths to get money and sustain themselves to which a band on hiatus cannot provide.
  14. Nice band. The vocalist's voice somehow reminded me of ex-Lamiel Yuina.
  15. seikun

    Does anybody know why Riku and other left the band? I guess it has to do with the fact that they needed to continue to work and make money while the band was inactive...
  16. Kote Kote. Not only because of the aesthetics but also because I like the sound of many bands under this umbrella such as Lar~Mia, Aliene Ma'riage, Verfe~gorl, CANARY, and so on.
  17. I was never a fan of Soleil, but let's see what this reunion might bring.
  18. What I don't like about western "Visual Kei" bands is that most if not all of them only focus on achieving the VK look but they don't try to replicate the more typical Visual Kei sound, that is something like old school Visual kei, fast drumming, changes in speed, hypnotic sinister melodies, etc like bands such as Aliene Ma'riage, Lar~Mia, what Dir en grey did in GAUZE, etc and more etc. And then most of them seem to write cheesy lyrics; there isn't much about writing songs with provoking lyrics. And there isn't a dramatic element in what they present visually either. No theatrical performances. I think that Visual Kei bands in other Asian countries tend to be closer to Japanese Visual Kei though. This is my very personal opinion on what I would expect in a western band that it is supposed to do Visual Kei.
  19. How relevant were these bands in those days when Visual Kei was the trend?
  20. seikun

    No, no sarcasm, and I was a big fan of Metis Gretel. Sui is more of the shouty type of vocalist.
  21. seikun

    I wonder if there is any video or mp3 to listen to Sui singing Metamorphose... But Sui is not the melodic type of vocalist...
  22. From what I have read it is not crossed eyes; it is the nose bridge that shapes the eyelids differently and gives the impression they suffer from strabismus. Since last year I have not listened to Jupiter. Their sound just doesn't appeal to me.
  23. Too conventional sound for a Visual kei band...
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