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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    I came to know the band thanks to a Hungarian friend in 2006 who presented me with many bands I didn't know at that time. This reminded me, I always wanted to watch their PV Seishun Roll Over, but I don't know what happened because the PV was never available anywhere...
  2. seikun

    Perhaps an attempt to be a second ONE OK ROCK...
  3. Get rid of the synth, pease!! No more of it!! Sexy body, by the way.
  4. seikun

    Nice voice and decent playing, but more of the same.
  5. Wow, this is like watching and listening to a band from around 2005 to 2008 approx. Their looks have a bit of an oshare kei touch, too.
  6. seikun

    Listening to Miyavi now is like listening to any ordinary western musician. The special japanese flair is gone.
  7. seikun

    Time flies and the band still makes no decent presence on the media (inet)....
  8. HYDE's perfect voice. And to think that 10 years ago HYDE's voice sounded horrible, I guess due to smoking. He could barely sing, it was as if his throat was going to explode.
  9. seikun

    A few days after this and now for some reason it makes me laugh hahahaha. I must say though there is some potential in the music, just a little bit and still too monotone, something I don't like when it comes to Visual Kei bands.
  10. seikun

    Perhaps too much dedication to visuals and not so much to music...
  11. seikun

    I like the band so I don't want them to disband and I hope they find a permanent bassist soon and continue to make music.
  12. seikun

    I see my opinion on the band has changed now haha. That set again, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
  13. seikun

    What happened to Toshiya? It looks like too much muscle O.o
  14. I have been listening to LIN for a bit more than two months now and in general I loved the sound of the band, especially, their song Metamorphose. However, I found out that Riku left the band and Sui is the new vocalist. Along with Riku, the previous sound of the band left too and now the band sounds almost completely different. Not that I don't like the new sound, it just sounds like a different band to me and perhaps a band name change would have been recommendable.
  15. seikun

    The band name makes them sound interesting...
  16. seikun

    My favourite song by HeaRt is Shinkaku kakairo, but I didn't find any videos with the song on Youtube. I would like this new band to sound like that song, but I'll stay calm and wait for any samples.
  17. seikun

    You never know with today's bands. I just saw their looks and the band name and that gave me hopes. Let's wait to the day they will release any material.
  18. I'm not sure. Probably bands like Blur and Garbage and singers like Alanis Morrisette whom I listen from time to time. I am so pleased by what Japan offers as a whole that it is hard for me to imagine my world without Visual Kei and other music from Japan.
  19. seikun

    EL-felia-, like the old school Visual Kei band Féria. I hope they sound a bit old school, just a bit, please...
  20. seikun

    Wasn't there a band called JOKER already?
  21. Interesting. The sound kind of reminds me of some old Oshare Kei bands. It has a subtle touch.
  22. I have a passion for languages. I don't learn languages because they could provide me with any financial benefit (if it happens however then bring it on!). I love to be able to say things in other languages. It is like discovering a new world. You never know if you could become an interpreter and/or a translator of Japanese news for any TV station...
  23. How about homophones/homonyms in the Japanese language? Has enybody experienced problems with them either while learning or living the language? There are lots of them and I am not talking about the typical and regular words that have an average of three meanings such as 橋, 箸 and 端. I am talking about those words derived from Chinese that sometimes the same sounds can have up to 20 meanings. For example, こうせい. Last time I checked, it had 17 meanings. How to deal with such an amount of meanings for the same sound... Since I don't speak a language that has an overwhelming amount of homonyms this is one of the most challenging aspects of Japanese for me.
  24. Change your learning method based on what works for you. Reading a book that teaches you grammar sometimes doesn't work much for many people. In my case, I am teaching myself through text (online lessons), but as soon as I learn something I go and practise with the exercises and I make up my own sentences (orally mainly). If there are listening lessons on Youtube I go there and listen to oral examples which accelerates my learning process and make me feel more motivated too.
  25. I don't think I want to move to Japan. I don't know what I could do there (teaching Spanish, perhaps...). Besides, the toughness of the working world in Japan doesn't appeal to me at all. I need balance and me time and Japan doesn't seem to provide that to its workers... But I am teaching myself Japanese more determined than in previous years. My goal is to be able to speak and understand basic Japanese by the end of the year. Thanks to Youtube I can exercise what I am learning. When I reach the level to laugh at a joke in Japanese I will know I can SPEAK the language.
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