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Everything posted by seikun

  1. I think some people already know my answer: #2 By the way, is Oshare-kei completely gone? Aren't there any Oshare-kei bands out there in Japan?
  2. seikun

    Aristocrat's Symphony, Le Ciel, Garnet and Jisatsu Ganbou? Blasphemous people!
  3. seikun

    Great news!! I still dance to Gekiai-Merry-Go-Round. I use the song as warmup. This reunion must come along with a DVD for those of us who will not be able to attend the lives.
  4. What a great influence family members seem to have on themselves (independent) grown-up people in Japan. Who knows what exactly is the problem that caused him to decide to leave the band... Considering how secretive japanese musicians are when it comes to causes for leaving a band or death of a member, stating that there is a family issue going on sounds like being very open to fans, in japanese terms... XD
  5. seikun

    This band grew on me so I hope they stay together. I am craving for old-school-Visual-Kei-sounding bands.
  6. He is a very good drummer. He plays fast and steady. I wonder what problems made him decide to leave the band...
  7. Even though I love Kyouka's singing style I have noticed he seems to have some difficulties to sing melodically. I was watching this video he uploaded on his Youtube channel when the band covered Sterilization by La'mule and Kyouka couldn't sing the song as melodically as Kon used to. Perhaps it is just that he is too accustomed to screaming and/or singing aloud...
  8. seikun

    I used to love this band and still love some of their music. I wish they would resume activities.
  9. So that's why. I have read at least one user on here suggesting the band isn't making it in the scene in Japan...
  10. I don't understand why the bands seems to have a compulsive need to release so many songs in short periods of time.
  11. seikun

    I insist, 176BIZ was never going to succeed. They didn't have clear what path they wanted to walk through. At least in Visual Kei you can stick to a specific style and make even more awesome riffs with every release.
  12. seikun

    176BIZ was never going to succeed because it was a very unstable band musically. Too many drastic music styles changes. They seemed to be wandering aimlessly around the music world...
  13. seikun

    Noir fleurir - Omocha no MIISHA. Missalina Rei - TO-KI-ME-KI. Lareine - Saikai no hana. Baiser - Prism.
  14. It catches my attention the health issue with japanese, especially with Visual Kei artists...
  15. How is 鐘の音がよく聞こえると雨になる properly translated into English? The translation provided by the official site sounds so weird to me O.o
  16. seikun

    In a way, I guess Miyavi (un)intentionally has gotten rid of lots of old fans ever since his new music has absolutlely nothing to do with anything Visual Kei-related. Obviously Miyavi (or the people behind him...) are searching for other kind of fans...
  17. seikun

    I love this song, especially the bass. La'cryma Christi - The Scent
  18. seikun

    I have been reading comments on Youtube and there is a general "disappointment". Many miss his old music/sound. Not many are liking his rather westernized sound. A guy's comment I read said he was expecting something more Japanese.
  19. seikun

    Fans of Visual Kei will always be a small fraction of the population because of the sense of subculture of the scene just like gothic, and other subcultures.
  20. seikun

    This song gets touchy if you are longing for someone deeply. Shazna - Koibito
  21. seikun

    Does anybody know how the band is doing in Japan (sales and popularity in the VK scene)? Someone expressed (his/her personal opinion though) that will not succeed...
  22. seikun

    Not fair, the T-shirt was conveniently covering the goods. Once soaked, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  23. I don't consider HELLO one of their best songs. Barairo no sekai deserved its own PV.
  24. seikun

    Perhaps labels feel they get so little for every band they produce that they try by all means to prevent any events that could make them not get any more money that they desperately need... In the case of Youtube, I think some lables are afraid people will download PVs directly from the site instead of purchasing the DVD on sale. Some lables upload relatively low quality videos to solve this problem they apparently are facing... Others add logos or the basic information about the PV to the videos: Song Title. Band Name Producer. Fans usually want not only high quality videos but also no ads or information on the screen so we are forced to by the DVDs if we want the screen clean from those things. So, there are ways to promote the bands and still not lose money... However, just like promotion is important, the quality of the product being promoted (music) is also very important.
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