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Everything posted by seikun

  1. With a band like GRIEVA one never knows what to expect. Maybe what they want to do is to repeat the same old formula, going from the ideal indies Visual Kei style to a mainstream one, a similar journey to that of Dir en grey. Maybe GRIEVA will get back to old school Visual Kei in future releases. Who knows... Anyway, the song in the latest preview still sounds old school VK, it's just that maybe it sounds a bit less inspired. Perhaps composing so many songs in such a short period of time is not a good idea...
  2. seikun

    Hilarious PV, hahahaha! I have been watching his videos since about 2006. His oddit is catchy. His visual style to me is more like that of a transvestite with some Visual Kei elements. Actually I wonder if he is found in that spectruum...
  3. seikun

    For those of us who don't speak japanese can you give more detales about the lyrics, please?
  4. seikun

    It seems to be I am the only one still interested in the band. I wonder how many songs they have released so far...
  5. seikun

    Do not forget KEY PARTY bands!
  6. I must admit it, nice preview.
  7. seikun

    Hi. I would like to request the lyrics of Bones by Rose Noire. Thanks in advance!
  8. seikun

    Whenever I comment that I would like more old school Visual Kei bands these days I usually say that I would like bands not to stick to an ultra indies sounds like when you are just learning to play an instruments (which shows instantly). I want bands to find inspiration in the old sound of Visual Kei and make it even better, take the style a bit further everytime.
  9. seikun

    It is a natural thing that when you do something over and over (practice) your skills will improve. Not that a band has to go on stage and "hey, look how much I have improved". No, just use what you have learnt for the sake of your music.
  10. seikun

    What I long for the most is not necessarily the looks but the music. I want more bands sounding like old school Visual kei. There have been some bands that have played that style such as Madieduor, La'veil Mizeria, etc. But my problem with these bands is that they never improved their skills. I mean OK, you can sound ultra indies and inexperienced for up to 3 releases, but then you must show skills and improvement. Fortunatelty, old school Visual Kei is broadly varied (you can play with rythms and speed) but most of the recent bands that have done old school Visual Kei seem to get stuck on an hyper-ultra indies inexperienced sound. No, you must show skills and take the style even further, you must improve the style (O.S VK) after a time without having to transition to another style. Although I must admit this is a good song (personal opinion). I like the soun distortions, the speed changes and all that Visual Kei used to have and that caught my attention. From here they should take the style even further. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyMCU0LO29o
  11. seikun

    I'm afraid Neo Visual Kei will be remembered as the most tasteless era/side of Visual Kei... I might be wrong though.
  12. seikun

    It sounds like a perfect name for an Oshare Kei band.
  13. seikun

    I don't care about Kyouki's handsomeness/ugliness. I only care about him and the band to make the music I like and that they have been making as the base concept of the band.
  14. seikun

    What a sad news. I think they should tell the fans the cause of death. Maybe not details but since he was a public figure fans deserve a bit of information. I hope these sudden deaths stop in Visual Kei.
  15. Hmm, to be honest, this single sounds like KAMIJO is selling out, so to speak... This song might help as a break from all the more saddened songs he has written so far and in that sense I think it is OK. So just to give some fun to fans when attending his concerts.
  16. I want to listen to anything by this band. Will that ever happen? ...
  17. Not the kind of music I like. I like his vampire-esque music better. It reminded me a bit of Fuyu Tokyo PV, although Fuyu Tokyo is a masterpiece, unbeatable. Anyway, Good Luck, Kamijo-san.
  18. Who said it was a bad thing? Just pointing out the resemblance.
  19. This looks made him (Lareine era) and make him look like Madonna. XD
  20. Nice project. Looking forward to listening to any samples of their songs. By the way, is Pink Tribal a session band?
  21. Lareine yay!!!!!! Now I need to listen to a sample!
  22. seikun

    Maria Cross took Kyo for a moment.
  23. What makes them different from other bands today? Nothing. The singing was way off-key. Generally I have no problem with it though but I don't know... too notorious. Neo Visual Kei is ruining everything!
  24. seikun

    I love those heavenly inspired ballads that make me see the fragility of life through the pain of a calm sadness. RENTRER EN SOI - Aqua
  25. I sense the spirit of Lareine for this new release...
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