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Everything posted by seikun

  1. I never thought of this before. Something I don't like about Visual Kei bands is that many of them, as soon as they reach some level of success that allows them to go major they take the chance, but that is not the worst. The worst is that they change their musical style for a more commercial one. Not that I don't like pop music or pop rock like Good Charlotte to name a band, but that is not what I look for and what delighted me when I first listened to Visual Kei. What fascinated me about Visual Kei (apart from aesthetics) is the music itself from bands such as Aliene Ma'riage, Verfe~gorl, Due'le quartz, Noir fleurir, Missalina Rei, Lareine, Gill'e cadith, etc. Music that most of the time you have to develop a taste to. I would like Visual Kei bands to be faithful to their musical style and keep improving it through time and not changing it from rock to pop. In that sense I would hardly support a band, especially now since finding a band that sounds old school and will stick to it while improving the style is like finding a needle in the hay.
  2. seikun

    I just hope less pop-ish sounds and more interesting musical compositions. Oh, less keyboard sounds too, especially those horrible violin sounds O.o
  3. Fans are guilty for not condenming this kind of acts from bands...
  4. seikun

    I thought it was a video with an introduction and the PV xD I want to watch the PV soon.
  5. seikun

    I liked the preview but I would just get rid of the sort of pop-ish style in most of it. At the end the song got more interesting with the heavy drumming and guitars.
  6. seikun

    Nice preview. The drumming at the beginning kind of reminding me of Kiri to mayu, but they kind of copying themselves because this preview sounds a bit similar to their song called Chuuzetsu, haha.
  7. seikun

    I don't know them, but I like their band name. It sounds like a perfect name for an old school Visual Kei band, a very indies one. Is there and music sample out there so I can listen to their music?
  8. seikun

    Wow, nice video! What is this project about?
  9. seikun

    The band name reminds me of the old school Visual Kei Marry+an+blood.
  10. Nice trailer. The songs are very much like those of Versailles in style. It seems to be this release will be a very good one. I wish I could buy it this year. I like it that it sounds less commercial than Jupiter.
  11. seikun

    Kazui ex-Missalina Rei (drummer) super sexy guy. Oh Lord have some mercy!! Maybe not so much physically before and now, but his personality just captivated me when I watched their last live. I'm all his!!
  12. seikun

    Like nü-metal perhaps. Since the mid 2000's the fascinating hypnotic guitar lines of old school Visual Kei were replaced with boring monotone guitar lines. Not that I don't like any of those bands, it is just that their music is less interesting for me than that of the Visual Kei (old school VK) I bumped into the first time. Very personal opinion this of mine I must say.
  13. I liked their music when they started as a band. After 2010 I lost track of them. Last year I bumped into their music again and even though I liked one of their songs I see that they have not progressed much musically speaking.
  14. seikun

    The chorus is horrible, but as the song progresses it gets better, specially at the end of the preview. That part reminds me of Sweet Lemon Broker by KuRt. The vocalist is like Asagi's alterego, he looks like him but his voice is high-pitched compared to that of Asagi.
  15. seikun

    Never thought about it as a marketing strategy. It makes sense but I had this kind of complaint about Dir en grey in special that english titles for their songs sometimes make them seem pretentious (only and exclusively to me). It is not like every Dir en grey song with an english title makes me feel that anyway.
  16. seikun

    Asagi all the way xD I kind of like the song, it reminds me of mid 2000's Visual Kei. However, I would like the guitar and the bass to stand out with more interesting melodies rather than being just fillers... I also would get rid of the cute melodies in the song, but I it them so far. I liked it that the typical lilt in Visual Kei songs is present in this one. Also, at least the vocalist's looks seem more justified than most Visual Kei bands these days.
  17. seikun

    Interesting song. There was a guitar solo and the guitar sounded like that of 304gou Shitsu, Shita to Yoru. I might be interested in listening to more of their music although I don't like it much when bands have a kind of slow sound in every song. I get bored and I need insanity and speed in music. The english title of the song I find it unnecessary. It would have been better if it was in japanese considering all the japanese reminiscence all along the video. I need to spit this out but I find the title in english a bit pretentious. (Relieved now xD) By the way, does Kyo speak english?
  18. seikun

    I now see xD I wonder why their hair doesn't fall out with all the dying, hairspray and styling.
  19. seikun

    I need to see pictures of members of Baiser without makeup, but they all seem to have disappeared from the existence... I wonder what Yukari looks like now...
  20. seikun

    I am missing a piece of information here. What is this?
  21. seikun

    Nice song. I loved the bass. It sounds like old school Visual Kei to me with that repetitve sinister melody. And the guitar almost at the end and the drums too. I have a question. Was that picture taken in the same place where Phantasmagoria shot Material Pain PV and GRIEVA shot Amai unou, akai sanou PV? If so, what kind of place is that? Is it underground? Is it a cave? Has anybody ever been in there?
  22. seikun

    I didn't know the band. I just listened to a song of theirs called False Memory... I wonder why it is so hard for them when basically they sound like most today's "VK" bands. Except they sound more indies but not that different than most bands these days. They should get an average success I suppose... And they look cute. They should have a bunch of teen girls shouting KAWAIIIIIII!!!!
  23. seikun

    Well, I will wait for someone to upload any songs by them.
  24. seikun

    Curious to know what they sound like!
  25. I had already forgotten his birthdate. Ever since his label recruited more poppish bands I lost almost complete interest in him ó.o
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