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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    Please please!! I love this song and I think the lyrics might be quite interesting. My japanese is poor and I can't even make sense of single sentence. Just taking a few words I tend to think the lyrics is intended to convey some kind of sarcasm, maybe against those prejudiced people who stigmatize homosexuals and cause harm with their prejudices. I might be wrong, but once again I will be deelply thankful to anuone who could translate the song.
  2. Certainly the end of Megaupload played its part in this, but I would say that most of today's Visual Kei bands are not that interesting when compared to older bands and that certainly has made people less interested in Visual Kei.
  3. Dollis Marry. I still like a bunch of songs, but now I am not as crazy for the band as I was the first time.
  4. Hi everyone I love this song by kein and I managed to find the lyrics in Japanese. From the very first time I listened to this song I could notice the words Heterosexual and Homosexual and I am very interested in a English translation of this song. So I will be deeply thankful to the person who could translate it for me. Thanks in advance and here I post the lyrics. (Video at the bottom) グラミー 詞 眞呼 曲 ゆきの 昏睡状態 僕は 階段の音を 聞きながら ドキドキ うれしうれし楽しい 首吊り台へ昇ろう 昏睡状態 僕は 縛られた 手首が気掛かり ドキドキ 恐い恐い痛い 電気イスに 座ろう 昏睡状態 君は 癇を 起しているから ドキドキ うれしうれし楽しい 君の気管を 絞めよう 昏睡状態 君は 赤い血が 沸き出ているから ドキドキ 恐い恐い痛い 君の“脊髄” 取り出して 「no 愚かな scapegoat」 「no 俺は hetero-sexual」 腐った水に…腐敗のモルグ 「no 愚かな scapegoat」 「no 愚かな homo-sexual」 「no…scap…go…at…」 「俺の嫌いな homo-sexual」 「呼吸停止剤」 「心拍停止剤」 「呼吸停止剤」 「心拍停止剤」 … ああ…死刑台の罪人の観覧会ね のた打ち回る僕に群衆の歓声と喝采 蠢く… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh7OW6ZcQDQ
  5. seikun

    By the way. Aliene Ma'riage doesn't sound gothic to me, not much at least. To me this band can be taken as reference for the achievement of a particular sound that distingueshes the 90's and early 2000's Visual Kei era. Baiser, Aliene Ma'riage, Missalina Rei, Lamiel, Madeth gray'll, Verfe~gorl and the list goes on and on. But in the end it is good that you cqan't classify a lot of bands. Nowadays the more you mix the better.
  6. seikun

    I wasn't exactly thinking of today's bands but the old ones. Oh please why don't you instruct me on this? You seem to know very much. I could learn a lot from you... Genres are life...
  7. seikun

    I would say La:Sadie's and Syndrome right after it and then Phantasmagoria.
  8. I liked 176BIZ, specially their first release, but as they went on releasing more material I lost interest in them. I always felt they were looking for a style that suited them. This band was something like an experiment till the end.
  9. Maybe Phantasmagoria. I used to love the band up until 2007/8, but a few years later I realised I wasn't that crazy for the band anymore. Well, I still like the band, but just some songs, specifically those that sound more like old school Visual Kei and songs like Mikansei to guilt (I love this song so much). I avoid most of those romantic and more mainstream songs they released... Also Vidoll.
  10. seikun

    Hahaha, hilarious name: The Cockerel.
  11. This is my very personal opinion. I think that the bands that have been coming out since let's say... 2007/8 are not that interesting; the Neo Visual Kei thing and stuff. Bands are making very mainstream music and there isn't anything interesting there. That, in my opinion, has made the interest in Visual Kei decrease a lot. But bands and musicians like Miyavi, MUCC, Gazette, Moi dix Mois, An Cafe, etc and old school Visual Kei bands, they should worry about illegal downloading because they have not lost fans. Most blogspots are mainly based on older bands rather than the new ones.
  12. Until 2010 at least there was plenty of blogspot to download music by Visual Kei bands. Now I see most of those sites don't exist anymore or are inactive. That's why I think most new bands should not worry about illegal downloading.
  13. seikun

    Most people understand that Visual Kei is free and that a song can have more than one genre in it, which in my opinion is a great thing ever since sticking to one genre makes music predictable and boring for someone like me. Nowadays there are lot of bands that don't follow a specific genre, instead bands from all styles mix a lot of them. A friend of mine even says that today it is not even importat to be able to play well. So I think if Visual Kei has to be labeled something I would suggest "ALTERNATIVE".
  14. seikun

    I sometimes delete the bands I like the most so as to not wear them out or I skip them^^ A song I never delete... let me see... Illuminati by MALICE MIZER. Many songs bring back good memories and this is one of them. Plus I just love this song with a passion.
  15. seikun

    Gazette is coming to Chile. Actually a TV channel is promoting the concert right now as I write this and they will give some tickets away if people can tell what the name of the PV they are now playing is. I used to like Gazette, not as a crazy fan, but there are many songs I like. Now they sound very westernised and that killed their flavour to me.
  16. seikun

    In one of the videos Kyouka uploaded on Youtube months ago he was sitting having dinner with friends I think and his face looked a bit swollen. But if he is fine now I'm happy for him^^
  17. seikun

    Who cares about genre in Visual Kei. Although I firmly think Visual Kei developed a musical style during the late 90's based on bands like Baiser and the model was I don't care much about genre in Visual Kei because I like it to be free for inspiration as it comes.
  18. seikun

    I would like to get a reply from many VK artists and one of those is Yukari from baiser, but it seems he has completely disappeared from the scene...
  19. I was not talking about concerts performed by VK bands. I was talking about all sorts of events organised by VK fans like parties, cover bands lives, etc. At least in my country fans tend to organise parties at home, universities, etc. There you can go and dance to Visual Kei bands. Actually there are also places like clubs/discos where you also can go and dance to Visual Kei bands. All these events are based on old school bands like Malice Mizer, Dir en grey, Kagerou, Noir fleurir, Metronome, MUCC, etc. Of course there are a few newer bands, but they are not what attracts most fans to these events.
  20. seikun

    I used to think differently before this release, but it seems to me that Kamijo's singing style in Versailles has taken its toll on his voice. His voice sounds somehow "tired". But that doesn't affect the quality of this release negatively anyway.
  21. Anyway, I don't think most VK bands of these days should worry about illegal downloading. I just don't think they get all the attention older VK bands had when they were around. I might be wrong, but I don't see the craze about VK bands anymore, not at least when it comes to "Neo Visual Kei". On the other hand, older Visual Kei bands are still appreciated by VK fans and events are still held based on those bands (parties, etc).
  22. seikun

    Not interested in this band. I can't tell a band from another these days... >.<
  23. seikun

    I was reading comments from users posted on the PVs video uploaded on Youtube and there is a user stating that Versailles broke up because HIZAKI felt Kamijo was more popular then him and that he (HIZAKI) was already bored of the music style they were making and wanted something new try musically. Even more, this user says HIZAKI brought Zin to Jupiter and the reason why they released so many songs is because they were already working as Jupiter before Versailles split up. And even more, this user thinks that Jupiter suddenly decided to release their material exactly the same day Kamijo did so as to overshadow Kamijo's release. What do you guys know about this?
  24. I remember when I just entered the world of fans of japanese music in my country there were guys who sold music and videos from japanese bands. It didn't matter if it was an avi file or the low quality of it, they just sold them for a fairly good price. In those days (10 years ago) not everybody had access to this music as we have it now so these sellers were quite common. This topic is somehow complicated. If it weren't for illegal file sharing most bands would be unknown in the west, they wouldn't have all the buyers they have from the rest of the world (even if the ammount of money spent from this side of the world doesn't benefit the bands much) and they would have almost no chance to play overseas, and tickets for concerts are expensive, really expensive, at least here in Chile. But today even if people download illegal material that doesn't stop them from byuing the original. The problems are always the price and the difficulties to get that material from Japan.
  25. seikun

    I kind of liked the PVs, specially Louis ~Enketsu no La Vie en Rose~ PV. Mana gave me the impresion he was kind of baptising Kamijo as a new eternal vampire... hahaha. I loved the end of the PV. It reminds me of Saikai no Hana PV. Grazioso PV reminded me of The Candy Spooky Theater... o.O I think this single is worth buying it^^
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