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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    LM.C released an album recently, right?
  2. seikun

    I used to be a die-hard PIERROT fan and got real mad when they abruptly splitted up without a last live for their fans. Then, I tried to follow Angelo, but I was never really attracted by the sound of the band as I was attracted by PIERROT. My problem with Angelo or Kirito to be more precise, is that he tends to sings almost robotically (so to speak) and practically monotone. Kirito, in my very personal opinion, needs to acquire a more melodic singing style. Although there are a few songs I like by Angelo. I wish he sang more like he did in Clear Sky (PIERROT) and less like he does in Outbreak (Angelo). I never followed the other bands, either. I liked LM.C's first song that they released, but I was still mad at Aiji and the pop sound of the band never appealed to me. So, did Angelo, ALvino and LM.C disband?
  3. Could someone narrate briefly this person's "recent" background. I remember to have read about something like a gender change and prostitution, but I don't know if this is the person and how things happened from beginning to the end...
  4. seikun

    Teru is/was good-looking without makeup. Makeup wasn't his thing much xD
  5. seikun

    We will have to wait then.
  6. seikun

    Please, show me a picture of Yukari ex Baiser! He must be somewhere on this planet.
  7. seikun

    So no CD released so far?
  8. seikun

    To my ears Missalina Rei's Shiroi Tsubasa might have been inspired by Dye by BAISER. If so, nice source of inspiration^^
  9. seikun

    Wow, Kirito. Both Dir en grey and PIERROT were supposed to be kind of rival bands at least in terms of popularity back then. I never thought they would work together someday, although they seem to have some things in common. By the way, how do you do to be in two bands at the same time without affecting any of them when both require almost your whole time in one of them?
  10. seikun

    And the reason for the disbandment is?
  11. seikun

    I like the old preview better. In this new one the vocalist sounds more off key and I cannot scape the thought that the few comments posted on the previous preview made an impact on the band and label when users said the vocalist sings horribly. The more effeminate voice suits better the song and it goes perfect with vocalist's easthetics in the end. I hope their release contains the previous version of that song
  12. I just found them and that preview sounds interesting. I would like to listen to the whole song.
  13. seikun

    Has anybody got their release yet?
  14. seikun

    Any official website link?
  15. I only like a few of their songs, but he is a good drum player. Their Sunrise PV is constantly aired on a channel I usually watch here in my country. Now the news sounds like a forced decision at least... Maybe he is not that happy to live his musical career to be in charge of a family business... Who knows...
  16. seikun

    O.o The other version was better and sounded less off key than this one XD There were some comments on that previous video saying the vocalist sang horrible, maybe that is why... Although I think his singing was good enough. I hope their release contains the previous version.
  17. Many, many songs and most of them related to the time I embraced Visual Kei back in 2004 and all the good people I met. Dir en grey - Yurameki That was my first love by Dir en grey when I got their discography and hold it dearly in my heart till this day.
  18. I have just found this on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RONvoQ7HfgY
  19. Wow, Shuuen is really a great release, better than I expected. This is what I was waiting for so long, not only a contemporaneous band to make old school Visual Kei music, but take it a little further and improve the sound as musical experience is gained through time. They sound a bit less Dir en grey and it seems to me they have been listening to other old school Visual Kei bands. Kind of they are finding their own old school VK sound. These guys are very talented and if they continue together for a long time I hope they become a pattern and standard.
  20. KAMIJO - Presto PV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVLUMJGMGO8
  21. seikun

    So it could be infered there is a small old school Visual Kei-inspired trend going on?
  22. I desperately want to buy this release!! How much is it in US dollars? Also, KAMIJO has already released a decent amount of songs for a world tour. I am kind of glad Versailles is on hiatus, otherwise this release might have never come to exist...
  23. Their looks take me back to mid 2000's. Any sample to listen to anywhere on the net?
  24. Those who have watched Kamijo's trailer 3 and understand japanese, do you know what the chorus say? 残されたロサリオ lalalalalalala ために 捧げるこの体を私はあなたの生贄となる I want to know what that part says in english. My transcription might be wrong because my japanese is poor and that is all I could understand by ear. I kind of understand the second paragraph or at least I get the gist of it, but I am unable to translate it into english properly.
  25. Did Kamijo perform live yesterday on Nicovideo? There was a link to nicovideo on his facebook profile.
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