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Everything posted by seikun

  1. seikun

    I don't remember if I ever downloaded anthing by then. I'm going to check out the download section...
  2. seikun

    They just formed and right after that they're on hiatus? I wanted to know what they sound like.
  3. I got to listen to the band just last year. The band has an interesting sound although my heart leans towards Phantasmagoria and Syndrome more.
  4. I wonder if someone else noticed 回転木馬 sounds similar to senbonzakura...
  5. seikun

    Really, this Waive? I remember I have this PV as well as a live where they sang Shelter Skelter along with many VK bands.
  6. seikun

    I wonder if one of the reasons for them to leave is that they feel a bit old for Visual Kei and want to explore other scenes...
  7. The one with purple hair, I guess he is the vocal. I like his looks, very 90's.
  8. They look cool although I don't like their outfits much. I wonder if the band name is a combination of rain (English) and día (Spanish for 'day')...'rainday' I hope they have something interesting to offer musically. I hope!!
  9. I like the looks, but musically they don't seem to progress. They have talent to make better music while sticking to their style.
  10. seikun

    Oh, Apart from Malice Mizer's song I was sure I once watched videos of a band called Lafflesia before.
  11. seikun

    I'm not necessarily saying that Maple Gunman is a terrible track, but rather their sound took a more mainstream path which I think made the band less interesting. This song is awesome.
  12. seikun

    Hmm, what to say... Perhaps that most Visual Kei bands lack the spirit that older bands used to have. The creation of a character oR certain personality that distinguised members in a band, the weird and playful personalities, etc. Look at Lareine, every member was a character and they deliberately played with femininity. Mana-sama, a mysterious silent being who communicates via a middleman and all Malice Mizer members also being weird and elegant, etc. Missalina Rei's vocal ARISU ARISUGAWA who was something like a weird crazy little girl having some fun around. Kyouka (Aliene Ma'riage) conceived by Mast and Ray, "menatlly asolated". All that playfulness, those characters, those personalities are pretty much something of the past. Perhaps all it could be created to enrich Visual Kei was already done and nothing new can rise from the ashes... Probably most fans of Visual Kei today are not really interested in the theatrical side of Visual Kei to tell the truth...
  13. seikun

    But it was when they released Maple Gunman that their music style changed and Bou was still a member of the band.
  14. seikun

    I think An Cafe ruined it since Maple Gunman. Their music was more interesting before Maple Gunman.
  15. The musicalization is kind of dull and repetitive.
  16. I forgot the name of that syndrome in my own language too, but managed to find it: Carpal tunnel syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed as it travels through the wrist at the carpal tunnel and causes pain, numbness and tingling, in the part of the hand that receives sensation from the median nerve. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpal_tunnel_syndrome
  17. I want those posters or whatever they are called!!
  18. Perhaps it is similar to what affects secretaries whose hands have to be in the same position on a keyboard for long periods of time in order to type. It ends up kind of suffocating a nerve along the wrist and if it gets worse it needs surgery.
  19. I like VK bands that mix rock and japanese traditional music. Let's wait to listen to them.
  20. seikun

    How long have they been around, 2 years? From the previews released some months ago their music sounds very interesting. I wonder why they will disband...
  21. Lovely to see those little pics of Lareine's members. If this reunion is released as DVD it is going to be sooooo expensive!
  22. I'm intersted in listening to what they will offer. It would have been interesting if KISAKI had invited Tatsuya to form a new band somehow reminiscent of their Syndrome and old school Visual Kei days.
  23. seikun

    I would prefer that they not write new songs. Some comebacks can be disappointing when making music again after more than a decade of disbandment. The industry may force them to sacrifice their original style in a way that might not be pleasant for those who love the band. What they did in the past was and is awesome and it is good that there are still people who love that music of the recent past.
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