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Everything posted by seikun

  1. I recongnised Kyouka with red hair, but the one in white also looks like Kyouka and makes the same faces Kyouka used to make while in Aliene Ma'riage so I thought it was something like and alter-ego. Thanks, Neolicht.
  2. I'm a bit lost here now that I notice. Is Chaos also Kyouka? Before visiting their official website (whcih I loved, very well designed) I naturally assumed the white one was Kyouka with other outfit.
  3. It sounds like Pierrot's song to me.
  4. I wanted to listen to their previews but the videos don't load for me.
  5. Kyouka's voice sounds the same way it sounded during Aliene Ma'riage. That's good.
  6. seikun

    I love the cover, very well conceived I want Chizome no kigeki now!
  7. Current looks so different from the kotekote kei style chariot used to wear before.
  8. seikun

    I was talking with a friend of mine who had the opportunity to see Versailles in 2010, He actually invited me along, he was going to pay for my VIP ticket but because of personal issues I couldn't go. Well, the thing is that people then had the chance to meet the band in person and he told me that Hizaki wore a massive amount of foundation that made him look like a ceramic doll, a thick layer of foundation. Kamijo, on the other hand, said my friend that he wore much less foundation so he looked more natural.
  9. seikun

    Obviously following him n_n
  10. Wow, I think I like it. It's refreshing to listen to Kyouka's screams again. KEY PARTY perfected and turned into divinity. I really hope they succeed. This is gold!
  11. seikun

    I still find this all so sudden because both Jupiter and Kamijo seemed to be doing well, especially Kamijo, in my opinion. So much production that, apparently, they will leave behind... I can't get my head around it.
  12. Kind of interesting, but they need guitars more. There must a guitar leading with an interesting melody, otherwise, I don't see the purpose of having guitarrists.
  13. I enjoyed seeing the pics with Mayu and Machi. It's 11 years since I watched Metamorphose PV on TV for the first time. I suppose those are wigs though. What is known about them? Are they still working in the music industry?
  14. seikun

    Erecsia: Cool and subversive ^_<
  15. seikun

  16. seikun

    And they are ging to leave Jupiter and Kamijo solo project behind all of a sudden? KAMIJO seems to be doing very well as a solo artist.
  17. seikun

    Surprised and also wondering about their current bands... Perhaps it is just a revival, perhaps they want to let Yuki and Masahi leave Jupiter with a big revival from their very roots (Versailles)... I don't know. If they are going to release new music, I think the pressure is so palpable. People expect pure art from Versailles.
  18. I just found the news by chance on other site. I wonder if this is basically aneurysm...
  19. I hope a giving sould can share those DVDs or at least rip the part where they play Metamorphose.
  20. Is there a live version of Riku's Metamorphose? I would love to see it.
  21. seikun

    I tend to think this BL genre gives a not very accurate impression of male homosexuality and it turns it into a fetish for female viewers. Not very progressive to tell the truth.
  22. seikun

    I didn't think about Yomi but I did think about Hitsugi when I saw the guy on the far right. As for their sound, I would only get rid of of the synth. I can't stand that sound anymore. So many bands using it since 2010.
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