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Everything posted by seikun

  1. How about Visual Kei being saturated with too many bands, more than the scene can actually sustain considering it is a small independent scene that doesn't appeal to the mainstream.
  2. It would be awesome if the band could play overseas. It's been such a long time since this type of VK band were around. So theatrical
  3. Wow, loved it, especially the part that Chaos sings alone! I like it that the song and the PV make me feel a bit creeped out. I want to buy this!
  4. seikun

    I wonder if they are still as prejudiced towards VK as they were at the moment of this event you mention. HYDE cultivates a look very much Visual Kei-ish and has worked with VK artists l in recent years such as Tatsurou (MUCC).
  5. seikun

    Again after a couple of years asking, how is his health condition?
  6. I actually believe that the musical differences thing is true many times because, in the case of Visual Kei, bands tend to mix different musical styles and it could be the case that one member, for instance, wants some jazz incorporated but other member doesn't like jazz so he doesn't want it in their music, they don't come to an agreement and the disagreeing member decides to leave because the music that he envisions is not where the band is going.
  7. seikun

    I'm not sure I liked the preview... ó.o It doesn't sound like Moi dix Mois and it sounds like the debut of a new VK band...
  8. RAME singing... hahaha. I see Kisaki still gathers quite a number of fans. He looks really thin, by the way.
  9. With those suits they remind me of Kisaki.
  10. For a Visual Kei band reminiscent of the old beloved style they've managed to get a bit more than four thousand views on Youtube with their preview video
  11. I wish I could buy their material too. By th way, what does exactly "sectet live" mean?
  12. seikun

    I remember back in 2013 when a considerable number of McH users couldn't stand BABYMETAL
  13. seikun

    L'arc en ciel hated to be called a Visual kei band... Why is that, by the way?
  14. seikun

    I like the looks of the guy on the far right, very early 2000's Visual Kei. I would like to listen to their music again.
  15. seikun

    I was just correcting that part because Kpop took from Visual kei; not the other way round. I cannot provide a very detailed explanation for your question, but if you want to compare Visual kei and Kpop in the west, I think there are a lot of differences that keep them separate and experiencing different realities. Kpop is basically western pop, sung in Korean but the basic melodies are in the western style, a bit of English here and there, a bit of skin from both men and women for the sex appeal factor and that's how they made it. Kpop doesn't want to introduce people to something new, instead it gives people the same thing but a bit refined. Now, I'm not convinced Kpop is THAT popular in the west, I might even dare say it may be declining a little bit because it has become repetitive and too westernised. Visual Kei, on the other hand, even in its most mainstream expression is still something that basically appeals to "outsiders", it still retains many attributes that keep it from being totally mainstream such as androgynous looks that basically defy gender roles, thought-provoking lyrics, the melodies themselves are many times an acquired taste, they are not necessarily conceived to appeal to the mainstream, etc. Two different uncomparable genres, one is pop and the other rock and rock isn't as massive as pop is.
  16. seikun

    Isn't it the other way round? Kpop took the makeup, hairstyles and overall androgynous looks from Visual Kei.
  17. I think the band's logo doesn't match the aesthetics of the band, but the concept seems very interesting so I don't care about the logo much.
  18. seikun

    I listen to old school Visual Kei and it is the expression of Visual Kei that I mainly prefer. I practically don't listen to modern bands except if they release music that might have sounds and melodies reminiscent of old school Visual Kei to an appealing extent. Some things I like about the sound of old school Visual kei that got me hooked when I was exposed to it are the hypnotic sinister melodies, the change in speed and melodies in one song, certain way of playing the drums (I don't know how to define it technically...), subliminal voices, the dramatic theatrical singing style, etc. I don't find those things too often in modern Visual Kei, not at least in the way old bands used to do it. Fortunately for me, there are a few bands using that sound such as Crucifixion and La'Veil MiseriA and other bands that take some elements of the old sounds such as Sibile Bashir to name a few examples.
  19. Two of the options give me a bit of that homophobic vibe or in some way they stigmatise non-heterosexuality. I think I hate those two.
  20. seikun

    These are my favourite ones. These inspired by the Super Saiyajin look which seem to be among the most emblematic hairstyles in Visual Kei.
  21. I suppose the way Visual Kei has "evolved" upto now makes it really hard for this type of bands to attract people.
  22. seikun

    I remember when I downloaded their music back in 2007. I wonder how popular they were when they were around...
  23. seikun

    I see. Thanks.
  24. seikun

    What does "kusomen" mean?
  25. seikun

    I wasn't that convinced with how the song started, but the chorus was good, very Visual Kei-ish.
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