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Status Updates posted by seikun

  1. Please, someone share MaRiLL's music. Please.

  2. I wonder if one can request anime OSTs here... I really want to listen to some Dragon Ball OST but they aren't sites to download.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. seikun



      If you could share OST from Pokemon's first season that would be awesome.

    3. Nagisa


      Sorry I don't think there are OSTs for the TV shows, only singles with the opening and ending themes. I do have OSTs for most of the movies, though, although not the first one.

    4. seikun


      Oh, I see. Well, thanks anyway.

  3. Do you know why religion demands faith? Because given that there is no evidence for their god all believers are left with is CONVINCING themselves that their religion is th truth.


    When doubts come and they come every now and then believers fight the doubts with set phrases like "I know god is real because in my heart I know ". If the emotionality attached to that set phrase brings peace of mind the anxiety of doubting is dispelled.


    This is also why believers prefer to socialise with other believers almost exclusively as if living in a bubble, because sharing and confirming beliefs along with the emotionality attached to those beliefs makes them feel safer and more convinced that their god is real.


    It is all about how good the belief in a god makes them feel and how much they don't want to lose that feeling and security.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elazmus


      I see non-religious people stick to their own bubble about as much as their counterparts. Everyone has anxiety to dispel when their worldview is challenged in some way...


      What I want to believe based on knowing the general clientele in my area (I can speak only for chicagoland) is that these anxieties are further softening on both sides over the course of this generation, and In fact very few people - even those of my parents' age group, are bothered enough to 'demand' any standard of sensibilities one way or the other in their friends/neighbors/community. This is the ideal because faith by definition shouldn't carry the need to confirm your bias with others, but a congregation is a community after all, and people support each other in times of doubt the best way they know how.


      Either way, the last line is fairly put - man's faith could be described as a vast delusion or as a point of great merit to the strength of his character depending on the effect it has on his/her actions. 



    3. Shir0


      "Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen"

      you just kind of reminded me of this Bible phrase lol

  4. That indies sound, that very one. We don't have it anymore.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. reminiscing2004


      access to recording equipment and daw's has totally changed the game. i think so much of the 'old indie' sound has credit due to the last era of straightforward recording techniques, before drum triggers, melodyne, and softsynths became the new staples of record production.


      it hurts the most when i hear a new band who's got something interesting going on creatively, but its packaged in this gloss of fake drums, self-recorded and surgeon-ed production. atleast the cheap recordings of decades before had an essence of life and passion to them. maybe thats hopeless nostalgia....

    3. seikun


      Very interesting comments.


      I don't know the technicalities in this but I find something really endearing in this kind of sound quality.

    4. fitear1590


      Agreed with colorfuljinsei about the synthesizers. Don't get me wrong, I love when a band incorporates lush synths, but the majority of 2010s VK that uses synth always seem to resort to that grating, cheap sounding synth like this. Lots of bands (Royz, anfiel, LONDBOY, i.Rias, 0.1gの誤算, and maaaany more) are guilty of it and it's an immediate turn-off for me.

  5. Hmm, has anybody ever thought Kamijo has ruined his voice, that forced his voice to sound deeper and serious ever since Versailles was formed?...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gesu


      Eh, I always liked how his voice progressed. I was once talking to a guy about Kamijo, and he said his voice is like wine; gets better with age. I agree with him personally, but I guess it's mostly down to opinion.

    3. Elazmus


      A lot of vocalists in VK hold their voice "fake deep"  in their throat when they sing. It's like a character voice, just a popular way of singing for a band in this scene.


      I'd sooner switch the cause and effect, -and say that it's more likely his vocal style would cause injury to his voice over time- than for past injury to have caused him to sound like that in the first place.

    4. yomii


      lmao comparing kamijo's voice to wine must be the best compliment for him, fits into his noble prince fantasy perfectly

  6. I jjst realised there's no download section anymore. Just read the thread baout too. Not everybody has the money and means to buy stuff. It was illegal downloading that gave VK bands to world tours and find their music bought by people around the world. Illegal downloading doesn't necessarily harms bands.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -NOVA-


      I would also have to disagree with you, I buy a lot of cds and I do understand some people do not have the $ and thats okay but when you use that as an excuse to justify only downloading thats not okay. I use to avidly share on here but when i see posts like this i feel used because people only care about the downloads. Bands work hard for their music. They want to do what they do for a living and if everyone downloads most likely we can expect a disband. Especially vk... vk doesnt have a big audience(compared to other styles) so these bands need all the help they can get. My stance on this is... do what you can for the band, ull b surprised to know that colecting cds is pretty fun. More sales = more promotion = more tours = world tours. You think gazette got a world tour because everyone illegally downloaded? Bands need sales otherwise theres no funds to support any kind of tour or even feed themselves.

    3. seikun


      Availability of Japanese music on the net is what gave VK bands the possibility to expand the horizons of their music in the world. Not everybody has the money to buy  music from Japan or the means to do it but illegal downloading never stopped people from buying original stuff once they had the money as it is the aspiration of most people once they get a job that allows them to do so.

  7. If someone could tach me how to post YT videos on the site I would appreciate it. I'm having problems with it now. It isn't as simple as it used to be anymore >.<

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seikun


      I do that just like before but it doesn't shows the screen; it shows the url >.<

    3. doombox


      That's strange, can I ask you to post about this in the help section so I can have one of our sysops look at it for you?

    4. seikun


      I'll see to that. Thanks for the suggestion.

  8. Does anybody know what the proper romanization is for this release by Jakura? 空ヲ喰らフ吐陰. Help appreciated.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Himeaimichu


      @inartisticAre you sure about the ふ kana used to be representing the "U" sound? (う)? Because, from what I've read on the Japanese sound shifts, the は row Kana used to be pronounced with an F sound, and the pronunciation of ふ was the only one that stayed the same, wherewas the other Kana in the は row were

       almost completely changed throughout history, and now kind of represents H sounds unless used as a particle. (Basically, the transition for, say the Kana へ would have been Pe > Fe > He/We/E (The We part obviously being obsolete) I'm not trying to correct you, or anything. I'm just wondering where you got your information from, because I'm curious to learn more, actually, since I read a lot about archaic forms of the Japanese language, since a lot of the Vkei vocalists I listen to pronounce things in older ways and use obsolete phonemes. 

    3. inartistic


      @AimiGen7Tbh my knowledge about the subject is only cursory--basically from trying to figure out song titles like seikun was. (I didn't even know about the “shifts” you mentioned! Pretty cool.) Here are a few links that mention it, and hopefully you can find something a bit more concrete.




    4. Himeaimichu


      @inartistic From what I see, the only source above that has any romaji (Romaji is pretty much the only way to represent the sound shifts xD) is the first source, and it assumes that ふ was once pronounced as Hu, which is quite incorrect. For some possibly complicated linguistic reason, all the "h" Kana were once pronounced with an F (as I mentioned earlier) and it just happened that while all the other Kana went through pronunciation shifts, now being stuck inbetween starting with an H sound, a W sound (in the case of は), or just being a plain vowel.

      Though I will give credit where credit is due on the thing about the name Kaori once being spelled as and pronounced as Kawori. They're quite right on that.

      But yeah, in essence, Japanese has never really had a "hu" sound. 

      I guess the best way to describe the Japanese sound shifts is with the Iroha poem. I'll put down the pronunciations and what time period they would be used in:

      Old Japanese:

      Iro Pa Ni Popeto, 
      Chirinuru Wo.

      Wa ka yo tare so

      Tsune Naramu

      Uwi no okuyama

      Kepu koyete

      Early Middle Japanese:

      Iro Fa Ni Fofeto

      Chirinuru Wo

      Wa ka yo tare so

      Tsune Naramu

      Uwi no okuyama

      Kefu koyete

      Late Middle Japanese: 

      Iro ha ni hoheto

      Chirinuru Wo

      Wa ka yo tare so

      Tsune Naramu

      Uwi No Okuyama

      Kefu Koyete

      Early modern Japanese: 

      Iro wa ni woweto (In theory, it'd be like this, but in practice, the line at one point could probably have been Iro wa ni hoheto. The changes are gradual, so this is theoretically how it would have been, but not practically)

      Chirinuru wo

      Wa ka yo tare so

      Tsune Naran

      Uwi No Okuyama

      Kyo Koyete (Some time during the middle Japanese period, some words with the ふ kana were being pronounced with a yo sound, sort of. IDK really how to explain it though)

      Alternatively, Early Modern Japanese could have been also pronounced as:

      Iro wa ni oeto

      Chirinuri wo 

      Wa ka yo tare so

      Tsune Naran

      Ui No Okuyama

      Kyo Koyete

      And here is the modern pronunciation:

      Iro Wa Ni Oedo

      Chirinuru O

      Wa Ga Yo Dare Zo

      Tsune Naran

      Ui No Okuyama

      Kyo Koete

  9. Is this guy in the middle L'yse:nore's vocal? Apparently, during the days of the picture he went by the name ミサ. Could someone confirm this is him?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seikun


      Thanks for the replies.

      I found the picture on Twitter when searching for any information about L'yse:nore's members these days and that picture was posted by a Japanese person. The guy in the middle pretty much looks like L'yse:nore's vocal. Someone typed ミサ but my Japanese is poor so I thought that person was referring to the guy in the middle.

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      Link the tweet please :o

    4. seikun


      If you type リゼノアon Twitter it will show up.

  10. Someone reacted to Phantasmagoria. Wanna give him some more views?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. seikun


      You're not obliged to watch them. It's an invitation. You can save your time to leave a comment if you don't want to watch.

    3. Hohchicano96


      I knew it. I knew it would be him out of all reactors! 

    4. inartistic


      Ok but Eternal Silence?


      Actually I don't mind seeing normals watching vk. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Japanese Language Question


    I have a doubt I hope someone can clear up for me. In expressions like 野菜でいい, that で, which of its several uses is in action here? Is it perhaps で which indicates a state (from である)? Wild literal translation: being vegetables is fine/OK. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Takadanobabaalien


      Since I learned Japanese in Japan it's difficult for me to explain it lol, so I'll just go ahead and copy-paste from a website (the de in your example is different from the example @Peace Heavy mk II gave)



      1. Assuming that you are invited to a party tomorrow. You are not sure what is the required attire. You can ask the host the following...

      明日のパーティーはジーンズ で いいですか。
      ashita no pa-ti- wa ji-nzu de ii desu ka

      Meaning: Is wearing of jeans alright for the party tomorrow?


      2. Your colleague lost his wallet on the way to the office. When he meet you at the office he asks you for help to lend him some money. You are not sure how much you should lend him and ask him...

      50ドル で いいですか。
      50 doru de ii desu ka?

      Meaning: Is 50 dollars alright for you?


      So, in your case "yasai de ii", just means vegetables are fine. Or that you're okay with eating veggies. It's very similar to yasai ga ii. Although the nuance is slightly different. 


    3. cvltic


      the above comment is correct, but just to expand, i think you can consider this "de" as part of the particle's functions as a limiter.

      for example, you may have seen things like

      一日で終わる (finish in a day[, and no more])
      CD二枚で2000円 (2 CDs will be 2000 yen[, and no more])
      30分で行けます ([you] can get [there] in 30 minutes[, and no more])

      similarly, assuming it's a statement and not a question, 野菜でいい is "[i'm] good with vegetables[, and no more]". if it is a question, "are [you] good with vegetables[, and no more]"?

      the nuance of ~でいい contrasts with another common expression, ~でもいい ever so slightly.
      野菜でいい means you truly are ok with vegetables and nothing more.
      野菜でもいい means you're ok with settling for vegetables, but there's an implication that you'd actually rather have something else. if you wanted coke but they only had pepsi, you'd likely get asked ペプシでもいいですか。and not ペプシでいいですか。

    4. seikun


      Thanks for all the comments.


      I understand the idea in the でいい construction, but I have always wondered what this で means given that most online courses leave out essential information. If I can't understand a word I can't make progress, instead I'm just repeating words and phrases like a robot.


      I thought this で was the one that indicates a state as in 詩人先生す (Being a poet I am a teacher.) which makes sense to me. I mean the uses of で explained above in this expression could belong to this category of particle で (indicates a state).

  12. I have a racy question 😋 How do you say "horny" in Japanese? As in 'Japanese bodybuilders are always horny".

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Himeaimichu


      Just do what most stinky bandmen do and text a dick pic with the phrase "Chinchin Binbin"

    3. seikun


      I thought エロ meant erotic.


    4. BrenGun


      エロ  the plain meaning is erotic, but it also matters in how you use it tho.


      I guess you could translate it somehow like this. 


      Japanese bodybuilders are always so erotic💗.

      Japanese bodybuilders gives me always a dokidoki. (dokidoki=heartbeat)

      Japanese bodybuilders give me always  a wakuwaku feeling. (wakuwaku = horny)  

      Japanese bodybuilders are always so hot   (Hot as heath hot, so 熱い)

      Japanese bodybuilders make me always feel muramura  (muramura  = horny


      Then people understand that a Japanese bodybuilders turns you on 😘


      But my male friends... they use often "sexy"  or "yaritai"  if they feel horny. 


      here some more stuff around the topic of sex. 







      But it really matters how you use it.


      same for

      Yaritai -  I wanna do it  /  I wanna have sex / I wanna have sex with you

  13. Out of curiosity. Since when did Visual Kei musicians begin to use electric hair straighteners to get their hairs incredibly straightened?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nekkichi


      I don't think straightener matters that much tbh. a round brush + strong hair dryer combo does the same thing, and has been around for decades ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    3. seikun


      But during the early and mid 90's their hairstyles were a mess XD


    4. nekkichi


      lol I think it's the trends of that time to blame, not bands or their (lack of) straighteners

  14. Religion is destroying the world.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elazmus


      You guys misspelled 'Pokemon GO'

    3. seikun


      No, I firmly mean religion is destroying the world. Religion is not good because it promotes unfounded ideas as universal truths and then they cannot be questioned and people do whatever it takes to defend and impose those unfounded ideas.  Mnay o these ideas and premises affect people unjustly like LGBT people and women.





    4. Elazmus


      By "the world" I'm sure you mean "human civilization" considering this rock we live on doesn't care what we teach our kids on it.. while THAT is an arguable possibility, it's really misdirected because "religion" as a concept is what formed our civilization in the first place. In the end it doesn't matter if we still call it "God" or not, it's a colorful explanation of the human condition through the ages. I am not religious but I recognize that the community around me wouldn't have been born without it. I'm sorry I definitely feel you, there is so much in current affairs to be in outrage over, it's just not conducive to swing the bat at "religion" when in fact there are droves of devout religious human beings who's ideals DO stand alongside yours in the better treatment of others.

  15. Does anybody happen to know how to pronounce this "飢われ"? It's the title of one of Misa's releases (血ニ血ニ飢ワレ) but the romanizaton is wrong. Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seikun


      Thnaks for replying.

      I took the file from the legendary Evil-en-lucifer.blogspot a few years ago and it was titled Chi ni chi ni ki ware, but I noticed other files and songs were also wrongly romanized.




      http://jisho.org/search/%23kanji 飢 according this source, 'uware' sounds like a truth...

    4. seikun


      I think that site is reliable.


      Thanks for the help^^

  16. I wonder if Kisaki has money to re-open Under-Code... Of course, in case he wanted to.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seikun


      I had no idea about some things you mentioned. But just letting imagination fly a little bit I would like an Under-Code these days. Especially one bringing bands in the line of Phantasmagoria or early Vidoll...

    3. Himeaimichu


      I don't personally think he'll do it. I think he'll try to open a new label with a new band. Kisaki has a.. less than savoury past, we all know that, but I don't think that really ever would stop him. I mean, he was arrested of all things and yet still came back.

      The only problem is, all the former undercode bands have moved on. Vidoll became Gotcharocka, Riku has his solo project, etc. And personally, I don't think the fanbase would be open to Kisaki opening a new label, and open to a bunch of new bands. 

      The Vkei scene has changed a ton since 2011. Some for the better, some for the worse. The way it's changed wouldn't allow Kisaki to open a new label. VisualKei is in it's lower years, and has been stagnant. We haven't had a Vkei boom like the one in 1986-1993, or the 1996-2003, there isn't as much hype for new bands,  and the whole scene has moved on from the "big exciting indie super-label". There was that kind of hype for Rockstar Records, but we all know how that turned out... I personally do think a modern equivalent to Undercode or something would really benefit the scene, but it doesn't feel like it's going to happen. 

      Basically, the odds are stacked against there being another Extasy, Free Will, Soleil, Matina, or Undercode. They just don't really make them like they used to..

    4. Peace Heavy mk II
  17. Wondering, is Chariots' drummer (Mikage) the same guy who was HIZAKI grace project's drummer?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seikun


      I see. He looks so different, hard to recognise.

    3. reminiscing2004


      Yes! Also played in BABYLON, and a billion other bands !

    4. seikun


      Wow, BABYLON. That's even older. I wonder how old he is...


      Thanks for that piece of information.

  18. Has this song by Metis Gretel been incorrectly romanised? 神罰 It is known as Kamipatsu, but online dicts say it is pronounced as しんばつ.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alkaloid


      I have the omnibus it's on. The booklet has the hiragana pronunciation as かみばっ (Kamibatsu)

    3. seikun


      Thanks for the replies^^


      Oh, so "Kamibatsu" is the correct name then.

      ば and ぱ; バ and パ can be easily confused sometimes.


      The other song title that troubles me is 久遠の命 which is commonly translated as "kyuuen no inochi" but some online dicts say it's "kuon no inochi".

      Visual Kei bands make song titles such a puzzle >.<



    4. p0pp3r


      It's Shinbatsu, meaning divine punishment :P 

  19. Does anybody know what L'yse:nore can possibly mean?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seikun


      Awesome. I have always been interested in some VK band names and their meanings. Finally one of them is solved for me.


    3. Himeaimichu


      You're welcome. Just be sure to take this interpretation with a grain of salt because I could be wrong lol. (I literally just typed "Lyse" into google translate and it came out as Danish for Bright, and Nore looks like Noire, so, it seems to make sense lol)

    4. seikun


      That's true, but still the translation makes sense.

  20. Does  anybody know what Eremia's vocal did after Eremia's disbandment to this day?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seikun


      Oh, so he's the vocal of Vampire Rose. His singing ha improved a lot. Mising Eremia here.

      Thank you very much for the quick reply^^

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      He also runs a bar. It seems like Vampire Rose is just a for-fun side thing for him

    4. seikun


      I found a video of his bar from a western girl.

  21. I'm curious to know if HISKAREA actually means something...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seikun


      I see. It's hard to find annything related to the word.

    3. Himeaimichu


      It kinda sounds like Hysteria, so maybe it's a misspelling of Hysteria?

    4. seikun


      Maybe. Although it is pronounced ヒスカリア...

  22. I've been obsessed with 呪縛郷 from La'veil MizeriA lately, although if they want to do like old bands they should shoot in run-down buildings and forests. Those sets where all bands film are getti tired angnd contribute to no dramatism.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seikun


      I like the song, but like I said before, the PV sould have been filmed in a run-down building and a forest nearby to dramatise the story told in the song. That is what older bands did . That set they used is boring, claustrophobic, overused, it helps tell no story and doesn't suit La'veil MizeriA's look.


      Is Kiwamu the owner of those sets?

    3. Himeaimichu


      Kiwamu pretty much does everything himself when it comes to filming any Starwave PV. That's why they all have the same sets and lighting. 

      I wish he could try a little harder, since La'Veil MizeriA deserves more than just the generic sets they have at the Starwave Studios. 

    4. merchenticneurosis


      I agree on this 666%

  23. A question for you, native English-speakers who like Phantasmagoria. When you sing Mikansei to GUILT, what do you say, And nothing my bloody or And nussing my bloody? 😋



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zalemu


      nussing. I think it flows better, even though it's painfully incorrect, lol

    3. Lestat


      Not native but nothing for me, lol. 

    4. platy


      Bruh I didn't even know he said "nothing". All this time I've been saying "missing my darling" 

  24. I've been wondering about Kagerou's members. I haven't heard of them since the band splitted up plus Daisuke u.u New bands, producing music frombehind or retired from music. I wonder what's new with them...

    1. nick


      Two of them are active in STEREO.C.K.

    2. Lereku


      After the disband of Kagerou Yuana had joined the band boogieman when boogieman he join the band STEREO.C.K, the line up of STEREO.C.K is on vocal Sena (ex-Sel'm), on guitar Yuina, on bass Kazu (ex-Kagerou) and on drum Amon (ex KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND).

      Kazu was the bassist for DIMMDIVISION then he join the band the god and death stars created by Aie (ex Deadman, ex the Studs.....) he also formed STEREO.C.K and he is session bassist for some band like The THIRTEEN.

      And for Shizumi at the end of Kagerou he became drum teacher then he rejoined the band Lion16 but I don't know if this band is still active or not 

    3. seikun


      I had forgotten about Boogieman!


      I checked out STEREO.C.K and liked the songs I listened to. They sound very much like old VK, but with a tuch of Kagerou's style.


      Thanks for the info!

  25. Watching a late 90's anime being aired on TV as of this week I confirm that real paint is better than digital painting. There's something about real paint that makes it nicer and more gentle whereas digitial painting, even though it has improved since the late 2000's it still looks gloomy, cold, dull and sort of impersonal (if that word makes sense in this context).

    1. Ikna


      Depends. As an "artist" who paints both traditional and digital you can make both look great. Both media have heir pros and cons and digital really isn't that much easier, nor objectively shittier. Sometimes it takes even more time than painting traditionally (also 3D animation isn't easy peasy either, you have to really learn it).

      I think the problem is more that modern animes are produced fast and cheap and there isn't much time invested to make it good from the get go (see the enhanced BluRay releases, while the initial premier on TV is the crappy alpha version).


      The industry has become pretty unforgiving (you either loose a lot of money or you win a lot) and studios try to cash in as best as possible, hence they produce way too much in shorter timeframes. Hell, most animators nowadays work themselves to death with 12+ hour workdays, yet earn almost nothing. They need to puke out these new episodes like a machine. I think there was recently an animator who died because of overworking.

    2. platy


      I second this ^

      As a digital and traditional artist, I can say digital can mimick the charm of traditional just as well. You just need to find that artist or studio who has the time, budget and love for their work to get something magical. You can find some fantastic looking anime every season, but you have to sort through hundreds of soulless  cash grabs first

    3. seikun


      I have seen Dragon Ball Super has changed the palette of colours they use for characters and they lately resemble real paint more because before the colours made the characters look dort of plastic, but still, I dont think it has to do with skills or even time but with the techonoly itself.

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