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Everything posted by CAT5

    1. beni


      Warning; Ratchet Cat today. xD

    2. lichtlune


      Won't load :c

    3. beni


      ;; Come along next Thursday! For an anime/OST plug session!! Hope you can make it then, sorry plug is messing up but I hope it can work soon for you.

  1. CAT5

    Here's another idea to add to the pot....who would be down for a soundtracks theme (movies, games, anime, etc)? Basically any piece of music that's been used for a soundtrack
  2. lol, I don't know if there's a "wrong" album, as I've met different fans who are partial to different releases. It really just depends on your taste. The first 2 albums are the rawest production-wise (#4 and Inspiration is DEAD) - so if you really can't stand the vocals, you might want to come back to those 2 later on. But they also, arguably, boast some of ling's most interesting songwriting. The 3rd album "just A moment" is their first major album and finally showcases ling with some slick production, in addition to adding some new dynamics to their sound. This is a good place for new fans to start I think. The next album, "still a Sigure virgin?" pushes the bar even further as they continue to expand their sound (some obvious hints at TK's solo work take place here). The vocal mixing is probably the most subdued here than on any other album. "i’mperfect", the 5th and most recent album, is ling's most straightforward work to date. All of the dynamics and experimentation of the past 2 releases were reigned in, and while that's been an issue for most fans, I actually don't mind "diet-ling" haha. In fact, this is my personal favorite because it emphasizes the qualities I like about ling the most. Judging from the singles, their next album may very well be a less than stellar repeat of "i’mperfect", but I'm crossing my fingers that it exceeds my expectations. Also what are everyone's top ling tracks?
  3. Start your morning off right. Nice and Smooth.

    1. CAT5


      Then you keep it going like this.

    2. Shmilly


      For more on how to make the most of your day, stay tuned here at CAT5.FM

    3. doombox


      Cat do you have an 8tracks account? Because you need one.

  4. I just use ling or maybe lts...Idk, i never really thought about it. I guess whatever seems right atm. Now that the "Who What Who What" single is out, I don't think it's as bad as I originally thought. Though it still pretty forgettable. The new 2015 mix of "Enigmatic Feeling" has actually done wonders and really brought out the song imo...I've been jamming to it almost nonstop. I'm actually not as scared for their upcoming album now. Although I doubt the new mix will change the mind of anyone who wasn't a fan of "I'mperfect", heh
  5. 凛として時雨 (ling tosite sigure) Discography Albums 2005年11月09日 #4 2007年08月22日 Inspiration is DEAD 2009年05月23日 just A moment 2010年09月22日 still a Sigure virgin? 2013年04月10日 i'mperfect EPs 2006年07月19日 Feeling your UFO 2015年09月02日 es or s Singles 2008年04月23日 Telecastic fake show 2008年12月24日 moment A rhythm 2012年11月14日 abnormalize 2014年11月05日 Enigmatic Feeling 2015年01月14日 Who What Who What TK from 凛として時雨 Albums 2012年6月27日 Flowering 2014年8月27日 Fantastic Magic EPs 2016年03月20日 Secret Sensation Singles 2014年03月05日 contrast 2014年07月23日 unravel ----------- I've noticed an increasing amount of ling fans on the forum over the years, and I think it's high time we actually had a topic for one of my favorite bands!
  6. This, along with SUNNY, proves it. I'm pretty much over Shiina. I've yet to muster any substantial interest in any of her post-KZK work (not including Tokyo Jihen). and I think it's clear at this point that she'll probably never rekindle the inspiration and wonder that guided her through the first leg of her career.
  7. CAT5

    1.5/10 .5 points is a bonus. This thread started out funny, but lost steam pretty quickly. I definitely wouldn't sit through it again. Maybe the next'll be better? Thread closed.
  8. What social networking sites do you use? To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. @CAT5 with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  9. CAT5

    Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude, tell me about it. This is the only anime I've been keeping up with (mostly cuz I'm not sure what else to try - could certainly use your help there lol). I'm so thankful for you and flame for putting me on to this....EASILY one of the best things to ever happen to the Gundam franchise. Everything about the series is done masterfully...and it's not just one big wankfest for longtime Gundam fans (altho it is that too lol) - it's just good-ass anime. Also, what the heck...why is shingeki no bahamut such trash? I guess I have masochistic tendencies because I've watched up to like episode 8...I actually really like the character designs and the setting (fuck all that unnecessary cgi tho)...but everything about this show is a trainwreck.
  10. CAT5

    It's officially 2015, yall
  11. CAT5

    Well, my hat goes off to you. young lady. Creating these lists is a formidable task, and you've done an incredibly thorough job on your first time. kudos to including THE NOVEMBERS. I didn't expect so many ppl on MH to vouch for this album since it's not as easily digestable as "zeigeist" was, but it's great to see everyone enjoying it. I've not listened to anything from lycaon in a while, but that sample makes me a bit curious as to what they've been up to at least. I forgot about that avelcain album, but you posted one of my favorite tracks from it. Plastic Tree is another band I've never really tried. Liking the sample, though yazzmad - need to try this too. I thought I listened to a good amount of VK last year (well, more than I usually do), but there's a ton of great stuff I seem to have missed. THE TEENAGE KISSERS - not really into the vocals, but still a bit surprised because i'd assumed they were just a random, new indie band - not the project of a pop star. aimer - I've always enjoyed her voice...didn't realize she had a release out with Sawano - so I probably need to check that out. The ED she did for Zankyou no Terror was fantastic, though...would love for Yoko Kanno to produce an entire album for her. yuki - dat cover, ahaha seiko oomori - ಠ_ಠ Kidding, kidding Ferri - Didn't get around to listening to this, but does she still sing entirely in English? I remember that the vocals on the first release didn't sit too well with me, despite the music. Kilk is a cool label btw. Paloma Faith - not my kind of music, but a really great voice nonetheless. Great job, beni. Thanks for putting all the time and effort into sharing with us~
  12. Kagrra,...imma let u finish, but a ling banner would be the GREATEST BANNER OF ALL TIME

  13. CAT5

    Stop being a dick [2]. If both an admin AND a mod have to tell you, then you're obviously barking up the wrong tree.
  14. CAT5

    DuelJewel ...I remember reading your full review for their album, but never got around to check it out. These samples sound pretty good. How long have they been around? The vocalist sounds much different than I was expecting, so I'm guessing he's from an entirely different school of Vk vocalists? MUCC - so THIS is where your name comes from! You'll probably denounce me as a friend after hearing this, but I've never actually listened to any MUCC albums before. Would this be a good starting point? 和楽器バンド - why haven't i listened to this yet? @___@ Death From Above 1979 - this sounds fantastic. Was actually supposed to listen to this with sweetholm when it came out, but we didn't get around to it and I completely forgot about it til now. Geri X - you recommended this to be before, but hearing the samples I need to push it up in my queue Life and Time - wow, this sounds great. loving the retro vibes. Great to hear stuff like this out of Korea. Thanks for taking the time to make this ender. I was already somewhat familiar with your taste from our plug sessions, but it's always great to get a more indepth look and find out a bit more about scenes that I'm unfamiliar with. I also have a few new things to check out now.
  15. CAT5

    Thanks a ton for taking the time to make this, jig! I didn't expect you to do one, but I'm glad you did. Your format was actually the inspiration for my format this year - really like how simple, neat and direct your list is. I'm digging ギャロ...or is it THE GALLO??? Either way, need to give them a spin. HONE YOUR SENSE sounds pretty cool...specifically the 2nd sample. Martyrdöd was also on zess's list, so seeing it here again, I definitely need to wrap my ears around this. Was also great to see Goat on this list! That was an album I really enjoyed from last year as well!
  16. THE HISTORY OF SEGA GENESIS - 16bit midi renditions of Jupiter songs.

  17. CAT5

    Voted for ling, but I am completely cool with any of these. ;3
  18. CAT5

    Glad to see this thread! There are a lot of great bands/artists to talk about, but for now I'll just stick to early favs, and current favs. GO!GO!7188 was probably among the first female-fronted J-rock bands I got into around 2004. I still listen to them sometimes today - they were solid even up until they disbanded, and I've always thought Yumi Nakashima was a largely underrated musician and songwriter. Her other band チリヌルヲワカ is quality as well. Was also a BIG fan of AYA/亜矢 and still enjoy her stuff today as well. IIrc, some of the very first Japanese albums I bought were hers. Her sound was heavily inspired by 90's grunge and she even worked with some of the guys from Nirvana I believe. Unfortunately, she seems to have vanished from the face of the earth. If anyone remembers the Japanese site mf247 from long ago (it was basically a site that promoted underground/up-and-coming artists where you could also download mp3s) - that's where I first found out about 101A...sometime in 2006. I still have the mp3 I got from there too lol...it's like a rough/demo version of their song "miranda lethal weapon". They're still a worthwhile band if you're into dark, experimental/post-rock type stuff. Their sound has moved a long way from how it was in this old PV: me-al art was also a band I fell in love with back in the day. I don't remember exactly how I came across them, but it was sometime in 2007 (so probably scouring Japanese myspace band pages). The most striking thing about this band was their vocalist, Satoko. Her voice itself isn't unique, but in the context of Japanese indie-rock...you just don't hear voices like this often. Not a band I listen to as often anymore, but they've cranked out some solid tunes over the years. Supposedly, they're working on new material, so that should be interesting. Another band that's a bit of a throwback favorite is UNLIMITS. I'm actually pretty certain that I came across them on myspace sometime in 07 as well lol. Their mini album "クローバー" was among the very first things I was able to download on Japanese p2p and also the band that helped me become "cool" with Tainted World's admin Spike back in the day, ahaha. They're still a good band today. Pop-punk (or i guess melodic HxC+pop?) with great female vocals. I'll stop this post before I get too carried away, but one of my all-time favorite female-fronted J-bands has to be ハイスイノナサ. I suppose you could write their music off as experimental math-rock. Whatever the case, I'm hoping that they'll release a new album soon because I can't get enough. Lastly, one of my most recent favorites is chouchou merged syrups. (which i'm sure everyone knows by now.) Both haisuinonasa and chouchou. are on Zankyo records
  19. CAT5

    Thanks, man. Everything about this song screams 赤い公園, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had a hand in writing/composing it. I can dig it.
  20. CAT5

    vk graveyard: 1 san's career: Ø
  21. CAT5

    The Theme for this Sunday's plug.dj session is "female vocals". See you guys there!
  22. My first VK band was rentrer en soi, with their "wither" single. Wither came out in late 2004, but I don't recall when I actually downloaded it, so I went with 2005 to be on the safe side. My stint with VK didn't last too long, as I mostly drifted away from it in mid/late 06.
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