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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    The year hasn't really picked up for me yet, but I may have some things to talk about for Feb!
  2. CAT5

    Welcome to the forum! Hope you like it here. If you have any questions/concerns, don't hesitate to ask! Also: Your musical compatibility with Futanarino is HIGH Music you have in common includes the GazettE, Lycaon, 黒百合と影, DIR EN GREY and Div.
  3. CAT5

    omg D: That was actually my favorite track on the album. My heart...it aches lol, seriously, though. I thought the album was neither as bad as ender thought nor as good as beni put it. I would have rated it closer to what Zess did, although our general thoughts may differ. The production is definitely pretty crappy, but I found the songwriting of this album much more effective than whatever their last album was. I can't recall anything from that album - it's just one big mental blank. But with this one, I think the feel and narrative of the album will stick with me in the long-run. The effort they put into it is palpable - even if the sound they were going for wasn't as keenly realized as it could have been from a production standpoint. It's pretty interesting to see everyone's reactions to the album. The opinions may be all over the place, but this is one case where I can completely understand each side of the argument.
  4. I realized that I didn't really mind it when I was first getting into Japanese music, but over the years I've become progressively opposed to it. I'm not sure why that's changed for me, but in general, I'd prefer to hear Japanese when listening to Japanese music. These days, there are very few cases where I don't mind it, but a few random interjections of Engrish? Sure. Entire songs of poorly pronounced, borderline unintelligible Engrish? I'd rather not. From what I understand, many Japanese people simply think English is "cool".
  5. CAT5

    Really enjoyed some of the slower, subdued songs on the new album - tracks 8 and 9 specifically. Track 8 "チャイルドマザー" reminds me of a 9mm Parabellum Bullet song with the circus-y feel - especially because of that main guitar riff, down to the tone itself. Track 9 "ひとり桜。" was probably one of the nicest VK ballads i've heard in a while...the piano playing wasn't overly cheesy and the lo-fi filter added a nice touch I think.
  6. I belong to the camp of people that didn't enjoy their last album, but they're cooking with too many of my favorite musical ingredients for me to write them off just yet.
  7. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  8. CAT5

    Interesting. I see some songs actually titled in Japanese. I wonder if those songs will be sung exclusively in Japanese or if they'll try to incorporate more Japanese lyrics into their songs in general this time.
  9. CAT5

  10. What do you think of 'Engrish' in Japanese music? Poll suggested by the eternally fabulous @beni To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. @CAT5 with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  11. Photoshopped to hell and beyond, but I can dig it.
  12. clammbon will release their 9th original album on March 25th, 2015! クラムボン ニューアルバム 『triology』 (トリオロジー) 2015年3月25日発売 【収録楽曲】 01 Lightly! 02 アジテーター 03 the 大丈夫 04 Rough & Laugh 05 agua 06 noir 07 Scene 3 08 はなさくいろは −bon bori ver.− 09 バタフライ 10 yet −triology ver.− 11 Re-ある鼓動 12 Lightly... 【CD】 ・初回限定盤 COZP-1035~6   価格:¥3,800(+税) disc2 DVD 2015.02.11 "クラムボン 祝!結成20周年スペシャルフリーライブat 代々木公園" ・通常盤 COCP-39059  価格:¥3,000(+税) 【LP】COJA-9292 価格:¥3,800(+税) 【Blu-ray audio】COXP-1127 価格:¥3,800(+税) http://www.clammbon.com/news/
  13. CAT5

    ahaha, my experience was similar! "こわれる' from "picnic" (2008) was the first song of their's that resonated with me (although that song sounds exceedingly generic now compared to their recent material), and when "paraphilia" was released (2009), "dnim" was also the only song I enjoyed. So I pretty much wrote the band off after those releases, completely skipping "Misstopia" and " To (melt into)" upon their releases...I don't think I tried their music again until sometime in 2012. Though I wasn't completely sold until "Fourth wall" and "zeitgeist" in 2013. I still don't care for "Misstopia", but after returning to "To (melt into)", I found that brilliant too. So for me, that release marks the beginning of my interest in this band. 2012年11月07日 GIFT
  14. ザ・なつやすみバンド (THE NATSUYASUMI BAND) will release their 2nd album "パラード" on March 4th, 2015! 2015年3月4日(水)発売 価格:2,484円(税込) SPEEDSTAR RECORDS 1. SEASONS 2. パラード 3. (春)はどこへいった? 4. めくらまし! 5. ユリイカ 6. S.S.W(スーパーサマーウィークエンダー)~Sweet Suburbia Mix~ 7. かぜまちライン 8. ラプソディー 9. 鳥は舞いおりた 10. 波 11. ファンファーレ
  15. CAT5

    ^ I currently cannot choose a favorite out of their last 3 albums. I think each probably get an even amount of play from me. I couldn't agree more. Kobayashi seems to have an undergone a metamorphosis over the years, and it all feels really authentic and sincere - as if the evolution of his image was simply the byproduct of some kind of inner revelation he's had. I'd dare say that he's reached (or is approaching) a kind of sacred level in his artistry...It's a bit difficult to explain, but it's something that you can see and feel - like his artistry is radiating from within...as if he's the embodiment of his very creations. This might be coming off as a bit fanboyish on my behalf (even moreso with the pic-spam below), but...I'd like to think that it's a very tangible and objectively observable "it" factor that makes artists like Kobayashi stand out. I'd also like to think that other artists like TK...and even those that I'm not overly fond of like Kyo from DIR EN GREY also possess that same "it" factor. That natural allure. That artistic gravity. On a side note, a friend of mine had an interesting hypothesis that Sho Asakawa (of plasticzooms) was the catalyst that invoked Kobayashi's evolution. I'm not sure how true that is, but I know the two are good friends, so it's pretty likely that's he's been some sort of influence. [/sPAM]
  16. CAT5

    I'll ban both of your asses
  17. CAT5

    the usual 8pm utc/gmt
  18. CAT5

    It has been decided that this Sunday (Fed. 22nd), the theme for our plug session will be "chill music". The term "chill" is being used rather loosely, and would basically extend to anything that's not too upbeat or overly intense/dramatic. time starts at the usual 8pm UTC/GMT
  19. ^Voted! Would love to have the following pic upvoted! (just click on the pic). Thanks in advance~
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