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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. Do you prefer male or female vocals in Japanese music? To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. @CAT5 with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  2. CAT5

    BOMI is great, but I feel like even if I understood Japanese enough, having an SE after every track is a bit excessive and doesn't lend itself to a cohesive album listening experience at all. The actual songs on the album are great, but marketing 6 tracks and 7 SEs as a full album is pretty cheap. I still feel positive about it, overall, but I can't help but think it was also a missed opportunity. "Borderline" is probably one of my all-time fav. jpop ballads! Who writes music for them/produces?
  3. CAT5

    Well, doesn't look like there will be a theme today
  4. CAT5

    I remember seeing this video on plug.dj, but after going to their last.fm page, I KNOW i have to check this out now. I had no idea this was a collaboration between Avec Avec and Seiho! Both are pretty dope iirc! My preferences as a whole tend to lie within the realm of alternative, non-mainstream/indie, and SSW-y jpop. I've especially been into Abe Fuyumi, Kotoringo, Babi, and BOMI these past few years. In the past, I was really into balladeers like Shibata Jun too. I've never been a fan of idol music in the least, though. I can dig some kayokyoku to a degree. What other recent jpop releases has everyone else been into? @beni showed me this woman today. Nakata is copy-pasting all the way to the bank.
  5. CAT5

    Greetings! Welcome to the forum! If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to message any of the staff members (red/blue usernames)! Enjoy!
  6. Thanks so much for all of the B-day Love, everyone! I'm both humbled and overjoyed :3

    1. Erin



  7. Des, I found some J-rock from the 90's that I like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJslacOrj_c

    1. bonsaijodelfisch
    2. Des


      Alright cat, maybe you /should/ stay away from the 90's after all...

    3. CAT5
  8. CAT5

    I am cool with an international theme today, but please try to discuss themes before the actual day XD
  9. CAT5

    More pic spam from sho's fb: Koba is turning into cousin it
  10. ✿♬゚+.(。◡‿◡)♪.+゚♬✿。

    1. fitear1590


      Still anxiously awaiting another release by her :/

    2. CAT5


      It's a crime that she's not released an LP yet!

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      dammit cat D: I hope you guys still on when get back home x.x

  11. CAT5

    This is the very first DIV album I've tried, and while i'm not sure how it stacks up to their previous LP, I can't say that I remember hearing anything necessarily dark here. But other than that, I do agree with you about the album being pretty same-y
  12. I chose the 2nd option in the poll, as i'm still not ready to board the hype train with this band yet. This single was pretty good, but I feel like their songwriting is perhaps a bit too hook-y and pop-centric for my tastes. After watching their 'vocalo zanmai' DVD, it became clear to me that this band is comprised of fantastically talented and dynamic musicians, so I can't help but agree with @beni in that I'd like to hear them do something just a tad less formulaic. I know their first album was basically a cover album, so I'm still looking forward to what their original tunes might unveil. These 2 songs work great as anime themes, though...and I understand that they probably didn't want to get too self-indulgent here.
  13. CAT5

    Sometimes, the journey is the destination. I often forget that.
  14. CAT5

    Aoki Robin (downy) & Kobayashi Yusuke (THE NOVEMBERS) Gomi Takahisa (LOSTAGE) and Aoki Robin (downy)
  15. HOW TO IGNORE MEMBERS: My settings -> Notification Options -> 'Ignore' Preferences. Use it.

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      sorry cat .__. don't worry I used it. .forgive me

    2. hitsuji-hime
    3. sai


      Please use this in the future guys. It's there for a reason.

    4. Show next comments  246 more
  16. CAT5

    Starts shit on forum ----> gets feathers ruffled ----> cries "mods plz do something" We are not babysitters. If anything, we're closer to firemen.
  17. iirc, panda or wb mentioned that they're more of a live band anyways? At any rate, i'm happy to see them releasing more records too!
  18. Happy B-Day, pinkmakona!

    1. Naaaaani


      Happy birthday!

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Happy birthday (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

    3. pinkmakona


      Thanks everyone! :o I wasn't expecting any birthday messages at all on here!

    4. Show next comments  246 more
  19. CAT5

    Are there any liner notes around? Really curious to know who worked on which tracks!
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