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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    are you referring to a scene from the anime or manga?
  2. CAT5

    I'm about 5-6 episodes behind on the anime, and I honestly dropped the manga and haven't read anything from it in months now. Why? The manga is too amazing, that's why. I started reading the manga when I caught up with the anime a few years ago (which had taken a break before they aired the time-skip), and the more I've read, the more I've fallen out of love with the anime. It's become pretty tiresome to watch since it moves at a much slower pace, so I'm gonna see if dropping the manga helps any.
  3. CAT5

    The winter plug avatars are here and they look a mess. What's even worse is that plug wants ppl to pay actual money to use these ugly things. lol....plug, U FUNNY.
  4. To quote one of my friends that saw them live lol: and to quote another friend who was considering adding them to the NMFT tour: ...XD
  5. OMFG I swear to god if I see another "BLACK KID KILLED/SHOT BY EVIL COPS" post on tumblr, I'm gonna explode. Reblogging this shit does not help. AT ALL. All it does is spread bullshit propoganda. Allows ppl to feel self-gratification for thinking they're really helping. And most importantly, it keeps ppl trapped in their delusional paradigms and belief-systems.

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I want asian women on mine. Y'all can keep the men.

    2. kyoselflove


      I'm down for that too.

    3. beni


      Can I have both please? < 3

    4. Show next comments  270 more
  6. VK or nah?

    1. Ito


      MY question is if they need to clarify that they are oral cigarettes, does that mean that there are rectal cigarettes?

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


    3. CAT5


      lol, i'm referring to dude's vocals btw

  7. CAT5

    "For the ego to survive, it must make time---past and future---more important than the present moment. The ego cannot tolerate becoming friendly with the present moment, except briefly just after it got what it wanted. But nothing can satisfy the ego for long. As long as it runs your life, there are two ways of being unhappy. Not getting what you want is one. Getting what you want is the other." umph...
  8. The album cover for that FACT album is pretty cool. Judging from that sample PV, i'm not sure if their sound is for me, but I'd be willing to try one of their albums at least. Is this a good one to start with?
  9. Honki dance is very middle-of-the-road for me. They did have a track on their full-length that was more in the guitar-pop direction tho - I thought that sound really suited them.
  10. I'm glad it's nothing serious, although from the way he usually fails around on stage - I can't say that I'm exactly surprised
  11. CAT5

    lol...Welcome to the forum! What kind of music are you into?
  12. CAT5

    alright guys, chill out with the useless flaming please Dir en grey brings us together and tears us apart at the same time....smh lol
  13. CAT5

    I'm not sure if I have anything to contribute to a christmas theme (besides classic motown songs lmao), but I say you all should do it too! edit: I hereby dub tomorrow to be MH PLUG CHRISTMAS PARTY
  14. lol, I had a change of heart. last title didn't sit well with me anymore. "What? CAT5 is evolving! Congratulations, CAT5 evovled into CAT6" ;P also sent a req to Koike!
  15. CAT5

    Maybe yeh. Your language and tone are a bit crass, and possibly offensive. So I'd recommend toning it down a bit.
  16. "clepsydra" is obviously one of my favorite releases of the year and I'm really excited about chouchou's growth as a band! If their track on the latest zankyo compliation is any indication, then they've got even cooler stuff coming down the pipes!
  17. For me, negoto is one of those bands that are always pleasant to listen to, but rarely have any songs that stick with me in the long run. Their vocalist is absolutely adorable, though, and these girls are really tight musicians. I love TK - amazing musician (one of my fav. guitarists) and composer, but "fantastic magic" just didn't deliver like I expected. I feel like the album was aimed more at the alternative jpop audience than longtime LTS fans, which is perfectly understandable, but not quite for me. As long as LTS continues to deliver, then I'm not too overly concerned about the where TK takes his solo project. P.S. - the title track was one of my favs from the album.
  18. Album art and DVD tracklist また初回限定盤のDVDに収録される楽曲は以下になります。 01. 幸福の会話  02. あくび  03. ソレイユ  04. 濡れない雨  05. 大きな木の下  06. no place to hide  07. I'm a piano  08. 水中の光  09. 写真の中のあなた  10. ケムニマイテ  11. Ding Gong  12. あのね、ほんとうは  13. 夢 60分を越えるボリュームになっています。 お楽しみに。
  19. idk, do you want to get married, but not get married in spite of already having married before and never wanting to marry again, but actually still wanting to marry again and being unsure about getting married although feeling that you'll never actually marry in addition to wanting to marry multiple ppl?
  20. CAT5

    What if the album never leaks. What if Sunday, December 7th, 2014 never ends.
  21. CAT5

    It's usually at 8pm UTC/GMT... That's 3pm my time (eastern time US/Canada) You can use this timezone converter to find out what time it is for you: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html Also, is this time still agreeable with everyone? We can always alter it
  22. MH POLL OF THE WEEK #10. Would you ever want to get married? To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. @CAT5 with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's mutiple choice or not.
  23. CAT5

    Looks like we will be on for a session tomorrow. Anyone want to try a theme?
  24. True. I'm hoping that's the case here. I can't tell you how many times I've downloaded an album after hearing samples I thought sounded "cool" only to hear the actual thing like =__= lol And yeah man...I don't too much mind the similarities between 9mm either since I'm also a fan of both. The actual samples just weren't very effective for me. But we'll see when the full thing comes out!
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