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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

    Omg so I was right haha At least thats a vocalist who can sing
  2. ricchubunny

    I speak japanese but it's being pretty hard to get it. i've saw some girls that tried more than 400 times but couldn't be able to talk to him.
  3. ricchubunny

    I've saw some people saying his voice kinda reminded Anzu from Downer too... But i dont think he has popularity enough to play with those bands.
  4. ricchubunny

    This girl is saying he sounded like Karma. OMG THIS IS SO CONFUSING HAHAHAHA
  5. ricchubunny

    Oh... I'm pretty sure its Lime (ex-LEZARD) now
  6. Just more 25 days until i move to Japan... I'm starting to feel anxious.

    1. Duwang


      Congrats and good luck. I encountered a lot of difficulties when I first moved to Japan but everything started falling into place after a month or two. I hope you have a smoother transition than I did and don't be afraid to ask for help if you're in trouble.

    2. Yukimoto


      I will beat you by a week ^_^

    3. nekkichi


      congratulations, mama!! 💯🌟💯

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  7. ricchubunny

  8. ricchubunny

    They confirmed at yesterday's instore that's LAUGH SONG and not ROUGH Anyway this album is really good!!
  9. ricchubunny

    i also feel Karma vibes from there. But seems like it hasn't passed 1 year since their disband, so maybe its not him. People are saying it may be Lime from LEZARD, but wtf, i don't think this "dark" theme matches him. People are also saying it may be related to PSC (someone said its a session band of a GazettE member, what)
  10. I'm in love for this song tho
  11. That moment when your favorite band guitarrist upload a picture of your "sign" on twitter together with a happy face kaomoji.


    God, you can take me now, i'm just done.






  12. I've just discovered this スカーレット (Scarlet) band but seems like they disbanded 2 years ago :(
    Their music is so gooooooood! If there's anyone who could share their releases, please... 

  13. Could you give us some more details? How many songs did he play?
  14. ricchubunny

    And if possible upload the UNiTE. and Sonic Monkey single please!! hehehehe
  15. ricchubunny

    Omg, so envy!!! Enjoy it <3
  16. ricchubunny

    UNiTE. and Sonich Death Monkey!!! <333 Is this version of Zonbi the one which comes with the live dvd???
  17. ricchubunny

    He got exposed by one of his label kouhai's on twitter saying that all money that they get with their band went to Avanchick, especially to Noah use with prostitutes etc. His junior also exposed that he was such a shitty person with LINE chats prints. Then Noah said it was all bullshit and he would call his lawyers. Then a girl tweeted him "Should i also call a Lawyer and tell him that you sleeped with me when i was underage?"
  18. ricchubunny

    guess Noah used all their money with the lawyers bwahahaha bye bye
  19. They're all avaliable on Spotify!
  20. Why discussions about racism, homophoby etc are always silenced here? 

    Honestly, this is really disappointing.

    Come on guys, 2017. 21th Century.

    1. CAT5


      I don't mind being transparent about my decisions. Honestly, I felt it best to close the topic instead of literally handing just about everyone in that thread a warning. 


      It's ok for things to get heated - they're emotional topics - but when you start flinging insults and personal attacks, then you don't have a valid argument. It becomes an entirely different ballgame at that point. You can't expect people to be thickskinned about your insults, while at the same time expecting them to be sensitive towards the point you're trying to make. It won't work.

    2. Elazmus


      they are? huh, lol didn't realize

    3. emmny


      #teamricchu #dragha #pleasebefriendallofuniteandtellustheylovegayssowecansttan

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  21. ricchubunny

  22. ricchubunny

    take care bb she's a famous bandoman wife, you should give her some respect
  23. ricchubunny

    People here really think's it's ok to dislike people for their sexual orientation and do homophobic comments? No, it's not. It's not ok to make racist comments. It's not ok to make fun of a person because of his body. NOT OK. NOT OK Jeez, this is worst than i thought. I'm pretty much disappointed
  24. ricchubunny

    i'm a bisexual male who thinks yaoi/fanservice are not interesting at all don't think everyone's like you bb
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